Hunting High School

Chapter 285: New Great Wizard

"Don't be so grateful to me!"

A slightly annoyed voice sounded above Jiang Yu's head, which was very clear in the dead silence: "That book of yours also helped a lot...Of course, if it wasn't for the last moment, I turned the entrance of Minor World Going to the other side, I'm afraid it's not just the rabbit that has turned into charcoal now! So, don't be so grateful to me..."

The witch was crying, and raised her head to look up with blurred tears.

The yellow civet cat named "Brother Huang" by Zheng Qing was lying on a branch not far above her head with one leg drooping. There is a small transparent ball in front of it, and the shadow of a small tree can be vaguely seen in the ball.

"He... he blew up... blew up." The witch choked up, and the last picture in her memory was constantly zooming in and circling in her mind - the huge black cat roared, its body suddenly swelled, Minor World issued the final The screams, the shattered space fragments fell one after another, like snow in the deep winter. A little crimson lighted up from the black cat's body, and it disappeared in a flash. Then the whole world was drowned in strange lights and sparkling white light.

"No, he's still alive." A slightly hoarse voice sounded behind Jiang Yu.

She turned around abruptly.

Through the hazy tears, she saw a familiar figure.

It's Colmar.

It's just that Korma in front of him is in a very different state from before entering the Minor World. Her originally brown-black hair turned into a bright silvery white, and a tadpole-like black mark was imprinted on the center of her pure white forehead, adding a mysterious aura to her delicate face.

But the most different thing is her temperament and current state——Jiang Yu feels that Korma seems to be standing beside her, but it seems to be extremely far away from her, and the huge magic power is overflowing around her, making the surrounding Space and light are distorted.

This feeling, Jiang Yu once felt in Su Shijun. This is the state after being promoted to the great wizard, before fully controlling the power of the great wizard.

"Little girl is lucky." Seemingly noticing the shocked expression on Jiang Yu's face, the yellow raccoon on the tree explained very intimately: "She had been dragged into the void by the power of the contract, but because of the contract The other party—that is, the big toad—accidentally died, causing the contract to be terminated, so she was expelled from the void and returned to reality. The power of Satogua's descent was also instilled in reverse under the contract. When it came to her..."

The yellow raccoon's explanation was very plain, but Jiang Yu, who had enough common sense, listened to it in a thrilling way. Whether it is falling into the void or contract feedback, every step is a tightrope walk between Life and death, and if you are not careful, you will be wiped out.

Jiang Yu couldn't care less about the impact of a newly promoted young great wizard.

She wiped away the tears from her face, and asked eagerly, "Is he still alive? Do you know him?"

"I didn't know it at first." Kerma laughed at herself, "Although I thought the black cat looked familiar, I always thought it was the old man's friend... until just after the promotion, the Minor World collapsed, making the cat look familiar. I glimpsed a few fragments under the interlacing of time and space, and guessed his identity."

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"He is Zheng Qing."

Jiang Yu pursed her lips, did not refute, and acquiesced to the answer.

"No wonder Elaine reacts so weirdly." The new great wizard muttered, noticing the anxiety on Jiang Yu's face, and chuckled: "That guy has more secrets than any of us, how could it be so simple Death... ...And, if he is really dead, the cat on the tree should be the one who is most anxious now, not you."

"Tch," the yellow raccoon on the tree shook his beard, with a look of distress on his face: "Instead of worrying about that brat, let's think about how to deal with school..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge golden net with countless runes flashing suddenly appeared above the silent forest. Outside the giant net, hundreds of figures in black robes stood at various nodes, holding Dharma books in their hands, and chanting spells in unison. Every trace of breath in the woods was collected by this giant net.

Jiang Yu felt as if hundreds of suppression talismans were pasted on his body, and even a trace of magic power could not be mobilized.

Under the giant net, a little old man leaning on a silver wolf-headed cane, wearing a thick woolen robe, and a pair of black eyes stood silently behind Kerma, frowning, looking over the bushes, looking at The scorched earth.

This is Ruoyu, the vice president of the First University, and Jiang Yu recognized the identity of the person at the first time.

"You'd better have a decent explanation." The little old man glanced up at the yellow raccoon lying on the branch, and said in a bad tone: "Even the principal will not allow such a dangerous thing near the First University Yes...and you know the current situation. Shi Hui believes that some dangerous forces are trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"She is finally willing to admit that she is a tigress?" Huang Huali didn't take it seriously when asked by the vice principal: "Unfortunately, I have passed the age of the second year of middle school, and I no longer think of myself as a, she didn't Here's the chance."

"This is not a joke!" Vice-principal Ruoyu paused heavily on the crutch in his hand. He glanced at the two witches, especially at Korma carefully: "They may be formally prosecuted by Dan Hag!"

"Hey, Danhag's Bar Association should send me a big pennant, because I brought them a client who paid a lot of money." The tip of the yellow fox's tail swept towards Jiang Yu, and then towards Korma : "Also, if I remember correctly, Dan Hag hasn't tried a great wizard for more than a thousand years... All punishments involving great wizards are handled by the Grand Wizard Council."

Vice-principal Ruoyu snorted, but did not deny what the yellow raccoon said.

The forest fell into silence for a moment.

Only the huge golden net in midair shone brightly in the sunlight.




When the explosion in the Silent Forest reached the depths of the campus, there was only a slight and low-pitched sound wave, buzzing against the windows of the teaching buildings or dormitories.

Nine has colleges and dormitories for girls.

Li Meng, who was lying sprawled on the bed and sleeping soundly, was awakened again by the sudden buzzing sound. She sat up suddenly and looked around in a daze.

"What, my cousin didn't wake me up..." The little witch muttered, turned over, embraced the rolled-up quilt, and snored again.

At her feet, the plush bear Li Neng was tied up in five flowers, hanging in mid-air, with his head drooping, the luster in the glass ball's eyes had already lost, as if he was complaining about this dark world.

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