Hunting High School

Chapter 447: The New War Practitioner


A slightly short figure, like a cannonball, slammed heavily on the left city wall. Under the violent impact, the remaining guardian magic circle revealed circles of ripple-like impact marks, and several still-operating magic nodes flickered stubbornly A red warning light was emitted to remind the wizards guarding the castle that the magic circle was about to collapse completely.

Cursing and cursing, the short figure broke free from the wall and rushed into the air.

This time, he didn't immediately return to the battlefield with his opponent, but stopped at the shoulder of the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape—this short figure seemed to be not as big as the giant ape's ears, but the aura of the two was the same. Unfathomable.

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"Hey, Lao Yao, your student has fallen!"

The short man tore off his tattered blue vest and threw it away casually, revealing his muscular upper body covered with scars, and then looked at the benevolent face of the giant ape: " you want to help you throw him back? It's dangerous down here." of."

After all, without waiting for the giant ape to answer, he looked down at the pea-like little man below, and praised sincerely: "You should really consider transferring him, how can such a reckless good seedling stay in your academy as an apprentice?" Where's the nerd?"

As if hearing his praise, a slender ray of light shot out from the little pea man, smashing the willow wall in front of him to pieces, and the short wizard looked more and more satisfied.

boom! boom! !

The giant ape raised his hand and threw a few strings of fireballs, blasting the white dragon hovering not far away to pieces and filling it with mist. Then he lowered his head and glanced at the young public fee student who was struggling in the green ocean.

The compassionate face was blurred for a while, and when it became clear again, it had turned into that indifferent face:

"Everyone has his own belief. He chose Jiuyou College and jumped off the city wall. It is his own choice. As a professor of the school, we have no reason to interfere with his behavior."

Speaking of this, the giant ape paused for a moment, lowered his eyelids, glanced at the short figure floating on the side of his shoulder, and said indifferently: "Just like in this kind of dangerous battlefield, you still haven't released your real body, and you are thrown like a volleyball." That big white bear fights back and forth... This is also your choice, and I will not interfere."

The short figure—or rather, the dean of the Starry Sky Academy, the great wizard Sun Qi—raised his hand and touched his bare head, shaking his head repeatedly: "You don't understand, you don't understand, I'm trying to comprehend Life and death The beauty between them is much more enjoyable than smoking a pipe!"


The giant ape withdrew his gaze, looked at the opponent again, and assumed an offensive posture: "But you have to know, this is a black prison, and we are now on the battlefield... You shouldn't treat you with the mentality of taking risks in the new world." enemy."


The Dean of the Starry Sky Academy stroked his chin and pondered for a moment: "...Have I been taught a lesson?"

"Hey, hello!"

On the opposite side, the white mist hovering between the wall clock and the giant eyes re-condensed the upper body of Captain Misty, and he put up the awning with his hands, showing a trace of irritation on his face: "Sankura, it's not a good habit to run away on the battlefield... and That bald head, aren't you wrestling with an iceberg?"

"Light... bald head?" The headmaster of the Star Academy touched Own's head, and looked at Captain Misty with delicate eyes: "I always feel that you said something very rude."

The three-headed and eight-armed giant ape did not participate in the tea party during the short intervals on the battlefield.

When Captain Misty spoke, his indifferent face suddenly frowned slightly, lowered his head, and looked at a 'turbulent current' in the green ocean below.

There, the young public fee student had just smashed a willow wall in front of him, and was about to face the siege of dozens of elite monsters. Although he doesn't mind that his own students experience more wind and rain on the battlefield, he doesn't intend to let that brat die.

But before he could make a move, several huge figures suddenly appeared in his sight.

The white mist avatar of Captain Mist.

The giant-eyed avatar of Watcher Gustav Darren.

Clockwork real body of time usurper Mark Briggett.

It was as if three towering mountains stood in front of the giant ape.

Captain Misty tilted his head, with a gentle smile on his face: "Hey, we agreed, your opponents are some of us... There must be a limit to distraction."

Sun Qi blinked, and disappeared without a sound. Since Lao Yao was entangled in the mist, he had to work harder on his own to get rid of those scum who bullied the few.

But immediately, his figure popped out of the void, rolling a few times in mid-air like a volleyball. A huge bear paw slowly dissipated not far in front of him.

Captain Bingshan walked slowly from a distance, staring at Sun Qi with his small scarlet eyes, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth: "Volleyball. It's fun."


Sun Qi wiped the blood on his face, got up in mid-air, raised his head, and looked at the big white bear with no expression on his face: "Tigers don't show their treat me as a sick cat."

The dark gray color started from the top of his shiny head, slowly spread, and covered his whole body in the blink of an eye. These dark gray colors continued to pile up, and painted on his body the long coat with cross-collared right lapel, armor with fish scales, helmet, wrist guards, leg wraps, square mouth and pointed shoes, and long knives and crossbows on his back.

At the same time, his short figure continued to grow, and in an instant, he was on par with the great ape beside him and the great pyrene bear not far away, turning into a huge terracotta warrior tens of meters high.

The terracotta warrior who revealed his true body did not hesitate to draw out the long knife behind him, and slashed at Captain Bingshan from top to bottom.

Bang! !

The giant white bear stood up, raised its two forelimbs, and stretched out its staggered claws, resisting the murderous knife of the terracotta warrior. For a moment, the magic power surged, and the void was distorted.

Just when Sun Qi was about to continue his efforts and slashed the big white bear seventeen or eight times, he suddenly noticed something, abruptly stopped the attack, turned his head and looked into the distance, his eyes were full of surprise.


At the same time, the giant ape with three heads and eight arms retreated from Captain Mist, looking in the same direction.

This time, the fog and the iceberg did not stop the two great wizards—not only them, but also Mirage, who was fighting with the Atlas dean, and Captain Vortex, who was fighting with the former dean of Alpha, also jumped out of the battle circle. look into the distance.

next second.

Two jet-black figures shot forward from the sky, screaming like two meteorites, crashing heavily into this wedge-shaped enclave.

boom! boom! !

The entire black prison seemed to be shaken by these two heavy blows, shaking slightly. The green ocean, which was originally covered in wedge-shaped enclaves, was knocked out of two huge 'craters', like two ugly scars appearing on the smooth bark.

In the distance, where the walls of the barracks broke, came the scream of the great willow tree, and the angry roar of the multi-armed titan Kotos.

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