Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Chapter 185: Do you want me to stay

Ye Sishen and Mike ended the conversation.

If there is no night old lady, Ye Sishen will not receive the night family. However, how excessively, the night old lady is his mother.

Ye Sichen called Uncle Xiang to entertain first, and then he found a black coat and draped it casually to the living room.

Mike held the hand of Wuyou and Nianci: "You are here waiting for Dad first."

"Where's my mother? Aunt Mike, why hasn't she kept coming?" Wuyou asked Mike.

Mi Ke shocked, and then whispered, "Your mother is here."

"where is it?"

"Far in the sky, near in front of me." Mi Ke looked mysterious.

Wuyou and Nianci looked around curiously, then looked at Mike again.

"Willn't Aunt Mike say herself?" Nianci said unobtrusively.

Mike nuzzled Nose's nose for a successful look: "I didn't say it, you said it."

Outside, the old lady was sitting beside Ye Sishen in tears: "Shen, I think it's time to take care of the wind and dust for you. You will go back to us tonight, our family will reunite ..."

"No, it's not a glorious thing, so Mom just don't handle these." Ye Sishen pumped his hands, his expression pale.

Seeing Ye Sishen's cold attitude, the old lady sighed and sighed, "I know, you always thought that Lin Shen was behind the scenes, but I want to explain this to Lin Shen. It was even more serious before, and I spent every day in pain. How could I have the energy to deal with you? Si Shen, sometimes your thoughts are too extreme and there is always a delusion of victimization. "

"Mom, who is behind the scenes is very clear. You don't need to bother to explain. If it's all right, I'm going to accompany the child." Ye Si smiled coldly.

The old lady Ye was a little bit annoyed. What she wanted to say, she was boarded by Ye En Shen.

"Shen, you can get a bail pending trial because you paid the Su family a sky-high settlement fee, and you probably don't know who made the settlement fee yet, but I know it."

Ye Sishen paused.

"It's Xia Nuan. This woman is really amazing. In order to redeem you from prison, she took hundreds of millions of her own funds. However, she was also very stupid. She thought that this was to save you. In fact, it just made you more uncomfortable in front of public opinion. At first, in some cases, like those people, she decided that you could not be released innocently, and that you were the murderer who hurt Su Weiwei. "

Ye Sishen heard Ye Enshen's words, and his eyes became colder and colder, as if immersed in ice.

After the old lady Ye and Ye Enshen left, Ye Sishen left the apartment directly.

Xia Nuan looked at the news and felt a headache.

She originally wanted to help Ye Sishen get rid of the case with money, however, she ignored the greed of the Su couples. The Su couples promised her to keep the money for reconciliation. However, when she gave them the money, they immediately went to the media to tell the inside story.

In this way, everyone knows that Ye Sishen was the one to get rid of the money.

"General Manager Xia, don't worry about it, anyway, Ye Sichen has already broken his fortunes, hasn't he?" Shen An handed Xia Nuan a glass of water.

Xia Nuan took it and took a quiet sip.

Sitting on Xia Nuan's side, Shen An continued to comfort: "As for the public opinion in the media, it only depends on Ye Sishen's public relations team to calm down, you don't think so much."

Xia Nuan nodded and sighed.

Shen An also made sense, at least Ye Sishen avoided being imprisoned and framed. Thinking of this, her heart was quite calm.

Alan called and said that there was a problem with the clothing brand in Australia. After Xia Nuan asked about the situation, she learned that Xia Zhilian was squeezed out of the top ten clothing brand rankings.

After Xia Nuan learned, he decided to go back to solve it.

Shen An and Xia Nu walked out of the villa together, but saw Ye Sishen, Ye Sishen lowered the window and looked at Xia Nun.

The car was parked in front of her.

Xia Nuan's heart trembled.

"Xia Design, let's talk."

Ye Si said hoarsely.

Xia Nuan thought for a while and said to Shen An behind him: "Shen An, you go back to Australia first."

"General Xia, I am waiting for you. Mr. Ye just talks to you about something. I believe it won't take long." Shen An felt Ye Sishen exuding a touch of suffocating gas, he had a desire Protect the urge to warm in summer.

Ye Sichen smiled lightly: "Mr. Shen doesn't have to wait. If this matter is not good, Xia Design will need to delay here for a few days."

In his eyes it was cold and indifferent.

When Shen An heard it, his eyes sank.

Xia Nuan got into the car and sat next to Ye Sishen.

Ye Sishen started the engine and speeded up the car.

"How much is the settlement fee? Say it." Ye Sishen parked the car in the hidden shade.

"You all know." Xia Nuan mumbled.

"Yes, Ye Enshen told me." Ye Sishen said coldly.

"How much money is not important anymore, what is important is that you have gotten rid of this ridiculous case." Xia Nuan said, turning the door handle and getting out of the car.

With his arm tight, Ye Si sinks over.

"I don't need your mercy. The murderer found it. I am completely confident in winning this lawsuit. Why do you want to intersect? It is because you have no confidence in this case at all. You do not believe that I am innocent. So you are willing to open a money transaction. "Ye Si Shen pinched her chin, eyes congested.

"When did you believe me? If you give me the opportunity to learn about these developments, I will not buy Su family to withdraw my lawsuit. I will, as always, support you to cleanse yourself, but you do n’t want me to approach you at all. Me, I'm worried every day for your affairs, I'm afraid you are in prison, I'm really scared, I feel that everyone is framing you ... "Xia Nuan trembled with tears in his eyes," I am now It ’s good to do bad things. In short, what I do is wrong in your eyes. ”

The suffocation in Ye Si's eyes disappeared a little, staring at her.

"I will deal with it on the media side, rest assured, it all comes down to me, I will not involve you." Xia Nuan wiped away the tears and got rid of his hand.

"A Nuan." Ye Sichen grabbed her from behind.

Xia Nuan's heart was immersed in his gentle call, as if settled, and she was not allowed to leave.

"For those two greedy villains, but sacrificing your own operating funds, you are really stupid." Ye Sichen pulled her shoulders, distressed: "I haven't been incompetent enough to call you a queen, I don't want you Do you understand? "

"I understand, but I don't want you to go to jail. You know, Diyun bought me and asked me to sit in a false witness to frame you. I feel that someone behind Diyun is in charge of everything. The people must be The police and the prosecutors are uniting you ... "

Before Xia Nuan finished speaking, Ye Sishen pressed her lips and motioned for her snoring.

Xia Nuan was lying in his arms, and clenched his neck tightly: "How dazzling a person is, how isolated he is. Before, I did n’t believe it. Now I believe it. In short, you must be careful."

Ye Sichen stared at Xia Nuan and raised her jaw: "You care about me."

"Yes, I care about you, because I love you, I just want to make up for things I did wrong in the past, although I didn't mean it, but I still hurt your heart ..." The kiss drowned.

Ye Sishen's kiss seemed to sweep her soul away, she was almost choking, choking and happy.

Xia Nuan was weak in his arms, out of breath.


The shattered sound sounded in the quiet compartment.

All obstacles were cleared, except the key and a lock with a matching key.

Xia Nupan's long hair was scattered around his waist, sitting on his lap, getting more emotional and swaying.

The feeling of ruining the world is always longing for each other, and now approaching them, Xia Nuan raised his face and climbed him, the symphony was beautiful.

The setting sun fell and everything was still.

There is only him and her in this world.

The two men stared at each other breathlessly, touching their foreheads intimately, face to face, body to body, tears and sweats intersecting, pulses trembling, and the crickets in their eyes had not disappeared.

Xia Nuan's cell phone rang.

For a long time, Xia Nuan loosened Ye Sishen and went to find clothes, but found that the clothes were torn by Ye Sishen and thrown on the seat.

Xia Nuan's face turned slightly red.

Ye Si Shen took off her clothes and put it on her. Get out of the car and take out a pocket from the trunk. Inside the pocket is a warm long trench coat.

Drive and start the engine.

"Put on it. I'll take you to the airport. It's a little cold in the Australian city." Ye Sishen looked through the rearview mirror and watched Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan shook his atrium, holding his trench coat, and his eyes were a little moist.

She was too sad to pick up the phone that kept ringing.

"General Xia, I'm here at the airport. Have you come?"

"Come." Xia Nuan glanced at Ye Sichen.

Ye Sishen looked at the road ahead and accelerated his speed.

Xia Nuan put on the trench coat that Ye Sishen handed to her, not too big and small, and was fitting. And it's especially warm.

"When I go to the Australian market, I will send this dress back to you." Xia Nuan originally wanted to ask Ye Sishen whether he had bought this dress for her, but when it came to his mouth, Swallowed.

"It was originally bought for you, you don't have to pay it back," Ye Sishen said.

Xia Nuan didn't say anything, he just looked out the window.

Both of them went to the airport, and Ye Sishen stopped the car. In order not to let the outside world find him, he covered his face with glass windows intact.

"You ... do you want me to stay?" Xia Nuan looked at him reluctantly.

"Do you want to be with the child?" Ye Sishen and her eyes were intertwined: "Rest assured, they are safe with me. After you are busy with things in Australia, you can come back and see them."

Xia Nuan felt a bit depressed and looked at him sadly: "So, you just touched me just to satisfy your physiological needs?"

"Yes. So it's time you got off the bus."

Ye Sishen elegantly fastened the button, and put the slender hand on the steering wheel again.

"So, you were just playing with me just now." Xia Nuan smiled at himself.

Tears fell indisputably.

Ye Sichen listened, her heart sank, and she took her into her arms.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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