Hunting High School

Chapter 204 Analysis

After reading this report, Zheng Qing's first reaction was to 'make trouble'.

The whole article reveals a weird smell from head to toe-it seems that Jusi and Korma did not name any shameful things, but those weird words, such as 'conspiracy', such as 'Historical experience tells us', such as 'public anxiety', etc., and what is implicitly expressed in the words.

This is based on the premise that Zheng Qing knows both Jusi and Korma.

If people who don't know the two witches read this report, they will inevitably be secretly associated with the evil wizard who caused a bloody storm in the history of wizards, and they will have a bad impression of the two.

Especially the photo accompanying the report, in the background of the night, without a trace of moonlight, the figure of Zhu Si in a black robe hurriedly leaving from the deep gate—from head to toe revealed an ulterior aura— — plus the small print of that line as a comment makes it even worse.

In all fairness, everyone has the experience of going out to visit friends at night, and that photo proves nothing at all.

The bad thing is that the "Wizard of the North" and the "Ratman" are really a big trouble for the alliance, and Zhu Si is indeed the daughter of the Ratman.

So her 'visiting friends' this time just hit the pain points of some sensitive wizards.

What is even more incomprehensible to young public finance students is that the "Beta Town Post" is so bold, dare to stroke the tiger's beard, and play the edge of the legendary wizard - although the content of the article can be regarded as "regular", there is no such thing as a legend. There is no insinuation or connotation in pointing at Sang Sang and Huai Huai, but this kind of teasing method still makes the wizard feel admiration.


Zheng Qing flicked the thick and swollen newspaper with his fingers, and exclaimed: "Look at this sentence, 'The above conclusions are just standard inferences made by fortune-tellers and astrologers based on existing information'... No wonder the "Beta Town Post" If China Newspaper can become the most influential newspaper in the league, this kind of 'tiger power' alone will beat any other newspaper."

"You can't say that."

The fat wizard who worked for the school newspaper immediately yelled in dissatisfaction, waving his greasy paws in all directions: "Some newspapers like to sensationalize, but some newspapers are very serious... Every word in the report has been carefully considered and verified by facts. No guesswork or subjective speculation."

Zheng Qing snorted noncommittally.

He is not so convinced about anything with the word "absolutely". Of course, it is difficult for the parties concerned to have a fair and objective view on such a topic involving "professional dignity".

Zheng Qing also does not intend to seriously argue with Xin on this topic.

"Actually, I care more about another point," the young public finance student naturally broke away from the vortex of the debate, and asked another question: "Why did the Post publish this article?"

"What do you mean?" Xin Fatty just took out a stick of glutinous rice and was about to put it into his mouth. Hearing this, he tilted his head in interest.

Zheng Qing patiently explained: "Hasn't the Post always been against Lao Yao?...Well, what I mean is, isn't there Alpha Fort behind the Post, and the current owner of Alpha Fort, Professor Emma, ​​is a 'quasi-legendary' As the vice-principal of the school, it is necessary to unite all the forces that can be united...Why did you provoke the Mouse Immortal at this juncture? Anyway, the Mouse Immortal is also a legend...He should be a friend rather than an enemy. "

This time it was not Xin who answered him, but Xiao Xiao who had been silent beside him.

"Do you think an article of this level will cause a profound change in Legendary's position?" Dr. Xiao adjusted his glasses: "... Or, do you think that just a few words in that article in the newspaper are worth the price?" Is the legend shot?"

"It's hard." Zheng Qing honestly gave his own judgment: "Just for a few lines... That legendary boss is too cheap."


The doctor snapped his fingers: "It's like an ant ran to your feet and urinated, would you feel that the ant swept your face, would you take a second look at it?... From another perspective, if you just became the vice principal of the school Professor Emma, ​​knowing that there is one who is undergoing metamorphosis

The legend of God is near the school, but you can't find him... what will you do? "

"Widely advertising."

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows, and a moment of confusion appeared in his heart: "You mean, Alpha is sending a message to the Rat Immortal through a third party?"

"This is just one of the angles of understanding." Xiao Xiao bit the holder of his own brush, neither denying nor affirming: "It is also a more reasonable angle...but there are other possibilities...for example, the Beta Town Post did Out of a 'public heart', they believed that the alliance between Jusi and Korma would pose a certain threat to the orthodox wizarding community, and then uphold the professional ethics of media professionals, defy the pressure of legends, and speak out for justice..."

"Ms. Pulitzer is definitely not the kind of character who sacrifices herself for the public." Zheng Qing recalled his bad experience in interviews, and very positively denied another possibility of the doctor.

"Or both."

Xin Fatty called out a ball of clear water, while washing the oil stains on his hands, he licked his lips in aftertaste, and added: "The real thing is not a magical story or a legendary novel. Where is there any black or white? Bai's simple logic...everything happens, there is a complex and interconnected background..."

"The teacher is here! The teacher is here!"

The stick figure behind the door interrupted the small talk in the corner of the classroom, and yelled loudly: "...the little Sima who teaches history has arrived at the corner of the corridor and is about to enter the classroom!"

The original hustle and bustle of the atmosphere suddenly became much quieter. The messy footsteps, the collision of tables and chairs, and the clacking of books were mixed together to play a harmonious movement.

Dr. Xiao Da narrowed his eyes, and stared fiercely at the stick figure.

"What's the use of you staring at it? Your sight is not a hornet's tail, and you can't kill it." After Xin Fatty taunted, he turned back to his own position with a smile.

"You can smear some murloc feces on that piece of paper... or, like last winter, blow a few strokes of cold wind on its head." Zheng Qing also enthusiastically gave his own advice: "Winter is coming soon , Draw two cold winds, blowing on its forehead every day, it feels good to have it!"

The short wizard gave him a surprised look.

"It's like something you can do," he commented.

Zheng Qing was displeased: "Or do you have a better suggestion?"

"How about drawing a female ogre in estrus on that piece of paper?" Dr. Xiao adjusted his glasses, thinking: "The ogre tribe that was wiped out in the last trial still has a little bit left." Ogre Blood Essence, it is enough to mix the ink... Then stick a brush with ogre hair and use it temporarily for painting, it should last for a month..."

Looking at the serious fortune teller in front of him, Zheng Qing shuddered silently, raised his head, glanced at the stick figure alive and kicking on the drawing paper behind the door with pity, and mourned for it for three seconds in advance.

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