Hunting High School

Chapter 241: The Headmaster Is Unnamed

The milky white mist rolled and twisted in mid-air, accumulating with the noisy sound waves around the hall, and merged into several lifelike strange beasts.

There are panlong, crouching tiger, qilin, flying phoenix and so on, they float in mid-air, their feet emit smoke, their scales and feathers shine, and they have both expressions, and the gu pan is majestic.

On top of the strange beast, several simple gray-white stone platforms fell down at some unknown time.

The stone platform floats in the air, connecting the sun, the moon, and the sky above, and connecting the dragon and phoenix Qilin below, anchoring the entire hall, giving people a sense of stability.

A few strange figures quietly appeared on the stone platform, looming in the lingering clouds.

Because their appearance did not cause the slightest disturbance, it was not until the professors and senior students on the high platform corrected their attitudes and began to pay attention to them that the first-year freshmen in the corridor on the first floor suddenly became alarmed and gradually quieted down.

Zheng Qing looked intently and immediately felt a heavy pressure.

Although the figure on the stone platform was a little blurry, for some reason, it could easily grab his attention, making him unable to look away.

"This is the gravitational effect of the aura," Xiao Xiao's voice as thin as a mosquito suddenly rang in Zheng Qing's ears: "A high-level wizard emits a special aura all the time. Now, low-level wizards will involuntarily pay attention to this aura...the greater the level difference, the stronger this gravitational effect."

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth, trying to look away.

But those figures were like black holes, the more he struggled, the more his eyes fell on them involuntarily.

"Relax, don't resist their aura, you can try to close your eyes." Xiao Xiao continued: "Those are the principals of First University, the level difference between us and them is too don't try Resisting their presence with your spirit is a very unmagical act."

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and closed his eyes forcefully.

Sure enough, his whole body immediately relaxed a lot, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

He immediately turned his head, not daring to look directly at those figures.

"They... those principals... what level are they?" He slowed down his breathing and asked in a low voice.

"Beyond the level of the Great Wizard, some people call it a 'Witch Envoy'." Xiao Xiao's voice was full of yearning: "There are very few treatises and books about that Realm, and there are not many books in the library...don't think about it. Those books are stored in the deepest part of the bookshelf corridor, and only with the professor’s approval note can you read them in the special reading room. If you don’t want to be thrown out by Mr. Zhang’s ears, it’s best not to hit them attention."

Zheng Qing licked his dry lips and let out a regretful sigh.

"When can we..." He muttered softly, suddenly thought of something, immediately turned his head vigorously, and looked at those figures again: "Which one is the principal?"

His voice was a little anxious, so that he spoke a little incoherently: "Several figures, above, which one is the principal? The real principal?"

"Naturally, the one in the middle is stupid!" Xiao Xiao didn't speak this time, but Li Meng, who was standing beside him, gave him a contemptuous look: "Except for the principal, who in this hall is qualified to stand at the highest place?" The place, the most central place?"

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"Maybe it's the master of ceremonies..." Zhang Jixin lowered his voice and raised the bar from behind.

Li Meng didn't even turn his head, hooked his calf, and kicked the red-faced boy's robe again.

Zheng Qing squinted, trying to adjust the focus, trying to see the figure at the top clearly.

But in vain.

Although he could see that it was a tall figure, but under the lingering clouds and inexplicable influence, he still couldn't see that mysterious face clearly.

"It's too far away," he couldn't help muttering, "I can't even see's not close to the people at all."

"It's for our own good," Zhang Jixin showed off once in a while: "I heard from my brother that several principals are always excluded from the world because of their advanced Realm... wizards below the registration level are in their By your side, you will passively accept powerful mental oppression, and if you are not careful, it will easily cause irreparable damage..."

"In addition, the space between us and them is distorted." Xiao Xiao added next to him: "It's like looking at the moon in the water. You can see that they are not far away, but maybe the distance between us and them is extremely far... …Even face to face, we may be separated by thousands of miles.”

"What's more important is that he is not the consul of the Urumqi League, so we don't need us to vote to determine his position, who will show that friendly attitude to the people?!" Xin Fatty finally couldn't help it, and turned around and complained: "Also, you are muttering here, aren't you afraid of being deducted points?"

"I have a lot of credits, so I'm not afraid!" Zheng Qing said in a low voice.

"When did you become so obedient!" Zhang Jixin looked at Fatty in disbelief: "Do you really want to change your mind and become an obedient student?"

A layer of blue air quickly appeared on Fatty's face.

"Be quiet!" Squad leader Jiang finally came back to his senses, glared at the boys, and raised the noteboard in his hand threateningly.

The boys shut up immediately.

But after only a few minutes, Zheng Qing couldn't help pushing Dr. Xiao again.

"What's the principal's name?" He asked in a low voice, "I remember that "Into the First University" didn't seem to introduce this information...the introductions of the other two vice principals are very comprehensive."

"No name." Xiao Xiao twisted his lips slightly, and cast a sneaky glance at Jiang Yu.

Zheng Qing noticed that the female squad leader was looking around suspiciously, as if she wanted to see who was talking, but Liu Feifei immediately moved to her side, as if asking some question in a low voice.

"Which Wu, which name?" The young public finance student hurriedly asked: "Kou Tianwu? The name of the song? Or the name of the name? Or tomorrow's Ming?"

"Nothing, nothing, the name of the name!" Xiao Xiao sighed helplessly, spread out his notebook, and stuffed it under Zheng Qing's nose: "Our principal has no name... so people in the Wumeng gradually called him '" The nameless principal' gone."

Zheng Qing's eyes fell on the huge word 'No Name' on the notebook, and he was amazed.

The principal of First University has no name!

What a funny thing.

"If it is said that he is hiding his real name so as not to be cursed, maybe I can understand it better." Zheng Qing frowned and shook his head again and again: "But without a name... not having a name is too... too unreasonable."

His eyes slid back along the note on the notebook:

"...The date of birth is unknown...The age cannot be tested...The Realm is unknown...He is currently serving as the principal of the First University, concurrently serving as the honorary chairman of the Grand Wizarding Conference of the Wizarding Union, and the head of the Galaxy Orion Arm Trial Court..."

Before he finished reading, a thick and big hand rested on his shoulder.

Xiao Xiao's expression changed, and he quickly drew back his notebook.

Before Zheng Qing had time to say it was a pity, Downton's warning voice came from next to his ear:

"You guys, if you don't want to be deducted points, don't talk... Be quiet, the principals are coming down!"

Zheng Qing raised his head violently.

In mid-air, those strange beasts turned into clouds were twisting and deforming little by little with the figures of the principals.

Turn into a gorgeous ladder.

It fell from the void stone platform to the ground of the first hall.

The unnamed principal stepped forward, his robe fluttering, and his sleeves fluttering, leading several other vice principals, stepping on the ladder, and came to the freshmen step by step.


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