Hunting High School

Chapter 27: The Storm In The Meeting Room


"Check it from head to toe! Check it thoroughly! Check it out!"

"A wild monster came into the academy without making a sound!"

"Are all the people in the school working committee dead?!"


Lao Yao paced back and forth on the podium like an angry lion.

He waved his pipe, letting the bluish-white smoke condense in the cold air, leaving traces of winding and circling, and finally piled up in this dimly lit conference room.

The cleaning elves huddled together and hid in the wastebasket behind the door, shivering.

The portraits hanging on the surrounding walls even slipped away early, leaving only blank black frames and colorful negatives.

Under the podium, black-robed professors and teaching assistants and gray-robed janitors sat on both sides clearly, leaving a narrow aisle in the middle, which can only accommodate one person to pass sideways.

Seemingly irritated by Lao Yao's words, a young wizard in gray robe took a deep breath, and then tried to stand up to refute, but was grabbed by a middle-aged brown-haired wizard with quick hands and quick eyes.

But the gestures stand out in this silent room.

"Do you still have opinions?" Lao Yao twisted his neck, his eyes widened, and his voice seemed to shake the entire roof down: "Did I go too far?"

"It's just a resurgence of silence a few days earlier! The school's guardian formation is like a sieve, and any messy things can get in!"

"The red-chained snakes came in. You said they were low-risk creatures. That's fine. I'll ask the junior students to work harder in the practical class and catch the snakes for you."

"The sand bugs have come in. You say they are just endangered bugs with high medicinal value... I can understand it!"

"now what?"

"A wild monster!"

"It's not the experimental supplies that ran away from our laboratory with their teeth worn out! It's not the cooked prey that ran out of our hunting garden!"

"A wild monster with a serious head and less than 24 hours of transformation!"

"A living monster!"

"The people who manage the formation are eating shit! Huh?! What reason are you going to give me this time!"

Lao Yao patted the table with an excited expression, his small dark eyes shone with horror.

This ray of light swept across the gray-robed janitor, and everyone lowered their heads without any rebuttal.

This caused a schadenfreude smile to appear on the faces of several young teaching assistants on the other side.

"You still have the face to smile!" Lao Yao grabbed a newspaper at hand and smashed it over his face: "Look at what those newspaper headlines are talking about outside?! Are you happy only if I take the blame and resign? Ah!"

Several young teaching assistants stood up in fear and lowered their heads, not daring to breathe.

"Where is Zhang Yu? Stand up for me!" Lao Yao grabbed his pipe and knocked on the desk vigorously, completely ignoring the small holes that were smashed into the desk.

An elf finally couldn't hold back the urge of duty deep in his heart, climbed out of the wastebasket, and flew tremblingly towards the podium.

Her tentacles hang down to the sides, tightly touching her cheeks; her wings seem to be flapping and twitching, looking like they will fall to the ground at any time.

"Xixi..." She screamed in horror, but her body seemed to be disobedient, and she climbed onto the podium with all hands and feet.

Lao Yao lowered his eyes, and two puffs of heavy smoke spewed out from his nose, submerging the mahogany desk in an instant.

"Ahem!" The elf coughed loudly, but still groped, stretched out her little hand, and stroked the bean-sized pits on the podium.

A faint light flashed, and the small pits were smoothed out one by one.

Lao Yao's anger seemed to be released one by one in these flickering glimmers.

"You are not even as good as elves!" He raised his hand, pointed to a black-robed teaching assistant standing in the corner of the room, and said sadly, "Elves know how to do their duty, how about you?"

Zhang Yu stood silently in the corner, watching Lao Yao quietly.

He didn't bow his head, his eyes were as gentle as usual.

The anger of the principal of Jiuyou College finally gradually extinguished. He pulled a chair from behind and sat down, his legs stretched out, his arms folded, his head tilted back as much as possible, as if leaning on the chair.

The black pipe was bitten in his mouth again at some point.

He scanned the entire room with his scrutinizing eyes, thick smoke billowed uninterruptedly from between his lips and teeth, and within a short while his entire head was submerged in the thick smoke.

After a long time, he finally spoke again: "Zhang Yu!"

"Yes!" The young teaching assistant who was still standing in the corner straightened up.

"Has the guardian formation of the school been checked step by step according to the rules and regulations? Whoever checked it, and reported the list to me... Before the start of the school, the guardian formation is required to undergo a stress test. Which teams are in charge? I want to see the full test report in an hour, is that okay?"

"Several professors who participated in the test are not in school now." The young teaching assistant replied with some anxiety.

"Are they wizards?" Lao Yao sneered.

"No problem." The teaching assistant decisively crossed the topic.

"Then sit down." Lao Yao waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him, and his eyes glanced at the black-robed wizards: "The teaching assistant team, led by Zhang Yu, select a few people to be responsible for investigating this matter... Where the school assists, ask me to write a note."

"There is also the school work committee." Lao Yao took a deep breath, turned his head to look at the gray-robed wizards on the other side, his tone seemed a little cold: "It stands to reason that I shouldn't step in and deal with you for Vice Principal Ruoyu... ...But since you are in my school, you have to shoulder the responsibilities you should bear."

"It has been almost twenty hours since the incident happened yesterday."

"As for the origin of that beast... do you have any conclusions?"

Several gray-robed people sitting in the first row looked at each other, and finally stood up a middle-aged janitor in his forties or fifties with a high forehead and a pair of azure blue eyes.

"As you judged just now, this kappa demon is not a test product in the school laboratory or a prey in the hunting garden."

"However, according to some elements left on the scene, the fortune-teller of our school working committee found some traces of creatures under the moon..."

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"Parliament under the moon?" Lao Yao waved his arm forcefully, interrupted the middle-aged janitor's speech, and asked repeatedly: "Your calculation results are out? The divination elements are not complete? Which fortune-teller did the verification? Did you do the crossover?" Verification? There are five upper-class races in the next month's council, hundreds of races of different sizes, can you be sure which clan did it?"

A series of questions obviously caught the middle-aged janitor a little off guard.

"Don't say anything if you're not sure!" Lao Yao also seemed relieved, and motioned for the janitor to sit down: "The accusation is a very serious matter... especially when you are not 100% sure."

The grey-robed janitors were sullen and kept silent.

Lao Yao still seemed a little uneasy, grabbed a newspaper on the desk, and rattled it in mid-air: "Before the authoritative conclusion is released, I don't want any new messy claims to appear in these newspapers!  … Especially those allegations that are not yet clear!"

"Have you heard clearly?"

The wizards in gray robes or black robes exchanged glances with each other, and the atmosphere in the meeting room became a little delicate for a while.

"Send a copy of the investigation report of the school working committee to the dean's office later, and I will directly communicate this matter with Vice President Ruoyu." Lao Yao finally concluded: "The reflection on this matter is not over yet. Apart from patrolling Those students in the team, and every other department involved must submit your investigation report and self-inspection report within a week...Does the professor joint meeting have any comments?"

As Lao Yao spoke, his eyes fell on the black-robed wizards in the first row of the conference room.

"Someone must be directly responsible for this accident." Professor Monteria said with a straight face, his voice was a little cold. He pressed his hands on the table, looked straight ahead, and spoke very seriously:

"According to the conclusion of the current investigation, Verne, the janitor in charge of the night patrol at Linzhong Lake, has violated regulations such as drinking, being late, and leaving work without authorization...According to the opinion of the Standing Committee of the Professors' Joint is recommended that the janitor should be suspended Review and segregate it for review... During the review period, the school work committee will assign other special personnel to take charge of its corresponding responsibilities... After the review is over, further processing opinions will be made according to the investigation results."

The meeting room was silent for a few minutes.

Then there was an uproar.

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