Hunting High School

Chapter 326: Battle Of Gaowei

"There are many similar 'nodes'."

The vampire stared at the 'little light' on his fingertips, and said softly: "Just like in the summer of 1981, Sirius Braike didn't replace the Secret Keeper with Peter Pettigrew, so the Potter couple hiding in Godric's Hollow If he wouldn't be killed by Tom, there wouldn't be the third Black Wizard Rebellion in Britain nineteen years later, and there wouldn't be so many wizards who disappeared, died, and suffered lifelong torture...At that time, Sirius had a flash in his mind That thought is a node of fate."

"Small, fragile, but somehow very significant."

"Changing the idea in his mind will change history. In an upcoming war, the most important thing for the dominant side is to reduce 'variables' and ensure that reality will not change due to certain historical 'nodes' And completely changed."

"That's what 'nail' means."

"So before the large-scale wizarding war, the disadvantaged party will try its best to change those nodes in history, so that chaos will overwhelm order; while the dominant party needs to send enough hunting teams to protect those nodes in the long river of time and space... This A 'pre-war' started long before it happened."

"That's why I say the storm has arrived, it's just out of our sight."

Having said that, Duke Milton let out a sigh of relief, raised the Burgundy glass in his hand, and took a sip of red wine contentedly.

He felt that he really showed his face in front of the goddess today.

Su Shijun waited patiently for a few seconds.

Then she noticed that the vampire seemed to have no intention of continuing, and she was displeased: "Then what? One... what about the other two?"

The smile on Duke Milton's face froze.

He also only had a smattering of knowledge about all kinds of wizard wars, and he was able to explain the meaning of 'nails' clearly, thanks to the old Prince Karen's advice not long ago. As for the other two concepts, Mr. Duke really has more than enough energy.

He felt that his throat was a little dry, so he couldn't help moistening his lips with red wine, and looked around as if asking for help.

Wilhelm Potter looked at him with a sneer, gloating on his face—Mr. Vampire couldn't help but think of a sentence, "Fools are lucky to be stupid", if he didn't pretend to be smart to explain before, he wouldn't be in such an embarrassment now.

Fortunately, there is also a kind-hearted ghost among the Senators.

Hunbuyu quickly noticed the embarrassment of Duke Milton, he smiled slightly, floated forward, and said in a timely manner: "The ancients said, "Everything is established if you do not hesitate. If you are determined, you will not be sleepy; if you are determined before you go, you will not feel guilty; if you are determined before the way, you will not be poor.'(Note 1)”

He glanced at Milton with a smile in his eyes.

Then he looked at Su Shijun again, and continued: "And the 'fixed way forward' is the role of the 'pincers'. If the 'nail' is to let the dominant party nail the node of history, so that the other party will not be traced back in time Going upstream, pulling the bottom out of the pot; then the 'pincers' are to allow the dominant party to grasp the greatest possibility in the future, and go downstream along the long river of time, crushing every possibility of failure."

"That is to say, before the frontal battlefield begins, there is already one wizard army fighting in history, and another wizard army fighting in the future?"

There was an expression of admiration on Su Shijun's face, and the four fox tails behind her also subconsciously swayed, as if she could feel the turbulence in the long river of time, and at the same time, she also raised her own question:

"But in my impression, the future has infinite possibilities, but the number of our hunting teams is limited... How can we use the limited hunting teams to clamp down on the infinite future?"

"It can't be pinched." Hunbuyu shook his head, his expression a little serious: "Under normal circumstances, pincer offensive refers to the tactics of outflanking left and right, like two pincers of a crab, piercing fiercely towards the soft enemy. throat, disrupting the opponent's arrangement."

"But in magic warfare, the two pincers of the pincer attack are like the 'Yin & Yang fish', end to end."

"Hundreds of hunting teams launch attacks on different timelines. Half of the hunting teams paddle along the timeline to detect every detail on the relevant timeline; Any 'variables' in the timeline that could have caused a failure have been eliminated."

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"This sets off a cascading ramifications... as the enemy will not allow our hunting parties to falsify the future. They will also send the same tactical squads to change the timeline we are trying to fix."

"In this way, the timeline will be affected by two different forces. It will become more and more in the process of continuous regression and solidification. Each timeline will involve countless new Karma lines."

"We all know that time and space have a lifespan, which means that the timeline cannot be infinitely retraced...or solidified."

"Every time you look back, it will make the Karma line more chaotic... so that in the end, these timelines and Karma lines are entangled with each other, turning into a mess, completely entangled in the "now" of this battlefield as the core." Space-time fragments', resulting in the space-time 'ossification' of this area."

"To use an inappropriate analogy, it is like a pot of clear porridge. Under the cooking of the flame and the stirring of the spoon, it becomes more and more viscous, until finally, it becomes as rigid as a stone-this piece is strong enough and A solidified space-time can accommodate enough high-rank wizards to fight in it without being easily shattered."

"At the same time, this ossified main battlefield—like a hockey puck wrapped in barbed wire—floats in the long river of time and space, but is isolated from the long river of time and space. Neither party can borrow the power of time and space to help the battle."

"Is this the 'suozi'?" Su Shijun crossed his arms and looked out the window thoughtfully. There was a calm under the dark night. Who would have imagined what kind of magnificence was hidden under the calm like still water.


Hunbuyu snapped his fingers, looked at the youngest great wizard in the council under the moon with admiration, and added: "Of course this is just a part of the 'lock', which is used to lock the periphery of the battlefield... In the battlefield, there are still A powerful eight-door golden lock formation will be arranged to tightly protect the targets of those monsters in the formation."

"You can't travel through time and space at will, and you can't fish in troubled waters by disrupting the timeline. The only choice for monsters is to attack." Duke Milton finally found another chance to interject. He raised the wine glass in his hand again, and his face did not have the embarrassment of being tongue-tied before. , said with a polite smile: "...and what Heilao is most afraid of is that they will attack by force."

"When it comes to destroying the world, there is nothing in the entire universe that is better than those wizards at First University."

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