Hunting High School

Chapter Two Hundred And Ninety First Zi

"Water Mirror Demon!"

Judging that he didn't need to do it himself, Zhang Jixin put away his posture, let out a long breath, and said with a bit of joy in his tone: "It's just some little monsters whose strength is less than 01. Although they can perfectly imitate the wizard's every move, they basically don't have much fighting power. , a five-year-old child can slap them into pieces... Fortunately, it is only a subspecies of the mirror demon, not the real mirror demon."

For wizards, the mirror demon, who comes and goes without a trace, is good at spying on people's hearts, and changes in shape is a very troublesome type of monster. It's just that this kind of monster rarely appears in hunting grounds, but likes to hide in old houses and attack wizards. The Three-pronged Sword has kept many dossiers about the mirror demon's attack.

"Although it's not a mirror monster, you can't take it lightly." Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes, looked around, and quickly landed on a small pool more than ten meters away: "If I'm not mistaken, these water mirror monsters should belong to A water demon's vassal... just like the tiger demon likes to catch some ghosts to fight."

Zhang Jixin followed Zheng Qing's eyes to look at the small water pool, and immediately found something strange.

Like the other waterholes that dot the prairie, this one is surrounded by slender rushes and calamuses. The difference is that the water in this pool is too quiet. There is no ripple on the calm water, not even a single water lice and larvae can be seen everywhere.

"Water monster?" The apologetic main hunter nodded thoughtfully: "This is a very rare monster... but this kind of monster is also very low in strength and useless. Although it is very confusing, But it's okay as long as you're careful. Few hunters waste energy on them."

"It's just that you think it's useless." Lan Fatty corrected with a rumbling voice: "The heart of the water demon is a very precious alchemy material... It's not only the eyeballs and the heart that can be touched are useful."

Zheng Qing didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two people next to him.

He took out an ampoule from his arms, walked to the pool, shook it lightly, and said calmly: "Ten seconds, let them out, or I will pour this transformation potion into the pool ...If I remember correctly, the Transformation Potion is extremely poisonous to water monsters whose forms are not fixed."

"I know you can understand what I mean...and I remember that the water demon has always been known for being shrewd and cunning. You should not be that stupid."

"You should also know that we are followed by some not-so-friendly guys."

"We are very short on time, so the negotiation method is inevitably simple and rough."

"But trust me, I mean it."

The calm water surface has no waves, as if it is no different from other pools.

Zheng Qing against this background seemed a little silly.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." Zheng Qing took out his pocket watch, stared at the dial, and counted down slowly, while his fingers began to tighten slowly.

This transformation potion was received by Zheng Qing from Professor Li not long ago to treat his head ailment. It's just that Zheng Qing hasn't used it yet because of the complicated business affairs and the fact that he hasn't had any headaches.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy at this moment.

"How do I know if what you said is true?!" Another 'Andrew' suddenly surfaced, looked at the ampoule in Zheng Qing's hand with a little anxiety, and emphasized in a evasive tone: "And we are not Afraid of the transformation potion... At best, drinking it will cause diarrhea..."

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Zheng Qing raised the corner of his mouth and pulled out a sarcastic smile.

He didn't continue the countdown, but with a little force with his fingers, he broke the bottleneck of the ampoule.

A wisp of pearl-colored mist swirls out of the bottle, but rolls back under the seal of magic power, without leaking at all.

The body of 'Andrew' on the water couldn't help shrinking back.

"If I were you, you wouldn't say such stupid things." Zheng Qing didn't look at the 'Andrew' in front of him, but continued to stare at the calm water under his feet, and said, "One last warning, let them out, we turn around and leave ...As I just said, our time is precious, and I don't want to waste such a precious potion of transformation on you."

The water pool finally broke the calm.

Bubbles bubbled up one after another, engulfing the silt and moss at the bottom of the water, and quickly turned the originally clear puddle into a pot of mud. It was like boiling thick soup, but it didn't have a trace of fragrance, instead it was mixed with a fishy smell.

"...four, three, two..."

"Okay, okay! Don't count down! You damn wizards! I have never done anything harmful! These guys just slipped and fell in..." Following the cursing, 'Andrew' on the water surface It shattered with a bang, turned into a drop of water, and fell back into the pool.

Not long after, a huge blister squeezed out of the pool.

In the blisters, the faces of the hunters of the Ouroboros Hunting Team had already turned purple.


Bubbles burst in the air, throwing the young wizards back onto the grass. The remaining pool water slides back into the pool silently along the low goosegrass beside the Tan.

Zheng Qing glanced over several members of the Ouroboros hunting team, slowly frowned, and walked back to the pool.

He didn't speak, but turned over the ampoule in his hand and dropped a drop of transformation potion into it.

The transparent viscous medicinal liquid fell into the puddle without sparking a single splash, but it made a hissing sound like metallic sodium falling into the water, and splashed a stream of sparks.

"You don't keep your word! You despicable wizards!" A blurry figure struggled on the surface of the water, howling in a hoarse voice: "I have handed over the prey I just caught..."

"All the prey." Zheng Qing shook his head and added: "Maybe I didn't make it clear just now. Then, let's be clear now, we need you to hand over everyone who just fell into the water. Everyone, do you understand?"

"The drop of transformation potion just now is a warning, I hope you realize the seriousness of the matter."

"But, that's already everyone?!" The water demon howled aggrievedly with a crying voice.

"There are five hunters in a hunting team, and you only spit out three of them." Zhang Jixin couldn't hold back his anger at last, stepped forward, and questioned in a violent tone: "Where is Andrew Taylor? He is the captain of this hunting team. And you imitated his appearance just now, don't tell me he has been wiped out by you!"

The water demon finally stopped howling, twitched, and after a while, spit out another blister.

Wrapped in the blister was a splendid buckskin hat.

There is no doubt that the owner of this hat is the captain of the Ouroboros hunting team.

"What about people?" Zheng Qing frowned.

The water demon groaned for a while, before Zheng Qing got impatient, and finally made his words clear: "I thought he was a wolf demon... You know, he smells like a wolf... I'm talking to that big white wolf." The relationship has always been very bad, they always pee in my pool casually, and I often fail to catch a prey for a month..."

"So, after he 'stumbled' and fell, he slipped for a moment and couldn't hold back..."

"But I still have this hat left!"

"It's unscathed. It's buckskin. I can smell it. It's the back hide of a fat elk. It's very strong! It's a good game!"

"Where's Julian? That black-haired, thin-eyed wizard? I remember he's also in Andrew's hunting team." Zhang Jixin asked.

"I swear in the name of the true ancestor, there are only four of them!" The water demon pointed to the sky and swore, insisting that there were only four people who fell into the water just now.

Looking at the flattering water demon in front of him, Zheng Qing took a deep breath, couldn't hold back for a while, and smashed the ampoule in his hand into the pool.

The pool was quiet for a second, and suddenly a huge blue flame erupted. The water in the pool swirled crazily in the narrow pit, stirring up the pool full of mud, and crackling the aquatic plants beside the pool.

"Sorry, slipped for a while."

Zheng Qing said to the struggling and howling water demon with a blank face, then turned and left.

"Take them and withdraw!"

He dug out a stack of shifting talismans and patted them on the team members one by one. He took a last look at the water demon who was still rolling and howling beside him, and whispered the incantation.

A wisp of blue smoke rises, the breeze blows, and the grass is suddenly empty.

Ten seconds later, with howling one after another, the chasing wolves finally came to the pool.

But at this time, there was no shadow of any wizard on the grass.

Even the breath of those young wizards disappeared strangely.

The white wolf demon king howled angrily, and glared viciously at the dying water demon not far away.

The wolves lined up obediently, walking towards the pool in turn, crossing their hind legs.

Zi. (to be continued)

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