Hunting High School

Chapter 288: The Real Dark Wizard

"Is there really a dark wizard living here?"

"That's what Old Man Attar said."

"But in my impression, the black wizard's house shouldn't look like this," Zhang Jixin glanced across the beautiful lawn and the trimmed bushes around the lawn, and then looked at the lazy gatekeeper , and the somewhat stupid Knocker Beast murmured and repeated: " shouldn't be like this."

"What should that look like?" Zheng Qing asked back: "A row of Whomping Willows was planted outside the house, and a few rows of piranhas were planted? The skeleton dog guarding the gate has a deformed head, and the saliva it spit out can eat through the granite ? And the Knocker Beast, which should answer visitors' questions with a sinister voice?"

"It doesn't have to be a skeleton dog," the red-faced wizard corrected solemnly, "It could be a three-headed dog from The Underworld, or it could be a fight, or it could be an unnamed monster stitched together by several creatures."

"Or a sphinx," this topic caught Zhu Si's attention, and she escaped from the entanglement of sleepy bugs, and added happily: "Before entering the door, you have to guess the riddle, if you can't guess it, you will be caught by the Sphinx." eat it!"

"It sounds full of prejudice." Xin Fatty commented objectively.

"But don't all black wizards in everyone's impression look like this?" Zhang Jixin spread his hands and complained: "I am lonely, gloomy, living in a sparsely populated place, raising a shedding old cat, and three or four hateful cats. Acting as a servant..."


The gate of the old house was pushed open, which interrupted Zhang Jixin's complaints and also interrupted the small-scale discussion meeting of the uninvited guests. Zheng Qing subconsciously raised the talisman gun in his hand, as if a head of abomination would appear in front of him at the next moment, dragging its slow pace and dripping with pus and blood.

But obviously, the owner of this beautiful lawn in front of the house does not have the bad aesthetics of ordinary dark wizards. What appeared in front of the guests was not a dirty and ugly stitch monster, but a dark wizard.

True Dark Wizard.

A hairless, black-skinned wizard with striking white teeth, dressed in traditional robes.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The black wizard asked politely the visitor who knocked on the door. The brass knocker beast on the door immediately shut up after the black wizard appeared, clenched its bit obediently, and stopped making any more noise. sound. The stone beast on the steps was as lazy as ever, even when the door was opened, its tail didn't wag twice.

Nikita looked at the dark wizard in front of him in surprise.

She hadn't recovered from the scene in front of her, and many plans that had been brewing in her heart turned into bubbles in an instant. Similar to her were the young wizards not far away, except that the others were simply surprised at the image of the door opener, and did not have many thoughts slipping through their hearts in an instant like a banshee.

Black-skinned people are not uncommon, and there are many black-skinned wizards in the First University, but no one will call them 'black wizards', and the school's more conventional name is 'African wizards'.

"Maybe my memory has gone wrong?" Zheng Qing stared at the person who opened the door very impolitely, and murmured to his companions, "Maybe Elder Atal said that there is a dark-skinned wizard living in this old house... ...instead of the Dark Wizard?"

"A real dark wizard." Xin Fatty had a serious expression on his face.

"This also explains why the lawn outside this house is so beautiful." Zhang Jixin seemed to be heaving a sigh of relief, he was still worried about the fact that the image of the black wizard in his impression did not match the temperament of this house.

Compared with the two of them, Xiao Xiao was much more cautious: "Everyone heard Atar say 'dark wizard', not 'dark-skinned wizard'... There is no reason for everyone to confuse this concept .”

"He's just a servant." Jiang Yu, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke out, reminding his companions in a low voice: "Did you see his robe? The linen robe is only worn by servants...and the The buttons are gilt and have a coat of arms branded on them, but not on the collar or belt."

"Aren't there many students in the school who wear linen clothing?" Xin Fatty habitually asked.

"It's not the same, just like in school, the vampires and werewolves can sit at the same table to eat peacefully, but outside they might tear down the entire dining room before the dessert is served." The witch made an interesting For example, answer softly: "It is an ancient custom to make servants' uniforms of linen to distinguish their masters from silk clothing...Nowadays, few people do this anymore. Only some ancient families with a long history may still Keep that tradition going."

"The wizard who lives in seclusion in the dreamland, indeed, should be very old." Xiao Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

Zheng Qing looked at the witch with admiration.

"How can you see so clearly," he unabashedly wondered, "From such a long small details..."

"Because the complete 'Bi Yue Fei Wei' spell can not only be used for lighting," Xiao Xiao helped Jiang Yu answer Zheng Qing's doubts: "Those little mushroom figures are the eyes of the caster... ...haven't you used this spell before?"

Zheng Qing looked away a little guilty.

Because "Bi Yue Fei Wei" belongs to the spell outside the curriculum standard, the spell involves multiple interdisciplinary subjects such as deformation, plasticity, summoning, etc., and the casting skills are relatively high, and there are many alternative spells, such as the "Fluorescence" that elementary school students will know. Flashing', or a little more advanced 'Yiyao Xing Xing', 'Moonrise Bright', 'Sunrise Bright' and so on.

So Zheng Qing hasn't really studied this spell—in fact, when walking at night, he prefers to bring a pack of light bugs, which is convenient, cheap, and saves mana—naturally, he doesn't know how to use this spell Other effects of the Lighting spell.

"Who are you looking for?" The black wizard who opened the door patiently repeated the own question, his eyes swept over the young wizard who was whispering not far away, and then fell on the banshee's eyes: "Outsiders are not welcome here. "

He didn't specify whether it was people outside this house, people outside the dreamland, or "people" other than "wizards". But it was clear that he intended to end this brief and ill-mannered meeting.

"Hi, we're here to visit the owner of the house." The banshee seemed to have finally recovered from the black skin of the door opener, and replied somewhat dejectedly.

"Outsiders are not welcome here." The dark-skinned wizard replied in a calm tone.

Nikita seemed to realize something, looked at the person who opened the door carefully, paused for a moment, and then spoke again: "The Atal Elder of Uzza City recommended us to come here...he is a respected elder."

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Then the banshee immediately noticed that when the person who opened the door heard the word 'Atar', his head tilted slightly, as if he was listening to something.

But this might just be her illusion, because the sideways movement of the person who opened the door was immediately followed by a gesture of invitation: "Please come in... Atal Elder is a permanent guest of Engela Mansion."

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