Hunting Crime: After Sending Account Thieves To Prison, It Became Popular On The Internet

52. The Psychological Defense Of Serial Killers Is Too Terrifying!

Feng ** looked sharp.


A muffled sound.

He shuddered, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

In the earphones of the guarding police officer next to him, he received a reminder for the first time.

"Feng**, open your mouth, what are you doing!!!"

The guard policeman shouted angrily, and was about to open the other's mouth.

"Hehe, don't worry, I just want to calm down, can't I?" Feng ** glanced at the guarding police officer, bared his tongue, and sneered.

"Be honest!" Seeing that there was nothing wrong, the guarding policeman immediately stepped back to the side and stood up again.

Feng ** had an indifferent expression on his face, but when he looked at Lin Xiao, his eyes were full of fear.

This kid.

Stronger than he imagined.

Today is the tenth day, is this a card of the police? !

A look of surprise flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes.

He was also frightened by the other's actions.

The character of this serial killer is too tough.

No wonder the police couldn't catch him.

If it were an ordinary person, the mentality would definitely not be far from collapse, and I had to confess.

But the murderer in front of him has re-strengthened his mentality through self-injury.

Everyone watching this outside the interrogation room showed varying degrees of shock.

Lin Xiao's deciphering of the cocoon has overcome a Dao heart line of defense.

Feng **'s prudence is the same as before, super powerful psychological defense.

This attack, a defense.

It was a battlefield without gunpowder smoke.

Only a truly experienced connoisseur can feel the almost white-hot life-and-death struggle.

"Wang Ju, without any clues, how did Lin Xiao guess the gender and physical characteristics of the ninth victim??" Lao Zhao asked with a puzzled face.

He also came here to watch when the interrogation began.

He could barely understand before, but when he got here, he was confused and didn't understand how Lin Xiao guessed it.

"Psychological test and writing." Wang Ju spit out four words.

"Ah!? Can psychological testing and writing reach this level??" Old Zhao was stunned.

Criminal psychology testing is to calculate the criminal motive and criminal behavior of the suspect based on the personality, life environment, occupation, growth experience, etc. of the other party.

Psychologically, he certainly knew.

But Lao Zhao had never heard of Lin Xiao's level of psychological testing.

Even the old criminal investigation experts have no such ability.


How long does this kid have a brain?

People around looked at Wang Jianyi with envy.

There's a little monster in the precinct!

No wonder Wang Jianyi wanted to help Lin Xiao apply for the special advisor position so strongly.

If they had such people under their command, they would certainly do the same.

Interrogation room.

"How? Do you feel like you are dreaming?" Lin Xiao asked with a blank face.

"If you have the ability, continue!" Feng ** glared at Lin Xiao and replied with a rare reply.

"Okay, then I will continue to ask, what happened to the body?" Lin Xiao asked.

Feng ** narrowed her eyes and said nothing.


"Did it burn?"

"Did you throw it in the water?"

Lin Xiao slowly asked these three questions.

The people outside became nervous again.

This is the most critical question, no one.

Lin Xiao and Feng ** looked at each other for two seconds, then said, "It looks like they were thrown into the water."

Then, he walked to the projected map again and pointed to a green dot that had just been marked.

"If this is a crime scene, then the place where the body is thrown will definitely not be nearby. I think about it, the place suitable for throwing the body may be..."

Lin Xiao stared at the map and thought.

There didn't seem to be any fluctuations in Feng **'s face and eyes.

Outside Bureau Zheng, Bureau Wang and others hurriedly asked the data analyst, "How is it, is there any abnormality in Feng **'s fluctuation data? Was it thrown into the water??"

The data analyst frowned and shook his head, and said, "No, this time Feng ** did not have any abnormal fluctuations."

Hear this.

Everyone sighed.

Damn sly guy!

Lin Xiao seems to have guessed wrong.

Still, it's pretty good.

It can defraud the crime scene and some information about the victim.

When their men go to the crime scene to check it out, they might find some strong evidence.

the other side.

Lin Xiao, who pretended to think, was not surprised when he listened to the report from the data officer in his earphones.

This Feng ** strengthens the psychological defense line.

However, so what.

Lin Xiao's fingers began to move on the projected map.

"I've really been around here. I remember that there are two small rivers around, and one of the small rivers is relatively hidden."

"As long as you walk ten kilometers south from the crime scene, after crossing a railway crossing, you can reach an estuary of this river. It is a good place to be without people."

Lin Xiao repainted a few marks at this point.

"Feng **, do you know that everything you do is done under the eyes of others."

"Don't believe me, do you think I'm cheating on you?"

"There is a type of people called anglers, and you far underestimate how obsessed anglers are with night fishing."

"You like this kind of place, they like it even more!!"

Feng ** heard this, her eyes were as cold as ice.

And a blue vein in his neck couldn't help it.

Lin Xiao ignored him and shouted to the outside, "Wang Ju, send someone to salvage this estuary. I believe there will be results in minutes."

But before anyone from the outside could reply, Feng ** spoke first.

"No need, kid!!!! Your police are really powerful, and you have found them all."

"But I only admit that this person was killed by me. As for other people, I don't know each other at all!!"

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