Hunting High School

Chapter 257: Sunday

"So, who is Mordiggian?"

Zheng Qing finally found a topic that could turn the subject towards the customer, and immediately threw it out, trying to divert the attention of his companions: "I have heard this name several times."

On the hunting ground yesterday, from the dark titan like a Devil, to Su Shijun, to Jiang Yu, the wizard heard this name more than once, but he never had a clear concept.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"You fought all night yesterday, and you didn't even know who your opponent was?" He held up the sausage in his hand, and his tone was very surprised, as if Zheng Qing was asking why he cut a hole in the sausage casing when he grilled the sausage.

The young public fee student rolled his eyes.

"Please, my code name is not 'Doctor'."

"It's common sense."

The short wizard shook his head and did not continue to sarcasm Zheng Qing. Instead, he flipped through the black-covered notebook in his hand and tapped the thick pages with his fingertips: "Mordiggian, the first group of ancient people who set foot in the starry sky Existence, powerful and mysterious, its main body is no longer known, some wizards believe that it is an amorphous cloud of shadows, some wizards observe a dark long snake like a tributary of fate, and some wizards firmly believe that it is true Without eyes, without limbs, it is a dark titan"

"I feel like I've seen all these images." The young Gongfei muttered.

Xiao Xiao ignored the boy's self-talk, and continued to explain slowly: "The only thing wizards can be sure of is that this ancient existence lives in Zulbahasar's skeletal center, and has the 'ghostly god of bones' Nicknames like 'King of the Ghouls'"

"'Zulbahasar' is a place name?" The fat wizard held a meat bun, showing some interest: "I always thought it was a phrase of some lost magic language."

"It's not wrong to understand it as a lost language." Xiao Xiao has always been very patient in solving puzzles: "But a more accurate understanding, this language has not yet been born, just like 'Zurbahasar', it is A city located in the continent of Zoshik, and the continent of Zoshik is located at the end of the long river of time, and has not yet been born in our current observation.”

"It's really complicated."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing already had a full understanding of the opponents in last night's "counterfeiting match", but he was still a little puzzled, so he raised his index finger and pointed to the sky: "If I remember correctly, the starry sky It's not very good to have a temper, but last night I felt"

That guy has such a good temper!

The young public fee student complained from the bottom of his heart, but couldn't think of a more euphemistic explanation for a moment. Compared with the Satogua, the black goat, or the many moons in the sky on a certain night, Mordiggian could be regarded as a warm baby.

"You feel Mordiggian is gentle?"

Xiao Xiao pushed his glasses, used a very neutral word, and then affirmed: "Your feeling is correct, this existence is one of the few existences in the starry sky who are willing to take the initiative to understand the concept of 'Under the Starry Sky', Rather than saying that he is just and benevolent, it is better to say that he obeys the rules set by himself. This is why the wizarding world can maintain a good relationship with it, and invites him to serve as a "consultant" in events like the "school cup". Correspondingly, he not only Only good relations with wizards, but also good relations with other beings in the space"

It sounds like a good-natured persona.

This thought floated across Zheng Qing's mind, and he always felt that a flash of light had just flashed, and Xiao Xiao's rambling explanation came from his ear, the boy listened absent-mindedly, trying to catch the inspiration he had just lost.

Then he felt a tap on the shoulder.

"What?" The young public finance student woke up like a dream.

"You don't understand, so I'll explain it to you, but you don't want to listen to what it means?" Xiao Xiao was displeased, and directly turned the topic back to the way Zheng Qing was trying to escape: "If this is the case, then explain it carefully , What happened in the last three minutes of yesterday's game? Couldn't you use your rune gun again after we were dragged into the dark vortex by Mordiggian?"


Zheng Qing finally caught the aura in his mind.

"of course not!"

The young public finance student answered cheerfully, took out his own Remington from the gray cloth bag, and showed it to the doctor: "I just used it to hit a few ordinary bullets. To be honest, I don't know why that 'Mr. Mo 'Be kind to me"

"Mordiggian doesn't have the concept of gender." The fat wizard corrected him.

"'Mr.' doesn't necessarily refer to men only." Zheng Qing retorted bluntly.


Xiao Xiao impatiently interrupted the small quarrel between the two, and firmly grasped Zheng Qing's previous answer: "If it's just 'you don't know', such an answer is unlikely to satisfy the school and even the audience. I doubt that Monday morning's The Beta Town Post will publish all kinds of weird speculations, such as that you are the dependent of that 'Mr. Mo', or even worse, you have blood from the depths of the starry sky, etc."

Zheng Qing subconsciously shuddered.

"I guess," he hastily interrupted Dr. Heavenly Horse's imaginative imagination, revealed the body of the rune gun, and raised his voice slightly: "I guess, it may be these 'traces' that produced an effect similar to the 'old seal' , let that 'Mr. Mo' cast a mouse-snatching weapon, and didn't kill me."

The Old Seal is an ancient and effective secret technique, which is often used in magic rituals to expel the existence of the starry sky. It belongs to the category of mystery - which means that it still cannot be explained by modern wizard theory - a more accurate understanding, it Just like garlic is to vampires, aconitum is to werewolves, and boy urine is to zombies, it belongs to the secret art that beings in the starry sky avoid but are not deadly.

As for the 'traces' that Zheng Qing refers to.

From Xiao Xiao’s angle, you can see some symbols like yellow windmills branded on the wall, which belong to Hastur; In addition, as far as he knew, this gun had been paid close attention to by Professor Yao before it almost killed a student. Xiao Xiao would not believe it if there were no marks left on the gun.

And Professor Yao is now a legend.

"A very reasonable guess."

The fat wizard nodded solemnly: "If that 'Mr. Mo' is really as cautious as you said, then he saw so many marks on Brother Zha'er's gun, and he would probably hold his hands high if he had hands."

As he spoke, he consciously told a good joke and laughed a few times.

"But also very subtle speculation."

Xiao Xiao glanced at Fatty, his eyes were a bit inexplicable: "Brother scumbag has received a reminder from the hunting committee, I think it is more appropriate to use 'warning' here, I know that he is forbidden to use special talismans in school hunting competitions, there is no regulation Rune guns aren't allowed, so that's why I say it's a very delicate guess."

Zheng Qing thinks so.

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