Hunting for Love for 101 Times

Chapter 247: Is it wrong?

When Xia Nuan looked at those eyes, she knew that it was Ye Sichen.

She felt extremely surprised.

Ye Sishen has been following her in disguise, but she never noticed when she went out.

"She doesn't love you. She is my wife now, Ye Enchen. Without you, we would take a lot less detours." Ye Sishen's eyes were so dreary and terrible. Looking at Ye Enshen, the overbearing would be Xia Nuan Into the arms, and overbearing will respond to Ye Enshen.

Ye En flashed a look of cowardice in her eyes, her eyes narrowed, and she slowly nodded, "Well, I wish you happiness."

"We will be happy, and please also keep your previous promise, don't disturb us." Ye Si said rightly.

Ye En's deep hum, turned and left.

Ye Sishen then released Xia Nuan, and when Xia Nuan wanted to keep a distance from him, he held Xia Nuan's hand.

"When did you come here?" Xia Nuan asked Ye Sishen.

"Always." Ye Sishen said.

Xia Nuan was puzzled, and looked around, but found that Ye Sishen didn't take other transportation, took her hand, and walked towards the car where she was.

Xia Nuan got into the car with him. He sat in the driver's seat and started the engine. Xia Nu only realized that when he came before, Ye Si was always driving in disguise because he was talking with Xia Yan and his mother So she didn't notice.

"It turned out you were driving." Xia Nuan murmured, looking at Ye Sishen through the rearview mirror.

She thought Bill.

"You only know?" Ye Sichen glanced at her and shook his head helplessly.

He originally thought that Xia Nuan could recognize him no matter what he disguised, however, even if she was sitting in a car with him, she did not recognize him.

Ye Sichen thought of this, and he couldn't help feeling a little lost.

Xia Nuan lowered his head: "I didn't notice."

"You are not in the mood to notice me." Ye Sishen's remark murmured with disappointment and murmur.

Xia Nuan didn't say anything, he just bowed his head.

Ye Sichen carried her away from the airport, but instead of returning to the villa, she went to Lacey.

Ye Sishen told Xia Nuan that he would go to Lacey and inquire about Miko.

Xia Nuan knew that there was a problem with Mic and Lacey's relationship, and Ye Sishen wanted to understand the situation.

"I don't want Lacey and Mic to be as misunderstood as we are," Ye Sishen said.

Xia Nuan was still silent.

The heart thought, why do they misunderstand each other because of their mistrust.

When arriving at Lacey, Xia Nuan and Ye Sishen were blocked by Lacey's servants. Ye Si sinks helplessly and calls Lacey, but Lacey never answers.

"Tell Lacey that we need to meet him urgently."

Xia Nuan went to the gate again and said to the guard next to him.

"Mr. Lacey hasn't seen anyone. Ms. Xia, you should leave." The guard said helplessly.

"What if Ye Sichen came to see him?"

"I said, he doesn't want to see anyone except Yu Manli."

After listening to the guard, Xia Nuan had to turn back to the car and watch Ye Sishen in the car: "Lacey sees no one."

Ye Sishen still called Lacey, but this time Lacey accidentally answered the phone

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"Lacey, what are you doing, why are you hurting Miko's heart?" Ye Sishen opened the door and saw his face solemn.

Over there, Lacey was silent for a long time, and then said lightly, "I was born with passion, and I can't just fall in love with one person."

"So, this is why you betrayed Micco? Lacey, you are too much." Ye Sichen was a little angry.

"Nothing is too much. Men like to be surrounded by many women. I like that feeling, so I decided that I wouldn't look for Mick. She would marry whoever she loves. I won't interfere with her. It's a good thing for her, isn't it? "Lacey said lightly.

"Lacey, you hurt Miko's heart. If you really love her, quickly make up for it. Don't regret it then."

"Yeshen, I won't regret it." Lacey finished and hung up.

Xia Nuan was sitting next to Ye Sishen, so naturally, he heard Lacey's words clearly. Lacey's tone was so decisive. Obviously, he decided to sever the relationship with Mike.

Ye Si looked at the front with a serious look and sighed: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have matched them at the beginning. I know Lacey is the kind of unruly man."

"Is Lacey really not going to remarry with Mick?" Xia Nuan asked Ye Sishen.

"Lacey is a bastard, even if he is going to remarry Mick, I don't agree." Ye Sishen put his mobile phone in his pocket and immediately started the engine.

As the car drove away from Lacey Villa, Xia Nuan looked out of the window and unintentionally found a car heading towards Lacey Villa, and then stopped and got off the two men.

The two men felt a little familiar. At a glance, it was the members of the two-month note that had kidnapped her last time.

"You drive slowly, I found suspicious characters." Xia Nuan whispered to Ye Sishen.

Ye Si suddenly slowed down and looked into the rearview mirror.

"I knew the two men. They were the ones I monitored after I was abducted last time. They are members of the Moonlight Club." Xia Nuan told Ye Sishen.

Ye Sishen had cooperated with Yuezhao before, and the last time he went to the Yuezhao meeting, he saw Xia Nuan being held by two people, and those two were the two who were about to go to Lacey's house.

The guard quickly invited them in.

Ye Sishen and Xia Nuan drove the car to a hidden place, and then sat in the car and watched.

Intuition tells them that Lacey has a relationship with Yuezhao now.

About half an hour or so, the two men came out of the villa again, then drove and left.

Ye Si followed in silence.

The two men parked the car at Lacey's parents' home, where Laifeng and Song Yuqin lived.

This is even more confusing.

There was a missed call from Lacey on Ye Sishen's phone.

Ye Sishen didn't think much, so he quickly answered.

"Night, don't you want to see me? Let's meet sometime," Lacey said.

"Let's do this, you come to my house this afternoon." Ye Sishen hadn't waited for Lacey to speak, and hung up the phone.

"Actually we can go to Lacey now." Xia Nuan said.

Ye Sishen retorted, "He and Yuezhao now have a relationship, let's guard against it."

Xia Nuan immediately nodded, thinking about it, and teasing Ye Sishen: "But I'm also the one in the moonlight meeting."

"You are different." Ye Sishen and her

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Looking at each other, there is endless affection and softness in the eyes.

"It's different. If it weren't for you at the beginning, I wouldn't have been able to enter the moonlight, thanks to you." Xia Nuan's words were a little sarcastic and bitter.

Ye Sishen knew that she had been complaining about it, and she said, "If it weren't for me, you don't know if you can live."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been kidnapped."

Summer warm and frosty counterattack.

Ye Sishen chose to be silent, speeding up the car. Xia Nuan's words made him a bit unpleasant.

It seems that she still complains about her.

She was right, she also caused her abduction.

The couple returned to the villa without a word. Wuyou and Nianci took Ansheng to swing in the garden. In addition to Auntie Li in the garden, there were also bodyguards who protected them. The three children were very happy. An Sheng, sitting on a swing, smiled cheerfully, the blushing face was nothing like a sick child.

Xia Nuan saw this and walked over.

An Sheng also stopped playing on the swing and reached out to Xia Nuan to hug.

Xia Nuan hugged An Sheng in the past and put his face on his forehead. He found that there was no high fever, and he felt relieved.

"It seems that my brother's illness is already healed. He doesn't cough like he used to," Wuyou said to Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan heard Wuyou say this, and suddenly there was a fluke in her heart. Maybe Wuyou was right, An Sheng's condition had been cured, or Mike's diagnosis might be wrong.

"I decided to take An Sheng to other hospitals for examination." Xia Nuan told Ye Sishen.

Ye Si frowned, and seemed somewhat unhappy: "Mike's medical skills are much better than those doctors, so there is no need to run to the hospital."

"However, An Sheng's face is ruddy. He doesn't look like a sick child at all. I want to go to the hospital for a diagnosis." The more Xia Nuan looked at An Sheng, the more he felt that he was a normal and healthy child.

Could not help asking: "Baby, are you uncomfortable, will your head hurt?"

An Sheng shook his head: "No pain."

Xia Nuan smiled and took a look at Ye Sichen: "Look, An Sheng can't say any more."

Ye Si thought for a while and said, "So, I called Mick to come over and give Ansheng a physical examination, and Lacey was just coming over."

So Ye Sishen called and called Miko, and Mi Ke checked Anson, only saying that Anson's condition was under control, and Ye Sishen and Xia Nuan should conceive naturally.

However, Ye Sishen and Xia Nuan did not tell Mickey about Lacey's coming.

Xia Nuan looked at the lively An Sheng and asked Mike: "But An Sheng looks good and he doesn't have any malaise. Is it wrong, Mike?"

Mike shook his head: "No, you can be assured of my medical skills, but I'm still my husband's personal doctor. I am responsible to my husband and my children, and I took Anson's blood sample to the hospital for a test. Indeed, It is aplastic anemia. The reason why Ansheng is in good condition is because the disease is still in the incubation period. You can't see it. You can only see it by taking blood tests. "

After listening to Mike's resolute words, Xia Nuan was not in any doubt.

Miko prescribed some medications for Ansheng's condition. After that, he had to leave. I can see that Miko has always been down here.

"Mike, don't go away tonight. I am worried that Anson is uncomfortable. At that time, you will have to go back and forth again, so much trouble." Xia Nuan advised Mike to stay.

End of this chapter

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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