Hunting High School

Chapter 385 I Am Not Zheng Qing

"What does it mean to take a small step back on the 'free transformation of species'?"

Samuel, who was wearing a wolf-head mask, knocked on the table impatiently, looking a little anxious: "The room is all our own people, please make it clear, if it is really useful, it will not lose your benefits."

"You don't think my inner image is really a fox, do you?" The red fox spread its paws, its tone full of surprise.

When wizards perform transfiguration, they will unconsciously choose the most preferred animal image in their hearts. Zheng Qing knew this when he first heard Professor Li's explanation.

But non-inner image transfiguration?

A word suddenly appeared in the black cat's mind.

"Directional deformation?"

The bat mask that just entered the room spoke the answer from the bottom of the black cat's heart. He sat at the table with his elbows on the table and crossed his hands and fingers in front of him. Although he used interrogative sentences, his tone was quite certain: "As far as I know , using the directional deformation technique can certainly leave a trace of magic power in the body, but that trace of magic power is too weak to support you to speak."

The white piggy blinked its ears and looked at the bat spirit with contemptuous eyes.

"There is another kind of magic in the world called alchemy."

It raised its long mouth slightly, revealing a small bell hanging around its neck, and its voice was coming out of the bell: "I just need to channel my thoughts into this bell, and it will naturally make a normal sound... this kind of sound Better than a mask to camouflage."

"Directional deformation also has a time limit!" The cat-faced witch also raised her own question.

"Can we have a meeting all night?"

The red fox raised its tail happily, and flicked it left and right: "According to my experience, the longest meeting we had was two hours and thirteen minutes, and it was at the end of last semester to discuss whether we should make money from that big event. ...The shortest time was only ten minutes, and I remember that the last meeting was very short... My directional transformation can last for nearly six hours, and the time is definitely enough."

"What if I put you in a cage after the meeting?" The wizard wearing a wolf-head mask interrupted abruptly, looking at the two small animals on the table with ill intentions: "You probably don't have the strength to offend Mr. .”

Both the white pig and the red fox changed their expressions.

This is precisely the point that wizards criticize most about transfiguration—wizards can only become creatures with no magic power or only very weak magic power. To a certain extent, this kind of transformation can indeed strengthen the concealment and evasion abilities of wizards, but it requires them to pin their safety on the "Wizard Code". If someone doesn't care about the alliance's second-level murder or insists on dealing with an ordinary small animal , the situation of the transformed wizard will be very dangerous.

The black cat appeared at the right time, stopped between Samael, Mammon, and Beelzebub, and comforted him: "This is the meeting room of the Seven Deadly Sins, no one can put other people in the cage... I can guarantee this. "

While speaking, it looked around for a week as a warning, and its figure swelled up quietly. The thick shadow almost covered the entire conference table, and its sharp claws popped out from between its fingers, flashing a cold light.

As far as the eye can see, there is silence.

Then it turned to look at the fox and the little pig: "If you two are worried, the meeting will end later, you go first... I will leave enough time for you to evacuate safely."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the black cat felt that after these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the meeting room suddenly lost the strangeness it had when it first arrived, and the eyes of other people looking at it were much gentler.

"just joking."

Samuel touched the long and narrow wolf kiss, and showed a little concession in his tone, which was rare: "I just want to remind them that the school at night is not as safe as it looks during the day."

The black cat rolled its eyes silently.

Maybe it was because of the rough wolf-head mask, or maybe it was because of the addition of the name 'Samael', in short, his compromise sounded like a naked threat to others.

The witch wearing a cat face mask changed the subject briskly, and looked at the fox and the little pig with interest: "You guys

I just said that taking a small step back on the 'free transformation of species' will naturally lead to a small step forward on the 'stability of magic power'... It shouldn't be as simple as described, right? How to maintain the subtlety of this "one small step"? "

Old-school wizards like to use vague words such as "considerable" and "a little" when imparting magical knowledge, but the students of the First University who have been influenced by modern magic theory prefer to hear precise numbers.

The fox coughed softly: "Of course, of course, directional deformation is never easy, especially when it involves exploiting the loopholes of Mundell's law, it requires extremely high magical skills..."

"Where is it so troublesome!"

The little white pig interrupted the red fox's bragging with a rough voice, flickering his ears, and his tone showed a trace of impatience: "Just pay attention to the transformation time! My transfiguration teacher told me that the most important thing is to maintain a 'small step', It is the transformation time. As long as your 'species transformation' time is short enough, you will not be eroded by the law...but if your transformation time is too may completely turn into a pig. Of course, at that time, the magic power Of course it can return to normal. And I will also become a pig with the original level of magic power... This kind of thing, as long as you study the magic books that basically talk about transfiguration, you don't need to ask us at all...Look, I and Mammon, I don’t know each other, but we can transform at the same time and then attend the meeting, doesn’t that explain the problem?”

The words were a bit long-winded, but they clearly explained the main points of their use of the 'directional deformation technique'.

"Ordinary transfiguration is really not attractive to us." The wizard wearing a bat mask said suddenly, and his eyes fell on the black cat: "...Compared with these methods with many restrictions and great negative effects, I am actually quite 'worthy'." Sin makes Transfiguration more interesting to the 'lord."

"Where do I know how to transfigure?"

The black cat laughed and said irresponsibly nonsense: "I was originally a cat... Besides, my work unit is a 'relevant department'. You don't want to work in Danhag at a young age."

"By the way, there is a rumor in school recently, I wonder if you have heard of it." The cat-faced witch played with a grape in her hand with a smile: "It is said that Zheng Qing from Jiuyou College is very good at transfiguration..."

The hearts of the black cat and the red fox shuddered at the same time.

It's just that the black cat was still able to maintain a calm face, while the red fox's expression changed drastically.

"I solemnly declare that I am not Zheng Qing." It raised its paws, looked at everyone with a serious face, and huddled its tail nervously: "Your Excellency can supervise... Merlin, if I were Zheng Qing, I would They were skinned and plucked at night, and hanged to the first square to blow the cold wind all night!"

Are you Zheng Qing none of my business!

The black cat was furious from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't get too excited on his face, so he snorted coldly: "This kind of oath is worthless, I know no less than seven or eight ways to circumvent the oath's constraints...Let's not talk nonsense, Lucifer, tonight you Calling everyone, what's the matter?"

He turned to look at the wizard in the bat mask.

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