Hunting High School

Chapter 270: The Middleman

The homework given by Bell Finger to Black Cat is not difficult. It belongs to the questions that can be answered as long as you carefully read the textbooks and reference books. However, the process and answers are too cumbersome. Apart from training the students' patience, there is almost no magic ability. No improvement.

Like the problem of drawing a star map.

These days, the standard star map drawn by the magic quill is sold at the Green Grocery Store for five coppers. With a soft edge - you know, the small roast chicken sold in the Jota restaurant in Beita Town costs twenty-four coppers even for the belt and bone.

Except for the old scholars of the First University, no one is holding a brass telescope and a quill, lying on the parchment and sketching the stars with different light and shade above their heads bit by bit.

Many students privately speculate that the reason why the school retains this ancient and backward learning method is, on the one hand, the traditional inertial force at work, on the other hand, there is no shortage of ideas to consume the energy of young wizards with these meticulous and tedious homework, so as not to They have too much free time and make troubles around the campus.

But these are not reasons to let the black cat help with homework.

Looking at the densely packed large area of ​​subjects on the parchment, the black cat almost waved its lumpy paws, and slapped the bird-head mask in front of it—he couldn't finish his own homework, so why did he write homework for others?

This bird man is thinking of peaches!

It was the fist-sized piece of gold that shone brightly under the moonlight, barely suppressing the black cat's anger and making it jump up impulsively.

"I can't even finish my own homework." The black cat coldly refused.

Bellfinger touched the long bird's beak on the mask, looked down at the parchment, quickly counted a few times with his fingers, and finally dropped a small grain of gold: "There is no more, these assignments are only worth so much gold ...I am very sincere."

The black cat felt its pride being challenged, and raised its tail angrily.

The convict envoy wearing a white mask hurriedly smoothed things over: "During this time, the school is holding a hunting competition, and everyone is very short on time... Let's take a step back, and Bell Finger will give us a little more time. The examinees should not give up all their previous efforts just because of this little difficulty."

The black cat rolled its eyes silently, wanting to tell this guy that he didn't put in much effort before.

Bell Finger, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Then extend it for another week, next Saturday, these assignments must be handed in."

The black cat tugged at its ears, sneered, and was about to refuse, when suddenly blessings came to his mind, and several thoughts flashed through his mind.

"How do I know if this is part of the assessment?"

It fully demonstrates the cunning of a cat: "...Facing the assessment of 'lazy', the correct answer should be 'I am too lazy to write for you'."


"Completely correct!"

The wizard wearing the bird-head mask snapped his fingers and concluded cheerfully: "The answer is absolutely correct... Merlin, you are smarter than all the cats I have ever seen... Congratulations, you have passed my test!"

The black cat flicked its tail in surprise.

This is not the same as it thought before.


Bellfinger emphasized his tone slightly, squatting in front of the black cat, and picked the two pieces of gold on the ground, his voice was full of temptation: "The mission represented by these gold is not false...If you want...the gold is still yours."

"Cough cough."

The sorcerer wearing a white mask coughed softly and interrupted: "Let me first confirm that tonight's assessment is indeed over... My candidate has passed your assessment, right?"

"Without a doubt!" Bellfinger firmly confirmed.

The guilty envoy shrugged and put on his hood: "In this case... then I have nothing to do here... I wish you a happy transaction."

Before the words fell, the whole person had turned into a shattered shard of light, disappearing in the heavy

In the night.

The black cat glanced at the shards of light that hadn't fully landed on the ground, then at the gold that shone brighter than them, and then glanced at the birdman squatting aside.

"make a deal."

It lifted its paw, pressed it on the two pieces of gold, and agreed in a rough voice: "Since you are so sincere... It just so happens that there are few tasks in the laboratory because of the school hunting competition recently... I can use this An opportunity to solidify these previous magical knowledge from school days."


Bellfinger raised his hands to high-five the black cat, and nodded in satisfaction: "This is a win-win night... By the way, out of kindness, I would like to remind you that the next time you pretend to be a researcher, you must remember not to tell me The words are contradictory."

After all, he lifted the sharp beak on the mask—like an old-school wizard holding the peaked hat brim—then he jumped and disappeared among the lush tree shadows in an instant.

The black cat blinked and was stunned for a while.

After carefully recalling the previous answers, it took me a long time to realize where my mistakes were—researchers shouldn’t have times when they couldn’t finish their homework.

Of course, this slight omission does not affect the black cat's harvest tonight.

It felt that what it got was far more than those two pieces of gold.

It's a pity that this complacent thought was ruthlessly shattered by Dr. Xiao Da early the next morning.

"It's not a one-man job."

After carefully looking at the parchment, Dr. Xiao gave his own opinion: "It contains not only the extracurricular exercises of the fourth grade magic universe, but also the first grade modern history of magic, and our second grade Potions class. Homework... Don't you know the word Bailu? We just learned it last month!"

last month?

Every day is filled with all kinds of messy things - especially this month there is a school hunting competition - Zheng Qing feels that last month has been a lifetime.

"That is to say, there is no way to lock the identity of the publisher through these assignments?" The young public finance student was a little frustrated.

"Everyone has a possibility." The doctor replied tactfully, and at the same time shook the parchment with great interest: "Where did you find this thing?"

"There is a very old bulletin board near the cat fruit tree, and there are tasks posted on it." Zheng Qing Hanhu said, and took a sneak peek at the short wizard: "The other party is willing to pay twenty golden beans for these tasks..."

"It's really inhumane." The apologetic fortune teller commented: "This question takes a little effort, and you don't need to check the information. It can be completed in some extra-curricular time."

In other words, you don't need to check the information, the young public fee student slandered in his heart.

"It is estimated that some of the no-name hunting teams need time to train, so let's raise funds and ask others to help with homework." Zheng Qing Hanhu gave his own guess, and then looked at Xiao Xiao with a look of expectation: " about I put this The task is transferred to you?"

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