Hunting High School

Chapter 160 Hunting Target

Zheng Qing should have expected this to happen a long time ago.

After all, Dylan and Blue Bird both came from the Academy of Starry Sky. In the context of Jiuren, the "barbarians" in the starry sky are symbols of vitality and restlessness, violence and fists, fractures and nosebleeds.

It is an illusion to expect them to be well-behaved and law-abiding like Jiuren. But right now, it seems that it is not just the two hunters from Starry Sky Academy who agree with Dylan.

"Does anyone else feel the same way?"

The young public-funded students looked around, and indeed saw a little wavering in the eyes of Xin and Zhang Jixin, and Jiang Yu's eyes were full of hope. It could be seen that the first two training camps that were somewhat dull were indeed a bit boring.

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team pulled out his fingers stuck in his belt, hugged them to his chest, and asked cautiously: "Then do you have any good suggestions?"

Dylan seemed to have an idea long ago, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, pointing in the direction where the Banshee was crying.

"The banshee."

He looked at Xiao Xiao confidently: "Just now you can confirm one thing in the chat, that is, the Banshee is not within the hunting team's expectation, right?"

The fortuneteller silently approved Mr. Vampire Werewolf's judgment.

Dylan nodded in satisfaction: "It's easy to handle. Our target tonight is that banshee... Capture it and hand it over to the patrol team, no one can say anything... Who told it to mess around on campus at night?" Howling?"

Zheng Qing would like to emphasize that this hunting ground is already on the edge of the school's guarded area, which belongs to the "grey zone". Even the banshee howled wildly did not violate the school management regulations. But seeing the eager expressions of the other hunters, the wizard finally swallowed this detail wisely.

However, not everyone is happy with Dylan's proposal.

"That's it?" Zhang Jixin asked back, touching his chin.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf spread his hands and looked at the red-faced wizard in confusion, not sure if he really missed something.

The apologetic main hunter changed his posture and added his question again: "Did we change our original plan and run into the depths of the hunting ground at night just to catch a banshee?"

"One banshee is enough." Zheng Qing vaguely sensed Zhang Da Elder's thoughts, and hurriedly opened his mouth, trying to block the unbroken dam.

It's just too late.

The eyes of the two hunters from the Star Academy lit up at the same time, like two dogs whose eyes were illuminated by a flashlight——Dylan's eyes glowed Zheng Qing is understandable, after all, he has a special bloodline. But there are several meanings for the blue bird's eyes to glow. Could this be the meaning of the legend that after practicing kendo to the depths, the empty room turns white and the eyes are like lightning.

"Not enough." It was rare for Blue Bird to take the initiative to speak.

"It's really not enough," Dylan said with a smile on his face, apologetic: "It's because I didn't think carefully... Anyway, we are also considered as a hunting team that has been on the battlefield of Hell, so how can we work so hard for a mere number one mourning banshee?" What about at night? It's too bad."

"It's the Banshee." Zheng Qing corrected her weakly.

He has already realized that the situation in front of him seems to be a bit out of control, and he intends to let everyone continue to practice tactics and battle formation honestly according to the previous plan, but he can't say it.

Because even he himself felt that the first two training camps were boring.

If people are wild, they can't always stay in the cage——Zheng Qing comforted himself in his heart—and continuing to be 'boring' doesn't seem to help much to improve the hunting team's ability. Could it be that he really went to find a self-study room and let everyone recite the latest version of the hunting rules together?

"What do you think?" Zheng Qing looked at the red-faced wizard.

Zhang Jixin stroked the short hair on his head, and grinned: "I don't think it's a problem to always ask Maodou and Tuantuan to help... Those group of Getraxi are also good prey, they are fast, cunning, and evil enough."

"Modou is not too troublesome." Zheng Qing tried to struggle one last time.


A familiar "dog barking" suddenly hit Zheng Qing's ears

The sound sounded, and the wizard looked down, only to see the gray-skinned dog squatting at his feet, sticking out his tongue, wagging his tail happily, completely unable to see the viciousness of the Tindalos hound.

It was Maodou who heard Zheng Qing calling him by name, so he left Tuantuan and the group of Getraxi behind, and jumped over from the corner of time and space, looking loyal.

"Madou seems to be bored too." Squad leader Jiang knelt down and added with a smile while rubbing Gouzi's head.

The dog's tail wagged more and more cheerfully.

Several other wizards exchanged glances silently, winking at Zheng Qing.

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team sighed helplessly: "Okay... then Fatty, you are responsible for recalling the group, and it probably wants to go to the dormitory to make up for sleep... Elder, reorganize the team and prepare to hunt that banshee and that Qun Gai Tracy."

"in addition!"

He slightly raised his voice, interrupted the heated atmosphere, and sneered twice: "Since everyone is so energetic, I would also like to make a small (xiaoxiao) opinion. This hunting must use a second-tier battle formation."

"I declare that I never mentioned this opinion." Xiao Xiao interjected abruptly.

After a few seconds of silence, the audience roared with laughter, especially Xin Fatty, who shed tears of laughter. Zheng Qing never knew that the fat wizard had such a low smile.

Zhang Jixin tightened his gloves, raised his arms, patted the young public fee student on the shoulder, and praised: "Good idea, why didn't I think of it... If we show the second level in this school hunting competition The battle formation will definitely shock the jaws of the audience. If you win the championship in this way, others should not chew their tongues."

He was full of confidence.

Zheng Qing squinted, glanced at the red-faced wizard, and felt that compared with the audience in the stands, Zhang Jixin seemed to want to see his big brother surprised, or in other words, beat his big brother's hunting team on the hunting ground.

"As far as I know, the official hunting team registered in the school has never used a second-tier battle formation." Dylan also looked excited: "I doubt how many people in the school have seen that kind of battle formation except for the few of us." magic!"

In his tone, he looked like everyone else was a country bumpkin.

But to be honest, Mr. Vampire Werewolf, who has participated in the Battle of Hell and seen the big world, can really feel superior enough when facing the cucumber eggs in the school.

"I feel that we should buy more bargaining chips from our hunting team this year." Xin Fatty's thoughts are the most active, and he has already drifted to take advantage of the opportunity to make money.

"As long as we can keep the secret internally." As the biggest winner of last year's school hunting game betting forgiveness hunting team, Xiao Xiao has the most say in this matter: "...and we can't show this trump card too early, otherwise we will be seduced." An outside bid from Plano would immediately reduce our odds."

Zheng Qing swears that he never expected the topic to be so skewed.

"Hurry up! Organize the team!"

The young public finance student interrupted the lively discussion atmosphere, and shouted feebly: "You guys talk for a while, the banshee should cry and go back to sleep!"

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