Hunting High School

Chapter 184: The Final Begins

Everyone has their own definition of happiness.

Outside the house there was a strong wind and a torrential rain, and I had a hut with raindrops crackling on the windows, a warm fire in the house, and the smell of broth, which was a kind of bliss.

It is another kind of happiness to give someone a rose with a lingering fragrance.

Until Friday afternoon, before the start of the finals, Zheng Qing still vaguely felt the scent of Wednesday night lingering in his nose, and the smiling face holding flowers flashed in his mind hundreds of times, but it didn't fade away at all. Once clearer.

So much so that when the forgiveness hunting team gathered and saw the real person again, the young public fee student was a little dazed for a moment, unable to distinguish the difference between the picture in his mind and the reality.

"Hey! Come back to your senses!"

The red-faced wizard snapped two fingers vigorously in front of Zheng Qing: "Don't show your timidity in front of other teams! You are our captain, you have to show more confidence than us!"

"It feels like our captain has been sleepwalking for the past two days." Xin Fatty folded his arms, with a pensive expression on his face: "...he almost put tachyons into my bowl at noon."

"That's because the food in your bowl is delicious." Zheng Qing laughed dryly. Out of the corner of his eye, she quickly glanced at the witch beside her—she was counting the talismans in her hand, her head was hanging down, a strand of hair was hanging from her ear, and she was looking at the witch. Skin becomes fairer.

"I don't know how long I'll stay here." Zhang Jixin tugged on his gloves, his tone a little anxious, and he looked around for a while.

It's two thirty in the afternoon.

This is the first hall.

Above the head is a huge and empty triangular school badge, slowly ups and downs and flips in a void, with dots of starlight lingering in it, setting off a mysterious and dignified atmosphere.

Behind the colonnade around the hall, there were crowds of onlookers. As always, the first-year students were on the first floor, the second-year students were on the second floor, the third-year students were on the third floor, and the fourth-year old students were on the fourth floor. There are old janitors, teaching assistants, and lecturers standing in the semi-enclosed corridor at a higher level, while professors are clustered on the highest terrace.

The nine hunting teams participating in the final are located in the center of the hall.

Standing in the center of the hall and looking up, there was a blurry scene, and nothing could be seen clearly, but the enthusiasm and excitement were truly conveyed to everyone present.

Tap, tap, tap!

The puppet's familiar footsteps echoed throughout the hall.

The light suddenly dimmed, and there was silence together with the enthusiastic conversations among the young wizards in the surrounding corridors. Everyone was nervously staring at the nine hunting teams in the center of the hall, not knowing how they would start today's journey.

"ladies and gentlemen!"

"Kids who watch the fun and old men who join in the fun!"

"good afternoon!"

As always, in a beam of light that fell from the sky, the puppet tap danced and said its bad opening remarks, appearing in front of all the spectators. Immediately, the slender wooden stick in its hand pointed forward, and the beam of light spread accordingly, revealing The silent figures of the captains of the nine hunting teams.


Its head spun like a spinning top on its slender neck, and its voice trembled like waves: "Standing in front of you are the nine brave hunting teams that won tickets to the final after defeating countless terrifying monsters! They He is high-spirited and high-spirited, and seems to be able to poke a hole in the sky with his eyes!"

Zheng Qing glanced at Nicholas beside him.

If other people's eyes can poke a hole in the sky, then with the same power, Nicholas' eyes can poke the sky into a hornet's nest.

This cold joke made the young public finance student couldn't help but sneered, causing several hunters around him to stare sideways. Behind him, Jiang Yu gently pinched him, causing the boy to gasp.

After regaining consciousness, the puppet has already begun to repeat the rules of the final: "...the hunting team will start from the first hall, travel through the silent forest, overcome countless difficulties and obstacles, and rely on the 'clues' in their hands and your magic to find the real The final hunting ground... Only the two hunting teams that arrive at the final hunting ground first will have the final right!"

These contents have been torn apart by the apologetic young hunters, and they have been pondered many times, but even so, everyone, including Zheng Qing, still listens very carefully, trying to capture new contents that may be added.

"Before we go!"

Accompanied by the high-pitched voice of the puppet, it grabbed the own top hat and threw it upwards, and then there was a sound of paper flying:

"...In view of the fact that the final competition returned to reality, instead of playing house in the dreamland like before, every hunter participating in the final must sign this contract to ensure that when you die in the Silent Forest, Your family will not sue First University for bankruptcy...Of course, this possibility is very small...I mean First University goes bankrupt."

Perhaps thinking that his witty remark was full of wisdom, the puppet man giggled strangely.

The pale yellow parchment was like a miniature magic carpet, smoothly docked in front of Zheng Qing, and a white quill was lying on the paper, already soaked in ink.

At the end of the parchment, the big gilt seal belonging to the First University is particularly eye-catching under the bleak light. Every clause and every word of the contract seems to want to be black and bold to ensure that the signer can see it.

Zheng Qing lifted the quill.

"...the staff from Danhag's notary office will witness this scene!" The puppet man pointed to the side with his slender cane, and a beam of light fell, covering a low stone platform floating in mid-air. On the stone platform Standing were two wizards, dressed in Dan Hag's black robes and eccentric high hats, with serious faces, as if attending a funeral.

There was a rustling sound in his ears, Zheng Qing quickly looked away, glanced at the contents on the parchment, and hurriedly signed his own name. Even so, when he handed back the contract, the puppet had already saved a thick bag in his arms. Stack of parchment.

Zheng Qing dared to bet with the little green snake in his ears that everyone present, one counts as one, and almost no one carefully read what was written in the contract.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of muffled voices resounded all around, and the group of first-year freshmen on the first floor exclaimed. Behind them, there were nine glowing doors.

"It's well known!"

The puppet twisted his waist enthusiastically, and kicked his feet on the narrow stage: "The nine doors on the first floor of the first hall lead to the first square, four colleges, and four research institutes...but today, in the professor With the joint efforts of the school, these nine gates will temporarily point to nine unknown locations in the Silent Forest!"

"Each hunting team will choose a gate as your starting point!"

"What is certain is that the distance between the starting point and the end point of all hunting teams is equal... In the name of the principal, there is no doubt about fairness and justice!"

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