Hunting High School

Chapter 275: Two Hunting Teams

There is a small hill outside the dense forest ravaged by forest fire.

The hills are low and the slope is not too steep. From the foot of the hill to the top of the hill, it is covered with densely packed yellow grasses, and occasionally there are a few small clusters of mulberries, which grow wantonly among the grasses and bloom their small and beautiful flower clusters.

At the foot of the hill, on the edge of the dense forest, there are several spiny spinosa plants scattered here and there. Because of the lack of competitors, this ancient fern grows to a height of six or seven meters, and the height of their umbrella-shaped crowns is almost as high as that of the nearby hills.

Usually, the birds who come and go here always like to hop between the hills, looking for some delicious grass seeds, and then jump a long distance, and land on the branches of the spinulus tree next to them, taking a rest peacefully moment.

But today, the birds fleeing from the woods fluttered their wings, and they didn't even dare to look down at the place where they usually played and played. They just flew to the distance without thinking.

Not long after the birds left, a gust of wind rushed out from the forest surrounded by fireworks, carrying a trail of sparks, circled around a few times, and finally landed on the open space on the top of the hill.

The wind dissipated, and five strange figures appeared in the air out of thin air.

It was the forgiveness hunting team.

"Immediately report your physical condition, the level of mana consumption, and the number of spells you have left in your law books." As soon as they landed, Zheng Qing immediately spoke, and said in a hurried tone: "Swordsman, please explain the situation of the previous search and investigation."

While speaking, he threw out the fifteen talismans of the Five Elements Eight Trigrams talisman array.

This talisman array has not been used up before, and it can last for a while, so it just happens to be used for waste at this moment.

"Doctor, uninjured, in good physical condition, with slight dizziness symptoms after using the 'Transfer Curse', about one-third of the mana consumption, and seven spells left in the book." Xiao Xiao took the lead in completing the own report task, and sent himself The remaining spell details were provided to Zheng Qing.

"Stay where you are and pay attention to your vigilance." Zheng Qing nodded, hesitated for a moment, and added: "If your body allows, you can try to detect the positions of the other hunting have all the media."

Xiao Xiao nodded silently: "Downton's hair, Karen's discarded towel, Taylor's used quill."

"Where are the others?!" Zheng Qing turned to look at the rest of the hunting team.

"Elder, you are in good health. Consume 10% of your magic power, and the number of spells left in the book is eight." Zhang Jixin patted his chest and blew his breath: "The condition is very good...I feel like I can kill a cow with one punch now!"

"Fatty, your body is very weak, and half of your magic power has been sucked away by that goddamn vine demon." Xin Fatty sat carefully on the grass with his hands on his buttocks, and reported with a sigh: "The spell in the book has not been used, but Consuming more snacks than expected... I feel like I'm going to run out of snacks on my watch in two hours."

The corners of Zheng Qing's eyes twitched, he glanced at Fatty who was sighing, and said softly: "After eating, let's go find herbs... Our consumption of medicines may be more serious than expected."

"When I glanced around just now, I saw yellow vitex, husuoma, shrimp flower...there are still very rich types of medicinal herbs here." Xiao Xiao added next to him: "When pulling weeds, look for leaf veins by the way. For a complete dead leaf, I want to try Professor Yi's simple divination method."

"Got it!" Fatty agreed feebly.

"The condition is good, and the magic power is sufficient." After the blue bird concisely summarized the situation of own, it immediately reported the situation of the monster in the north: "The cow monster, walking alone, heavy armor, divination strength seven, but the actual combat power will be very strong, comprehensive evaluation strength Between 7:50 and 9:80. However, it is moving slowly, and it is estimated that it will be possible to meet us in three minutes."

"A minute and a half." Xiao Xiao corrected loudly at the side. He was burning a piece of animal bone with a ball of magic fire, carefully distinguishing the fine cracks on it: "The bull demon ignored the burning forest and went straight to our side. Here we come!"

Hearing what Xiao Xiao said, Zheng Qing couldn't help but look back at the burning forest.

"It's a pity." He sighed slightly.

If it wasn't for a monster whose strength is close to that of a registered wizard, he would definitely not give up the spoils after hard work just now - even if the corpse of the vine demon was burned into black charcoal, he could still exchange it for a lot of gold in the wandering bar. beans. After all, it is a demon corpse that has become a climate, whether it is used to make ink sticks or to mix ink, it should be a very good material.

Of course, now is not the time to be obsessed with a few golden beans.

"I have a plan here..." Zheng Qing held up a piece of talisman paper, looked at the own hunters, and whispered about the follow-up arrangement.



More than ten kilometers to the west of the forgiveness hunting team, another hunting team has just finished its own hunting.

"If you can pack this loot and take it out, Dad will definitely be able to cook a great meal!" The skinny wizard in a silver-gray dragon leather jacket stared eagerly at a huge python corpse in front of him, his tone full of pity. : "My father's technology in pulling out monster poison is first-class, and he will never leave a single bit of Monster Qi!"

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"The demon meat hot pot in Yota Restaurant is indeed very famous." Julian glanced at Omega in approval, and then reminded: "It's just that we don't have that much time..."

"Hurry up and collect the loot!" Andrew waved his stubby arms and shouted in a grumpy tone: "Although I don't know the referee rules of that elf, I definitely don't want to be chewed up and swallowed by that big-mouthed Gulu! Amber , how many minutes are left? Which direction?"

"I said Captain, shouldn't we call each other by code name in the hunting ground?" Omega stared at his captain in surprise.

"Code name?" Andrew sneered at this question: "Is it because the Puppet Highness does not have our roster, or the acquaintances who participated in the freshman competition don't know us old faces! Do you think we are participating in the 'Super Hunting Ground'?"

Omega blinked, feeling that what his vulgar and chubby captain said unexpectedly made sense.

When he came back to his senses, Amber was staring at a crystal ball in front of him, muttering: "The fire forces the gold to go, and the west of Italy... We are so lucky, then there must be a big fire in the east."

The fortune-teller in the hunting team who often lost his sense of existence analyzed in a soft voice: "So, in a minute, go due east... in order to put him to death and come back to life."

"Nevermind." Andrew shook his head, then turned to look at the most special member of the hunting team: "Iseni? It doesn't matter if you go to the edge of the fire!"

The murloc in Linzhong Lake had a gloomy face, and roared in a low voice, without any objection.

"If this is the case, hurry up and pack up the spoils!" Andrew waved his arm, and then turned around to greet the murloc: "Let your frog explore the way first, and see what happened to the east..."

Iseni stared at the two pale eyeballs, and after a long while, he shook the dorsal fin behind him.


From its dorsal fin, a round frog with flowery skin rolled down.

"Hiss... east... hiss... find the way!" the murloc stretched out his hand to guide Fang, and commanded his own pet.

"The east is in that direction!" Andrew hastily stretched out his hand, grabbed the murloc's elbow fin, turned back the direction it was pointing, and at the same time gave the frog a warning look: "Remember, when exploring the way Go high and high, never fall into the water hole on the ground casually, this is not Linzhong careful to be swept away by our spoiled snake son and grandson!"

As he spoke, he raised his thumb and nodded at the big snake demon with a length of tens of meters behind him.


The painted-skinned frog nodded again and again, then jumped up into the air, kicked left and right, and swam nimbly in mid-air. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from the sight of everyone in the Ouroboros hunting team.

"I also want a little frog that flies in the sky as a pet." Omega glanced at Iseni enviously, but immediately became depressed again: "But no matter what I raise, my father will make it the next day. Meat soup..."

"That's the smell of love." Julian, who was trying to cut the snake's skin, stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sighed deeply: "My father never made soup for our brothers."

"Love? No, no, no, you're thinking too much." Omega was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head in denial: "My father just wants to sell an extra bowl of broth."

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