Hunting High School

Chapter 19 Have You Learned The Forbidden Curse?

It was still the small office separated by several large bookcases.

It is still illuminated by the glowing fruits hanging from the vines above the head.

It's just that there is no Poseidon in the office this time, nor is there the alchemy instrument with exquisite shape and complex structure. Su Shijun was sitting behind the desk, with several thick stacks of materials already placed in front of him, and several quill pens were jumping happily between different documents, leaving a string of beautiful cursive characters on the paper.

"Sit." Behind the desk, Su Shijun was still processing the materials at hand, without raising his head, he asked, "What would you like to drink?"

While speaking, a round body with a short mouth and half of the handle on the side, a transparent glass teapot in the shape of a phoenix neck floated out of the cabinet not far away. In the teapot, a few large leaves undulate in the boiling water, making a pool of green tea. Behind the teapot, there is a small teacup about an inch high and low, like a hen with chicks.

"Just drink water..." Before the young public finance student could say the last word "OK", the small teacup fell in front of him with a "boom", and then the flying pot tilted its body and filled the cup halfway Cup of tea.

Zheng Qing glanced at the cup of green tea and the teapot floating in front of him, and finally did not insist on his own opinion. He silently picked up the small teacup and took a sip, two sips, three sips.

The glass is empty.

The flying pot tilted its body again and filled Zheng Qing.

Then the young public fee student continued to repeat his own rhythm of toasting and sipping.

Cup after cup, until the water in the teapot turns from light green to light green, and finally almost transparent.

The witch behind the desk kept her head buried in processing the documents, seemingly forgetting that there was another person in the room.

After a long time, she finally raised her head and stretched herself.

Then she saw the dull young wizard sitting behind the table holding a teacup.

"You haven't left yet?" She seemed a little puzzled.

"Why did I come?!" Zheng Qing was even more inexplicable.

Su Shijun adjusted his glasses, was silent for a few seconds, and finally gave a dry laugh: "Haha, I'm sorry... I just forgot about you when I got busy."

Then she took off the large pair of red glasses on her face, revealing her original radiant appearance.

The sliver of anger that Zheng Qing had accumulated just now dissipated.

"It's's okay." He looked away, shook his hands, and said stammeringly: "I'm just tired can take a rest, take a rest."

"That's good." The witch's mouth curled up, showing a playful smile, and she put her glasses back on.

Zheng Qing involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief—although he was ashamed to admit it, he had to face the fact that when Su Shijun took off the pair of magic glasses, he was almost out of breath by the 'glowing' figure opposite coming.

After putting on the glasses, Su Shijun leaned against the desk, folded his arms, looked at the young public fee student with a smile, and asked again: "Do you know why I called you here?"

Zheng Qing's gaze carefully avoided the witch's eyes, limiting his gaze to below her nose, and said slowly: "...Because I haven't brought Poseidon to see you for two weeks?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Since entering the office, Zheng Qing has been speculating in his heart why Miss Su asked him to come here.

If it was only because of that Dr. Chen, she could have let Zheng Qing leave outside the laboratory building; if she wanted to confirm certain data, she should have left the young wizard in front of the row of big light spheres outside instead of Bring it into the office.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is only one thing about 'children'.

The last time we met, Su Shijun asked Zheng Qing to take Poseidon to No. 54 courtyard in the West District of Beta Town once a week, which is the Qingqiu Guild Hall and where Su Shijun often lives outside the First University.

Although doing so will give people a weird feeling of agreeing to visitation rights after divorce, for various reasons, Zheng Qing happily agreed to Miss Su's request. It's just that the whole week of last week, he was busy preparing for the messy things related to the hunting game, and completely forgot about this appointment.

"We have to prepare for the freshman competition in the past two weeks, so the time is a bit tight," the young public fee student twisted his body anxiously, and explained in a low voice: "...If necessary, I will go to the pet garden to bring it here now?"

"Oh, there's another matter." Su Shijun's expression suddenly turned down: "I almost forgot if you didn't tell me..."

Zheng Qing resisted the urge to slap himself twice.

"...Forget it now, just take it to the Qingqiu mansion next week when you find time." Su Shijun waved his hand, denying Zheng Qing's suggestion, and hummed softly: "Don't let it rest well at night, take it with you." It's running around... that's how you take the baby?"

The young public servant looked at his nose and his heart, and was noncommittal to the witch's statement.

Conscience of heaven and earth, he is still a little virgin! Don't casually put such a heavy post-marital responsibility on your face, okay?

Of course, he only dared to murmur these words a few times in his heart. It is absolutely impossible for him to speak in front of a great wizard.

"I'm looking for you today, on the one hand, to find out about your shadow. But since that shadow has already run away, let's put this matter aside for now." At this point, Su Shijun seemed to remember something, and looked at you with strange eyes Looking at Zheng Qing, he suddenly asked: " you know how your shadow is 'detached'?"

Zheng Qing looked at her blankly and shook his head.

"Do you know the forbidden curse?" the witch asked.

"I've heard of it." As for the so-called most powerful magic in the world, Zheng Qing knows a little about forbidden spells. In the philosophy of magic a few weeks ago, Lao Yao had briefly explained to the freshmen the principle of forbidden spells based on the dimension theory.

"Then have you ever learned the forbidden curse?" Su Shijun stared at Zheng Qing closely and continued to ask.

The young public fee student finally couldn't help it, raised his head, looked into the witch's eyes with a broken face, and tried to see a joking expression in her eyes.

He deeply doubted whether she had been gnawed by zombies.

"Do you think I'm someone who has learned forbidden spells?" The wizard spread his hands and smiled weakly: "Or, if I know forbidden spells, will I still be in the first grade class?"

Although it is known that the forbidden spell is based on the principle of dimensional convergence, just like many people know that nuclear bombs are produced based on the principle of fission chain reaction-there is still an unfathomable gap between theory and practice.

"That's right." Su Shijun folded one arm in front of his chest, raised the other arm, and tapped his lips with his index finger, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes: "Even if you know the formula of the forbidden spell, you will definitely sign a certain spell." Kind of a silent agreement...forcibly forgetting that stuff."

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and wanted to argue, but he didn't know where to start.

Su Shijun glanced at him, and explained briefly: "Your shadow used a forbidden spell to blow up more than a thousand two-dimensional worlds, thereby forcibly 'transcending' can be regarded as a model of 'proving the Tao with strength'."

There was a sense of humor in this remark, but Zheng Qing didn't have the slightest sense of humor.

The young public fee student was dumbfounded. (to be continued)

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