Hunting Crime: After Sending Account Thieves To Prison, It Became Popular On The Internet

73, The strongest rescuer has arrived?! Damn, we can't help with this!

And Xixi headquarters technical group.

"What about your usual bragging, tell me how long it will take to complete the repair!! 27' The technical director roared anxiously with a pale face.

"Director, this... this hacker has added a layer of defense code to those bugs, and we are trying our best to crack it." A technical team leader wiped the sweat from his forehead and explained quickly.

"Ignore other bugs, all technicians will fix the 100 yuan cash red envelope first, now, immediately!!!" the technical director roared urgently.

Other bugs can't cause direct losses for the time being, but the 100 yuan cash red envelope bug is terrible.

It is rapidly draining at a speed of hundreds of thousands per second.

It has only been three minutes since the BUG broke out.

The loss has reached more than 9 million, and it is about to break 10 million.

Looking at the abnormal report that popped up wildly on the big screen, and the sum of the straight-up losses, his legs were weak.

"Team leader, how much is the security fund!" The technical director asked a busy employee next to him.

"Director, there is still 40.12 million. We have already tried to evacuate the security fund, but it seems that this has also been manipulated by hackers. At present, it is impossible to modify the security fund." The hands of the three team leaders also began to shake.

This time it was a disaster.

In order to attract buyers, they specially designed a 50 million guarantee fund template.

That is to say, if the user returns the product, the guarantee money will be paid as soon as possible.

No one would have thought that this daring hacker would associate the spending of cutting red envelopes with the guarantee module.

What shocked these technicians even more was the strength of this hacker.

too strong.

They are so strong that they are all helpless, and they are so busy that they have not made any progress in cracking.

You must know that there are also many senior hackers in the technical staff of the headquarters.

bell bell~

The technical director's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and took a look, his pale face turned even whiter.

But he still answered the phone, tremblingly.

"Old, boss..."

As soon as he said two words, he was yelled back by the voice on the phone.

"Lao Ke, you are so brainy!! Don't you want to do it! This matter will be settled with you later, don't talk nonsense with me now, just tell me that the problem can be solved in a few minutes!! A few minutes!! And Xixi Boss He Dong roared and scolded.

"I... this... Boss, we can't solve it for the time being." The technical director swallowed hard and said this sentence weakly.

"Ah?! What?? Are you kidding me?" Boss Bian Xixi's tone became cold.

"Boss, all the technicians are working hard to repair, but after so long, there is no progress at all, not even 1% of the repair." The technical director confessed desperately.

"Fuck!!! This..." Boss Bing Xixi was stunned, and after a few seconds, he calmed down and continued: "I don't know what kind of evildoer I've provoked this time, I'll find a dragon group, Then have them contact you.

"Boss, do you mean the Dragon Network Monitoring Center? Okay, I'll wait." The technical director responded quickly.

And the boss of Xixi hung up the phone directly.

The technical director finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In terms of the Dragon Country domain, or the entire world domain, the strength of the Dragon Network Monitoring Center is in the top five.

If they take action, then the bug this time will not be a problem.

The boss is also very fast.

Just a minute passed.

The Dragon Network Monitoring Center contacted them.

"I'm the team leader of the Dragon Clan Network Monitoring Center. You don't need to do anything now. We will take over your system immediately, and then check the problem for you. Please wait a moment." An indifferent voice sounded from the big screen.

"Okay, thank you for your support, everyone, don't move." After thanking the technical director, he shouted to the technical team.

Naturally, there is no reason to refuse. They are eager for the other party to take over and solve the problem quickly.

When their people stopped, all the computers began to operate automatically, and various programs popped up on the screen to run.

The people in the technical team, including the technical director, breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally resolved.

This time the direct loss is as high as 25 million.

He doesn't know if he can keep his position as director, he can't.

I hope the boss can be accommodating and deduct wages and bonuses just fine.


Imagination is always good, but reality is different.

Two minutes passed like this.

Everyone in the technical team felt the same as it had been 20 years, especially seeing the amount of damage still going crazy.

It felt so painful.

Why isn't it okay?!

This is everyone's doubt.

Finally, a voice came from the big screen.


It's the leader of the first team of the dragon clan.

He seemed to be frightened by something.

"This person seems to be... uh, I'm sorry, there are some problems, I need to report to our boss, and I will contact you later." After the team leader finished speaking, the big screen was completely silent.

Everyone in the technical team: "????

technical director:"???"

what's the situation?

what happened?

Why does it feel a little bad?

Impossible, this is the Dragon Network Monitoring Center, the strongest force of the Dragon Kingdom!

You don't go.

You are gone, what will they do?

They are losing hundreds of thousands of dollars every second here, and they will wait for the entire security fund to be used up.

"Big brother, are you still there? Big brother!!!!" The technical director shouted anxiously.

But the big screen seemed to fall into silence, and no one answered him.

On the other side, the Dragon Network Monitoring Center.

The back of the team leader was soaked in cold sweat.

After receiving the instructions from the boss, they took a team of players to start remote assistance and solve the problem overnight.

I thought that this operation was a simple task to fix bugs and clean up illegal programs.

But after two minutes of attacking the defense code set by the hacker, it was not overcome after dozens of attacks.

The team members were stunned.

Not right.

This defense code looks very simple, but it is extremely tough to overcome.

Also, it makes them feel familiar.

Later, after they reorganized the attack once, the first team leader finally found the clue.

This way of combining code, this weird and familiar feeling...

This...isn't this the patriotic god who led them to attack overseas organizations last night!

To confirm the thoughts in mind.

The team leader of the first team carefully reviewed all the bugs and vulnerabilities.

That's 100% sure.

It was this great god who didn't run away.

This is also the reason why he retreated so quickly.

The team leader immediately picked up the phone and called the boss of the commander.

"How's it going, has Xixi's affairs been done? What's the reason? Did you find out who did it? Commander 35 asked lightly.

"Boss, Qi Xixi's problem has not been resolved because things have changed. A team leader said quickly.

"Huh? You said." The commander lowered his voice a few times.

"The person who caused the bug in the evening is the great patriot from last night." The team leader said in fear.

'Dong dong!

There was the sound of the phone being dropped.

"What!!! What did you say! It's impossible, are you sure?" The commander was startled all of a sudden.

"Boss, sure, everyone in the group can confirm." The leader of the first team said seriously.

"Damn, this... Is there something wrong with Xixi, otherwise, how could this great god mess with him? Commander 35 murmured. 810

"Boss, what should we do about this? Do we still need to help them solve it? If we send two more teams over, we should be able to solve the problem." The team leader of the first team asked hesitantly.

"Fix the shit, wait until I get back."

"They have a security fund of 50 million yuan at the same time. Even if the problem is not solved, they will lose 50 million yuan. For a big company like them, 50 million yuan is nothing at all."

"Now we have to find out the cause of the matter, you all stand by, you know!!

The commander's loud voice made the phone vibrate a few times, showing how anxious he was.

It seemed like a big deal to him.

"Okay boss, I got it!" The team leader responded quickly.


Say nothing else.

It is the credit that this great god took yesterday, and it is worth hundreds of millions of dollars just to recover the direct funds.

Panic here, fear over there.

When the whole people are chopping and chopping.

Lin Xiao has already downloaded the live broadcast and ordered a takeaway dinner.

But after waiting for a long time, he found that the rider had been staying in one place without moving.

Depressed, he called.

"Dude, what are you eating now? Hurry up and cut 100 yuan of cash red envelopes and treasures. There is a bug. Don't talk about it. Hang up. I will continue to cut it." The rider hung up the phone.

Lin Xiao: "????"

This is so special.

He looked at the time.

Fortunately, the bug loopholes designed by myself are time-limited.

There are still two minutes before the automatic expiration.

The guarantee gold module should have been completely defeated.

No money, what are you doing with bugs?

50 million, 100 yuan per person.

You deceive the public, this lesson is cheap.

All right!

time up.

The bug is officially invalid.

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