Hunting High School

Chapter 4 The Theory Of Silence

Philosophy of magic is a general education course. Of course, because some colleges do not make mandatory requirements for this aspect of knowledge, this course is classified as a school-wide elective course.

Even so, since there are only a handful of professors in the entire university who are capable of teaching this course, the Philosophy of Magic has always been arranged by the Academic Affairs Office as a large class, where students from different colleges are mixed together to teach.

After all, only those experienced and well-informed old professors can explain this obscure course of exploring the origin of magic to young wizards with ease.

For example, the dean of Jiuyou Academy, Yao Xiaomi.

Maybe it's because of his daunting title, maybe his lectures are really good.

Lao Yao's philosophy class is always overcrowded.

Except for the students of Jiuyou Academy, Alpha Academy, Starry Sky Academy, and even some senior sophomores and juniors who failed the course and retake the course, they will give priority to Lao Yao's course.

But because of the limited number of people, not everyone has the opportunity to grab this spot.

As far as Zheng Qing knows, nearly half of the students in Class 08-1 of Astronomy can only choose philosophy courses taught by other professors. Among them is Elena.

This is also the reason why young public-funded students dare to stay in the classroom ahead of time without fear of the awkward atmosphere before class.

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The classroom of philosophy class is located in west 302 of the main building

Same as ever.

There was still more than half an hour before class, and the spacious classroom was full of seats.

There was no noise or noise.

Zheng Qing found a very interesting phenomenon.

Whenever students from different colleges are in the same classroom, there will always be some kind of comparison silently: maybe it is the number of questions answered, maybe it is the completion of homework after class, or it may be just the discipline in class or before class.

Winners will naturally gain some kind of psychological advantage, and they can look at students from other colleges with self-righteous eyes.

The losers will silently lick their wounds in order to win the next competition.

Like now.

There was no sound in the classroom of 302, everyone was quietly reviewing the handouts transcribed from the previous class in their own seats, trying to declare something to the students of other colleges with this serious study attitude.

The translucent curtains are wide open, locking the glare of sunlight out of the window; elves are hanging on the light clusters under the ceiling, carefully charging them to keep the entire classroom at an appropriate brightness.

On the front wall, on that large blackboard, someone left behind a paragraph of flamboyant characters:

"...When you enter the university, go deep into the wizarding hall. You need to find a lamp."

"... This light can help you go further in the dark, find your way when you are confused, and strengthen your faith when you are confused."

"Of course, it can also help you get out of the bookshelf corridor of the Shushan Pavilion."

"...This lamp is the philosophy of magic."

"...Although it is boring and has no dazzling magical effects, it will become the most solid foundation for your magical journey."

Zheng Qing chewed on this piecemeal proverb while opening his own textbook.

"This passage looks familiar," he muttered, elbowing Xiao Xiao next to him: "Who wrote it?"

"Carl Strauss." Xiao Xiao really deserved the title of Great Doctor, and opened his mouth to give a name.

Zheng Qing lowered his head, looked at the author's name of "Philosophy of Magic" at his hand, and said in a weak tone, "I'm not asking about the source of this passage... I just want to ask, who wrote that passage on the blackboard..."

"Of course it's chalk!" Xiao Xiao looked at him in surprise: "Aside from chalk, who else can write on the blackboard?"

Zheng Qing finally retreated and no longer struggled with this problem.


Lao Yao is used to walking to the podium a few minutes earlier.

Because he always talks a bunch of nonsense before class.

For example, "Today's weather is good, it's windy and sunny"; or "Your students in this class are the worst that I have brought."

But on the podium today, he didn't talk about the weather or the students.

Instead, complain about other teachers.

"Professor Sima is a very responsible teacher, there is no doubt about it."

"But it's also very troublesome for me."

He waved the black pipe, let the green smoke linger and cover his face, and complained endlessly:

"It started last week, um, I forgot how many history lessons it was... Anyway, she involved some advanced knowledge of magic philosophy in the process of interpreting history for you."

"This is just great."

"...You little bastards come up to me whenever you have time, and ask what is going on with "On Silence."

"At first, I was puzzled... This is a practical theory class that you can only get in touch with in your senior year. How come you are so advanced in previewing both of them!"

There was a cheerful chuckle in the classroom, and Zheng Qing couldn't help smiling, looking at the smiling faces all around.

There was an air of contented elation in the air.

Of course, there are also many students from other colleges with blank faces, apparently unable to understand what the professor on the stage is saying.

Lao Yao quickly discovered these signs:

"Some students may not know." He tapped the desk with a pipe, and added: "When Professor Sima was in the history class, he interpreted part of the real history, which involved the theory of silence... I remember that part of the class Students from Jiuyou Academy, and some students from Alpha Academy?"

"Yes!" There were uneven answers in the huge classroom.

"Has anyone gone to the library to find information on this?"

After Zheng Qing raised his hand, he was surprised to find that only ten people in the class raised their hands.

"Does anyone understand?"

The raised hands fell back together.

Lao Yao nodded in satisfaction:

"now it's right."

"The Theory of Silence is one of the highest achievements in the development of modern magic philosophy, and it forms the basis of today's wizard code of conduct. This theory is the conclusion of the joint efforts of many great wizards. In the derivation process, very complicated magic techniques are used and a lot of hard theory."

"Today, I will take a short while to briefly explain the "On Silence" to you. I don't expect you to understand it, but it is enough to understand the general meaning."

Lao Yao put the Fa books on the podium, rolled up his sleeves, and started pacing back and forth on the podium.

"Let's define first... I need to give you a definition."

"What is Quietism?"

"The main argument of the silence theory can be summed up in one sentence: under a certain space-time range, the strength of an active individual is inversely proportional to the life span of this space-time."

Lao Yao said this sentence very slowly, almost word for word.

After finishing speaking, everyone in the hall looked at a loss.

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