Hunting High School

Chapter 86: Merlin's Initials

Dylan was still sound asleep in his coffin.

Xiao Xiao never returned to the dormitory, and Fatty was very suspicious of his whereabouts. However, considering the weather outside, Fatty was a little skeptical. He always felt that Mr. Sima would not mess around with the doctor to such an extent.

As for the time, when Zheng Qing woke up, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, less than two hours before the evening class meeting.


The elves by the pillow were awakened one by one, fluttering their wings, screaming, and began to circle around Zheng Qing. A few alert ones had already rushed into the bathroom, and in a short while took out hot towels and toothpaste and toothbrushes, and sent them to the wizard.

The young public servant accepted the kindness of the elves in embarrassment.

"Tsk, corrupt and corrupt Young Master Life."

Xin Fatty sat on the bed, enviously watching Zheng Qing spit mouthwash into a spittoon held by an elf, then looked at the fat cat squatting on his bed and licking its paws, and sighed: "... Why do you think the gap between magical creatures is so big?"

Tuantuan squinted at Fatty, lifted his paws to pick up another piece of beef jerky from the box next to it, stuffed it into his mouth, and continued to nibble slowly.

Maodou thought he was talking about it, and happily jumped to Fatty's bedside, sticking out his tongue, making a flattering sound from his throat. Xin Fatty sighed again, picked out a piece of jerky that was big enough, and threw it to the dog.

"They like to do this, so I can't refuse this kindness." The young public fee student innocently shrugged and sniffed at the same time, like a big edamame: "...Is there anything delicious? I'm starving to death!"

"Go to the cafeteria by yourself!"

The fat wizard waved his hands in disgust, his face full of displeasure: "Do you think you are a cat or a dog? Even elves are much more useful than you... They help out in the shop all summer, how about you?"

Zheng Qing also knew about this. During the whole summer vacation, due to recuperating from illness, the elves stayed in the small shop opened by the Forgiveness Hunting Team in the pedestrian street until Xiao Xiao took them back to the 403 dormitory from dap;k.

"It's not my fault, I don't like lying in the hospital either." The young public servant muttered, after all, he didn't have the courage to compete with his dog for jerky.

"What time are you going to the classroom?" He turned to another question.

Because the elective course schedule for the new school year needs to be submitted before the evening class meeting, everyone will go to the classroom some time in advance, and the students who are close to each other will discuss with each other and choose the same elective courses.

Zheng Qing is no exception.

He didn't intend to choose a class in a daze, only to find that there was no one he knew in the class - not only would there be no hope of skipping class, but also he would not even have to copy homework, which was very miserable when he thought about it.

"Wait until the two pigs are full."

Fatty looked sullenly at the food box in front of him, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the young public finance student who was adjusting his belt in front of the full-length mirror: "It's reasonable, it's fine with Tuantuan, but this dog is obviously yours, why do you want me to raise it?" ? Are you supposed to pay for the food?"

What answered him were the backs of Zheng Qing who quickly slipped out of the dormitory, and the flattering meow of the gray dog.

The fat wizard patted Own's belly sadly, feeling the rippling flesh, watching the dog's cheerful tail wagging, and finally picked up another piece of jerky and threw it into the dog's mouth.


After waiting for Zheng Qing to wash and dress, the elves swarmed up, like a flock of sparrows, covering the head of the fat wizard's bed. As a last resort, the fat wizard had to take out another small bottle of dew, and acted as the keeper of the elves full of resentment.

Zheng Qing, who slipped out of the dormitory, didn't know that his elf was entangled with Xin Fatty again. Even if he knew, he would close his eyes and plug his ears to pretend not to know.

Tomorrow is the official start of the school day, and the atmosphere in the school today is already very lively. There are senior wizards wearing various robes everywhere, wandering around the campus in twos and threes.

There are also clubs with deep pockets that have set up roll-up banners now, and are starting to warm up for new semester club recruits.

Had dinner and walked around

, By the time Zheng Qing arrived at Teaching Building East-601, it was already half past six in the evening, and most of the students in the class had already arrived.

The other wizards of the forgiveness hunting team sat at the left rear side of the classroom by the window as usual, while Jiang Yu sat in the center of the first row as usual, with a thick textbook in front of him.

Zheng Qingchong held the textbook and said hello to classmate Li Meng with blank eyes, then smiled and looked at Jiang Yu: "You guys are here really early... have you decided what class to choose?"

The witch's expression was light: "Magical creatures."

"Is it an elective for the whole school on Wednesday afternoon?" Zheng Qing subconsciously wanted to confirm: "What course did you choose for the elective on Thursday afternoon?"

Jiang Yu finally raised his head and took a careful look at him.

"Thursday afternoon'College Career Planning' is a fixed course on the class basis." She explained it carefully: "It is an elective in name, but it is actually just a reference to the elective course in the assessment method. It is easier... If you read carefully Once you read the timetable, you shouldn't ask this kind of question."

Zheng Qing clearly felt the narrow eyes of the other witches beside him, and after slurring a few words, he fled and slipped to the back of the classroom.

"You are so late."

Xiao Xiao moved in and made room for him on the outside chair: "...Why didn't you talk a little more in front? We just bet that you would sit in the first row."

Zheng Qing will never fall into the trap on this kind of topic.

"I just came a little late, and some people didn't go back to the dormitory all day." The young public funder immediately retorted, and glanced at a certain big doctor: "I even bet Fatty whether you will come to Beta Town this semester Rent a house to live in!"

"I've never made such a bet with him."

The fat wizard who had eaten a lot of dried meat turned around and sold Zheng Qing. At the same time, he stretched out his finger and knocked on the table in front of Zheng Qing: "You ran too fast... When will we count the food expenses?"

He still hasn't forgotten about it!

Zheng Qing complained from the bottom of his heart while ambiguously saying: "This kind of thing... Take your time... We have such a big store on the pedestrian street... You will always be there... What were you talking about before? I just saw you chatting Seriously!"

He decisively changed the subject.

Fatty still wanted to say something, Zhang Jixin squeezed over, reached out and patted a piece of paper in front of Zheng Qing. The wizard looked down, but it was an inspection report of an ogre corpse. A lot of terminology was written in small and fine characters on it, and more parts were directly smeared out with large chunks of ink, which obviously belonged to the content that could not be disclosed to the outside world.

"We were just talking about the two-headed ogre we hunted at the trial meeting." The red-faced wizard lowered his voice, and quickly explained to Zheng Qing the information about those ogres shared by his companions .

According to the vague words in the student union, teaching assistants, and the editorial room of the school newspaper, as well as the autopsy report obtained from the school working committee, the young wizards can easily come to a conclusion-there are die-hard wizards doing things. , the capital '' on the ogre's spine is the biggest evidence.

Because Merlin's initials are.

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