Hunting High School

Chapter 194: Neptune And Poseidon

"Then, before we talk, I need to confirm something." Su Shijun put down the quill in his hand, crossed his hands, propped his chin, and looked at the wizard in front of him very seriously: " you have a meditation talisman?"

"Yes? There are many..." Zheng Qing put his hand into the gray cloth bag in bewilderment, and took out a stack of brand new talisman papers.

This is a standard talisman that he just finished painting not long ago and plans to send it to the vagabond bar for sale. The strokes are smooth and the effect is remarkable, so it is no exaggeration to call it a boutique.

"Very good." Su Shijun nodded in satisfaction: "This way I don't have to waste my copying spells..."

As she spoke, she closed the Dharma book in her hand and hooked her fingers. Four or five pieces of talisman paper immediately popped out from the stack of talismans, and they hung on the public fee student with a crackling sound:

"This next thing might make you feel a little bit uncomfortable... so just in case, it's better to be a little bit more prepared."

"Why?" Zheng Qing looked at the smoking talismans distressedly, and couldn't help complaining, "Is there anything more uncomfortable than taking my shadow away?"

Su Shijun rarely showed an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Haven't you all been wondering who Neptune's father is?"

"Who?!" Zheng Qing's attention was immediately diverted from the smoking talisman papers, and an expectant expression appeared on his face involuntarily.

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Compared with a few talisman papers, the news that Su Dameimei mentioned is obviously more interesting.

Great news!

It is definitely a big piece of news that can get a good salary from the "Beta Town Post"—— Zheng Qing even has no doubt that if this piece of news is sold at the homeless bar alone, he will definitely be able to save enough money to receive it within a month. Four years of life fees!

Moreover, the expressions of those guys in the dormitory are also very exciting.

Thinking so far, Zheng Qing couldn't help showing a smirk on his face.

He can completely imagine the scene when he took this news and showed it off in the dormitory.

Maybe use this to blackmail a few hearty meals from Sim Fatty? No, no, just a few meals, that's too cheap for him...

Before he could complete the plan while drooling, Su Shijun decisively ended his dream.

"If there are no accidents, you will be Neptune's father." She looked at the public fee student with a serious expression, she spoke clearly and her voice was pleasant, but the words she spoke seemed to be in an extraterrestrial dialect, which was completely incomprehensible.

To be precise, Zheng Qing understood every word Su Shijun just said, but he couldn't understand it together.

The smirk from the daydream was still on the face of the young public fee student, but the smirk had completely froze on his face now—he hadn't realized what a terrible thing Miss Su just said.

Or, he thought Su Shijun was joking.

"Haha... This joke is very interesting!" The public fee student laughed loudly, his head spinning, trying to understand the joke of Miss Su's words just now.

Su Shijun didn't say a word, crossed his fingers, propped his chin, and frowned slightly. Looking at him, he seemed curious why the wizard could still laugh so exaggeratedly while wearing so many meditation charms on his body.

Under her gaze, Zheng Qing's laughter finally gradually stopped.

He looked left and right at the empty office, finally poked his head, and whispered what Miss Su had just said in a very funny gesture: "You mean... I'm Neptune's father?"

Su Shijun nodded silently.

"Nonsense! Nonsense! What a joke!" The public fee student waved his hands again and again, his face flushed, and his voice couldn't help but grow louder: "I'm still a... can I have a child?!"

"A virgin?" Beauty Su's eyes fluttered, and a smile seemed to appear on her face: "I don't think so."

Without waiting for Zheng Qing to refute, she shook her finger and explained calmly: "Perhaps in your understanding, two mating is the only way to reproduce... It is undeniable that when more information can be inherited and a wider range of It is difficult for creatures to achieve the best of both worlds during rapid reproduction, and mating is indeed a very good means."

"But for wizards, the two-match is a bit backward and inefficient... A brilliant wizard can leave his own offspring in countless ways. Even just a drop of blood, a strand of hair, or even a wisp of breath can all Become a tool for reproduction..."

The sex story full of charm and hormones has become words like 'mating' and 'reproduction' in the mouth of Councilor Su, which inevitably gives people a feeling of distaste.

Zheng Qing snorted, and sat down on the armchair behind him without saying a word.

Judging from Su Shijun's tone and attitude, he gradually had a bad feeling.

This feeling made his chest a little heavy, and he was a little out of breath, and for some reason, he felt his legs were sore and his vision was blurred—as if he had just run a few thousand meters in a marathon.

Maybe it was excitement, maybe horror, or both.

Su Shijun stopped talking, frowned, looked at the smoky talisman papers on Gong Feisheng's body, and after a long while, he murmured: "Has the talisman failed? It shouldn't be..."

She was very sure that when she first activated the talisman paper, the mantras flowing on it were very smooth, and they were indeed some excellent meditation talismans.

But looking at the public finance student in front of her who was not at all 'pure in heart', she couldn't help but began to doubt her previous feelings.

"It's still unavoidable to copy the spell again," Su Shijun sighed slightly, and finally opened the Dharma book in hand, and said softly: "Speak quietly and think about it, it's a good idea!"

What she recited was a very advanced meditation spell, which was often used on the wizards of Qi Deviation, and it was much stronger than the combined power of the stack of talismans in Zheng Qing's hand.

As his face slowly turned pale, Zheng Qing's demeanor finally became much more peaceful.

"Where is Neptune?" With a sad face, he asked a key question - if he is Neptune's father, then according to what Su Shijun said at the meeting before, her child should always be with his father.

The point is that Zheng Qing, one of the parties involved, doesn't think when he raised an extra child.

Su Shijun tilted his head, as if wondering why he would ask such a stupid question.

But she was still very patient, letting a strand of hair float by her ear, pointing to the glass cabinet next to it filled with white mist.

A certain little fox was sleeping soundly in the white mist.

The corner of Zheng Qing's eye twitched.

He's not really an idiot, so when that strand of hair pointed at Poseidon, many images flashed through his mind.

A pregnant female fox who was taken in in a dark alley after a party...

It looks like a squirrel, and he always thinks that his vision is wrong, but in fact there is a female fox with three tails...

After giving birth to Poseidon, the female fox who quietly slipped away...

"So you're that slipped away?!" Zheng Qing opened his mouth, Hao Xuan swallowed the word "字" - he really didn't have the courage to confirm what would happen if an angry great wizard went mad as a result of.

"It's not slipping away, it's leaving." Su Shijun corrected with a straight face: "As a member of the next month's council, I'm very busy... During that time, I have to participate in the assessment of the Great Wizard Council, and I have to come here from time to time School, prepare to take over this laboratory... It is not easy to be with you for such a long time."

"However, when I met you...was already pregnant?" Zheng Qing involuntarily glanced at the witch's abdomen, and cautiously reminded her.

"Not at all." Su Shijun blushed slightly, but still firmly denied: "At that time, I was just ready to leave a bloodline... I was only a little bit short of seeds."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth and shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of all kinds of terrible thoughts.

"It is, I mean, it's Poseidon, not Neptune!" The young public fee student pointed at the little fox in the glass cabinet, stammering and changing the subject, completely ignoring how stupid the own question sounds .

"The Greek gods are of the same line as the Roman gods. Poseidon's Greek name is Poseidon, and his Latin name is Neptune... I thought you knew this little bit of common sense." When she spoke, Miss Su seemed a little disappointed.

"Of course I know this kind of common sense!" Zheng Qing's face began to turn red again: "But there are so many people with the same name and surname in the world, who would be so narcissistic!"

"In Su Ya's words, this is not narcissism, but self-confidence." Su Shijun corrected.

"Normal people don't have such confidence... Besides, who would use the words of their own maid as an annotation." Zheng Qing helped the armrest of the chair and tried to stand up, but his legs were still weak.

So he quickly gave up this plan.

After a moment of silence, he finally raised his head and looked at Su Shijun seriously: "I need an explanation."

Su Shijun sighed slightly:

"Every wizard needs to purify himself from the inside out—including spirit, blood, etc., when he advances to the level of a great wizard."

"Poseidon is the part of my blood that I gave up, the condensed witch fetus... From an ethical point of view, it is indeed a part of the flesh and blood that fell from me. It is not wrong to call it my child... But from a Taoist point of view, it's just an incarnation of me."

"To use a very classic sentence to describe: Poseidon is me...but I am not Poseidon."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but let out a heavy breath—but he didn't know whether it was a sigh of disappointment, or a breath of relief after unloading the burden.

"No wonder I always feel that this little thing...I mean, Poseidon, is too clever." After Zheng Qing relaxed, he was a little puzzled: "But... why did you choose me?"

"My divination magic tells me so."

"You believe in magic too much!"

"Wizards don't believe in magic, should they believe in gods?"

Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, speechless.

Then he remembered another strange place.

"If you were that fox... what about the big eagle that hunted you?" Zheng Qing scratched his hair, feeling his head swell a bit: "I remember that big eagle was very fierce back then! It could hurt you At that point, you shouldn't be merciful to me, a little wizard..."

"Oh, that." Miss Su blew a lock of long hair in front of her eyes, and explained nonchalantly: "I know Thomas very well, and he happened to be on business in Pingyang during that time, so I asked him to act in a play by the way. "

"That is to say, I'm the only one who kept in the dark about the whole thing?" Zheng Qing was a little bit annoyed.

"Poseidon doesn't know either." Su Shijun smiled slightly.

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