Hunting High School

Chapter 188 From Two-Dimensional To Three-Dimensional

The milky white ball of light is suspended on the hexagonal stone platform, slowly rotating.

The researchers standing around the stone platform held recording boards and meticulously recorded the data that had flickered on the light sphere. From time to time, they flipped through the Dharma books, dragged out strands of black smoke-like things from the void, and stuffed them into the light sphere.

Su Shijun hugged Poseidon, stepped on high heels, and walked in front.

I don't know if this laboratory has set up a silent magic circle. Even though Miss Su's high-heeled shoes trampled the floor into small holes, there was no noise.

Perhaps having enjoyed being in the arms of the beautiful woman, Poseidon climbed onto Su Shijun's shoulder, shook his ears, and yelled at Zheng Qing—it was yelling. If it really wants to express something, Zheng Qing can fully understand it.

The public finance student looked at the little fox that had become active again with a dark expression on his face, wondering if he should grab it by the tail and bring it back, so as to give it a good etiquette lesson.

But seeing how Miss Su didn't mind, he gave up this idea again.

To be honest, sometimes, Zheng Qing feels that he is not as good as a fox.

Frustrated, the public fee student could only turn his attention to the big balls of light around him, trying to see some advanced magic knowledge from them, so that he would have bragging rights when he went back. Of course, he looked like a big light bulb from these ordinary appearances Nothing can be seen on the 'suspected' alchemy products.

Perhaps the only thing he can be sure of is the number of light spheres and the size of this laboratory.

"This laboratory is really big." The young public-funded student said in admiration.

"It's natural." Su Shijun seemed to be happy to talk to the wizard. After hearing his emotion, he immediately picked up the topic and introduced the laboratory to him in detail:

"This is the largest laboratory at First University."

"The full name of the laboratory is 'a laboratory to test how single-string life forms breakthrough from Dirichlet's membrane in 1+1-dimensional space-time'...Because this name is a bit of a mouthful, everyone is used to using its abbreviation - Two-dimensional evolution laboratory."

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, subconsciously touched his own gray cloth bag.

Since entering school, he has developed a good habit. Whenever he hears the teacher say something that "does not understand a single word", he must immediately record it, and then slowly understand it later.

Fortunately, he immediately realized that he was not in class, but in Su Shijun's laboratory.

So, his fingers just touched the bag, and he put it down again.

"...As the name suggests, the main research direction of this laboratory is 'dimension breakthrough', or it can also be called the direction of 'evolution'."

"Maybe you don't understand this concept deeply enough... Well, let me give you a chestnut: Suppose your Life is in a 9+1-dimensional d3 brane world, then if it is a 10+1, 9+2, or even 10+6 dimensional hyperdimensional space, is it possible for us to touch them?"

Zheng Qing became more and more dazed.

The dull hair on the top of his head waved weakly, which vividly explained his state of mind.

"Tsk, how could you be so stupid." Su Shijun's slender eyebrows frowned, forming a beautiful frown.

Zheng Qing said that he had nothing to say.

A freshman just one or two months old can understand the technical terminology spoken by you, a great wizard—wouldn’t it make you look useless? !

Su Shijun didn't bother to read the wizard's mind, so naturally he didn't hear his slander.

She stretched out her pale jade fingers, rubbed the gap between Own's brows, and snapped her fingers: "...Let's put it this way, assuming that your life is in a three-dimensional space—a space composed of length, width and height. In addition, there is a fourth dimension running through time. Countless such three-dimensional spaces are connected to form a higher-dimensional space-time than the world you are in."

"If you want to go beyond your own space, you must touch the fourth dimension and unify the countless 'you' on the timeline."

"This state of 'great unity' is a step towards the ultimate direction that every life pursues..."

"Before the pre-Qin period, there were immortals walking in the mountains and rivers; in the Middle Ages, there were gods haunting foreign lands; and now, those existences that surpassed great wizards and great demons... In a sense, they all belong to the breakthrough. There are dimensions, touching the existence of a wider life."

Zheng Qing finally understood what she meant.

But this made him even more frustrated.

Is it really good to discuss such a profound topic in front of a freshman who hasn't even made it to the wizarding threshold? !

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"...The two-dimensional evolution laboratory is researching this aspect."

"Of course, due to limited conditions, we have no way to directly study how to breakthrough the existing 9+1-position d3 membrane, but we can reduce the difficulty and start the simulation from a relatively simple place—that is, since there is no way to simulate three-dimensional Breakthrough is four-dimensional, so let’s simulate two-dimensional breakthrough and three-dimensional first.”

"Stones from other hills, can learn."

"This way of thinking still refers to the convergence theory of the dimension school."

"If our experimental product can break free from the 1+1-dimensional space-time, then its experience, its experience, and even all kinds of changes that may occur at the moment of breakthrough will be repeated in higher dimensions-this is 'Christian-Moonlight Conjecture'."

Zheng Qing finally couldn't bear it and interrupted Su Shijun's description.

"But, don't we already have existences that surpass the great wizard?" He looked at the witch strangely, and asked in confusion: "Can't they give clearer and more accurate instructions to later generations? What about complicated and difficult research?"

"Those who are detached have their own paths. Each path is unrepeatable." Su Shijun raised his head, his tone was very firm: "And we hope to find a path that everyone can walk through in this laboratory." Kangzhuang Avenue."

It's a great-sounding idea.

The young public finance student was amazed when he heard it.

"Then do you have any successful cases now?" He couldn't help asking: "Is there any successful case of breaking through from two-dimensional space-time to our world?"

"Not yet." Mentioning this point, Su Shijun didn't seem to be depressed: "If you can breakthrough the limit of your life so easily, then 'transcendence' seems a bit too cheap...Of course, this does not mean that there is no result .Many test subjects have already tried 'transcendence', which gave us a lot of inspiration. Next, we plan to adjust the parameters of some worlds and collect more data..."


Adjust world parameters.

Data collection.

Every word in it, to Zheng Qing's ears, seemed so cold, even faintly revealing the smell of blood.

A cold wind blows from the depths of the laboratory.

He couldn't help tightening the robe around him.

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