Yang Meiyan looked at her son's photo and name on the detention notice in front of her.

She felt as if her whole body had been sucked out of her soul.


Both feet are soft.

Sit down on the ground.

Fortunately, her husband Wu Dun supported her by the side, so she did not fall.

Neighbors were also stunned when they saw the arrest warrant and the remarks presented by the police.

Violate other people's property?

Criminal case?


Simply big news.

This Wu Donghui really committed a crime, and it's not a petty crime.

"Well, I seem to have forgotten to turn off the gas in my house, so I'll go back first."

"Oh yes, my granddaughter's kindergarten is over, I'm going to pick her up."

"Why do you suddenly feel sleepy?"

In a blink of an eye, the neighbors who had just helped to talk all found various reasons to leave.

Just less than a minute.

The police and Wu Donghui's parents were left at the scene.

"Impossible, impossible, there must be a mistake. My son is so obedient and obedient, it is impossible for him to commit a crime."

"We only bought him a big house in the city center last year, and the car was booked last month. The family's savings are still millions. He has no reason to commit a crime at all."

"Husband, hurry up and call their leaders, it's definitely not right."

Yang Meiyan pulled Wu Dun hard and screamed.

Until now, when she saw the detention notice, she still couldn't accept it.

"Enough! Be quiet."

After Wu Dun reprimanded Yang Meiyan, he turned his head and said to Lao Zhao and the others.

"I'm sorry, police comrades, please come in and talk about it."

After he finished speaking, he took Yang Meiyan and walked back to the living room.

Lao Zhao couldn't help but glance at Wu Dun.

No wonder this person can be the vice president.

This calmness alone is unusual.

I heard that my son was going to be detained.

Lao Zhao didn't see too much emotional change from the other party's face.

After Yang Meiyan calmed down a little, Lao Zhao told the situation of the case.

When Wu Dun and Yang Meiyan heard the complete case, they were stunned for a while.

Especially Yang Meiyan.

"Isn't it just a game account? Why arrest our Xiaohui? We'll just give it back to him!" Yang Meiyan said disapprovingly.

She thought it was a big deal.

The result is such a big 'little thing'.

Wu Dun didn't speak, but the expression on his face meant the same thing.

Old Zhao gave them a blank look.

He could understand why Wu Donghui would do something malicious to get it back.

Legal awareness is weak.

What era is it now.

Internet Age.

No matter the money in the bank or these virtual accounts, they are the unique assets of the people and cannot be violated or robbed by others.

"Please contact Wu Donghui immediately and ask him to come back now. Otherwise, things will drag on for a long time, and it will not be good for anyone." Lao Zhao didn't explain much.

After arresting people, they will definitely understand these things themselves.

No matter how much he said now, the two would not listen.

"Okay, I'll call my son back." Wu Dun said.


An Internet cafe not far from the community.

"Wow! Brother Hui, double gold!!"

"Let's draw a few more times in a row, it's so cool."

"Brother Hui, your luck is too European, let me order it a few times."

"It's so fucking stupid, I feel like this number is almost home."

Four or five young people were excited in the box of the Internet cafe, and from time to time there was a burst of wolf howling.

This situation has been maintained for more than two hours.

The network manager has come in several times.

But seeing that they were playing games, they didn't do anything strange, so they didn't care.

At this moment, Wu Donghui, who was in front of the computer in the box, looked comfortable and was in a good mood.

It has been a long time since he felt the compliment and admiration of so many people.

Thanks to this plug-in dog today.

"Brother Hui, that plug-in dog is too awesome. It's been more than two hours, and the rough stones in the account are almost exhausted by us, and the game has not been titled." One of the boys said excitedly.

"I watched those game anchors before, but only used an auxiliary plug-in, and the whole account was blocked in a few minutes." Another boy said.

Wu Donghui didn't take it seriously at all, and said with a smile: "It must be that this plug-in came out not long ago, and the game officials haven't noticed it yet. Maybe this number will be gone tomorrow morning."

"That's right, if you brush so many rough stones, then the plug-in dog is crazy. Brush a little less, maybe the official can't find it." A boy said regretfully.

"You said, are these rough stones not brushed by external brushes, but entered by krypton gold krypton?" One of them put forward a hypothesis.

"Cut!! Is it your sand sculpture, or someone else's sand sculpture, so many rough stones, almost tens of millions."

"Yuanshin doesn't buy and sell equipment like Fantasy and Magical Beasts, and 10 million yuan is nothing but cool."

"It's simply impossible."

Wu Donghui also did not believe in such a thing at all.

If there are only tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of original stones in the account, he may still believe that it is kryptonite.

But these more than 90 million rough stones, you told me they were made of kryptonite?

That's not what plug-ins are.

Besides, this is all game currency, and if something goes wrong, it will not fall on your head.

bell bell! ~~

At this moment.

Wu Donghui's cell phone rang.

"Hey, Dad, oh oh, okay, I'll be right back." Wu Donghui said.

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