Lin Xiao was dumbfounded.

He had seen the current Han Chengan in Chen Er's memory.

That's really the same as the portrait on the wanted notice, it's exactly two people.

After all, so many years have passed.

During this period, if the police did not find any trace of Han Chengan, they would not be able to update the wanted portrait at all.

"No, I just think this portrait should be out of date." Faced with Lao Zhao's question, Lin Xiao couldn't say anything.

Does he want to say that he has read Chen Er's memory?

Or use Master painting skills to draw the latest portrait of Han Sung Ahn? !

Obviously this doesn't work.

"The portrait is definitely inaccurate, but the basic outline is fine. And Chen Er is also here. As soon as he identifies it, we will immediately start the arrest operation." Lao Zhao said.

"Chen Er, do you think this portrait resembles Han Chengan?"

Lao Zhao took the wanted order and put it in front of Chen Er and asked.

Chen Er glanced at the wanted order, hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "It doesn't look like it, but his eyes haven't changed much."

When Lao Zhao and his colleagues heard this answer, they nodded their heads in satisfaction.

Only Lin Xiao squinted and glanced at Chen Er.

Not quite like it? !

This Chen Er is not honest.

It seems that this person is compromising and cooperating with the police on the surface, but there is still a bit of luck in his heart.

And this fluke should come from... Han Chengan.

If Han Chengan had run away today, Chen Er would not have been identified with many criminal facts.

He can put most of the charges on the other side.

In this case, it also amounts to a kind of exoneration.

Ha ha.

Lin Xiao sneered a few times in his heart, but did not expose it.

You know, you are not the only one here who really knows Han Chengan.


Lao Zhao and others forced Chen Er to call Han Chengan, saying that the barbecue restaurant already had a place and ordered dishes.

After saying this, Chen Er hung up the phone.

The whole process is very natural, there is nothing wrong.

Lin Xiao also nodded slightly.

Having read the other party's memory, he knew that Chen Er was not playing tricks on this call.

That means that Han Chengan is coming.

Lao Zhao kept arranging more complete actions towards the walkie-talkie.

This is a Grade A wanted criminal, and three sets of arrest plans are required.

After a set fails, there must be a follow-up pursuit plan and so on.

After a few minutes.

Everything is ready.

The big net is rolled out, waiting for the big fish to enter.

Inside and outside the barbecue shop, it seems to be the same as usual, queuing in line, joking and joking.

But invisibly, there was a little more silence.

"Have you seen a kangaroo? Have you seen a kangaroo?" Lao Zhao asked on the walkie-talkie.

"I didn't see the No. 1 position, and there was no shadow."

"No. No. 2, no shadow."

"There is no shadow at the third position."

"There is no fourth position, and there is no shadow."

"Open your eyes and report immediately if there is a shadow." Lao Zhao shouted and continued to wait.




This is the code.

Lin Xiao watched with novelty from the side.

When I saw this arrest scene with my own eyes, it felt really different.

A little excited and a little warm-blooded.

I just don't know when Han Chengan will come.

Chen Er was pressed against a small window by Lao Zhao, and he kept looking around outside, looking for the other person's figure at any time.

Lin Xiao was also at the other small window, examining everyone outside.

Lao Zhao would communicate with other locations every half a minute for a password.

But the target has never been found.

Just waited ten minutes.

At this time.

A middle-aged man in a formal suit, with a moustache and shiny hair with hairspray, was walking towards the barbecue restaurant.

Lin Xiao glanced at it and looked away.

But soon, because of the master painting skills.

He immediately noticed that the size of this person's skull was almost the same as that of Han Chengan in Chen Er's memory.

Um! ?

This man has a problem!

Lin Xiao stared at it carefully.


This man's mustache is a bit inconsistent, maybe it's fake, and it seems that something has been smeared on his face, and even his double eyelids are not right.

Whoosh! ! !

Lin Xiao was breathing rapidly.

This person is Han Chengan.

good guy.

It's just a light meal, why are you here for a fancy dress party!

Lin Xiao turned to look at Chen Er on the other side.

I saw a trace of anxiety and panic flashed in Chen Er's eyes.

It seems that this guy also recognized Han Chengan.

But he didn't open his mouth.

snort! ! !

"Uncle Zhao, there is something wrong with that middle-aged man in the suit, keep an eye on him!" Lin Xiao reminded.

"You, how could you... uh!"

The nervous Chen Er heard this and immediately said the wrong thing in a panic.

He covered his mouth hard, but all of this was equivalent to a confession.

"Everyone pay attention, all pay attention, keep an eye on the middle-aged man in the blue suit, he may be the target!"

After Lao Zhao urgently explained, his right hand had already touched his waist.

"Yes!" All walkie-talkies responded.

However, at this moment.

The suspicious middle-aged man in a suit who was walking suddenly stopped.

Don't know why.

next second.

The middle-aged man in the suit's expression changed, and he ran away in one direction.

"Fuck!! Action!!!" Lao Zhao spat, grabbed the door and rushed out.

This damn guy is too alert.

A dozen plainclothes colleagues rushed out from all directions of the barbecue shop.

Everyone moves very fast.

And blocked all escape directions for the middle-aged man in the suit.


They are fast, and the middle-aged man in the suit moves even faster.

And he didn't flee in every direction along the street.

The man's first reaction was to rush towards the road.

This was the only location that was not blocked by Lao Zhao and the others.


He kicked an aunt who was riding an electric motorcycle to the ground with one kick.

Then he jumped on the electric motorcycle and galloped away in one direction.

"Damn!! This guy is too cunning!"

"Get in the car, all get in the car and chase."

"Damn, it's troublesome."

Lao Zhao and others all ran towards the car, trying to drive to chase each other.

But this time.

A figure rushed towards the road at a lightning speed.


It is faster than the middle-aged people in plain clothes and suits before.

"Huh!? Lin Xiao!!! Why are you kidding!!!" Lao Zhao shouted in surprise.

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