Hunting High School

Chapter 88: Heavy Snow

When the heavy snow comes, it rains and snows.

The weekend of the fourteenth week is exactly the heavy snow in the twenty-four solar terms.

Since last night, the weather on Phuket Island has been gloomy, and the wafting wind has become a bit more desolate. At lunch time, the young public finance student who had recovered from the sleepiness opened the curtains. The sky was still gray and white. The sun seemed to have lost its color and heat, leaving only cold light, pouring silently towards the world amidst the howling wind.

The dormitory is very quiet.

The beds of Fatty and Xiao Xiao were empty, and there was no one in front of the desk. It is estimated that one of them went to the library, and the other went to the editorial office of the school newspaper. The curtains on Dylan's bed were tightly closed, and through the gaps in the curtains, one could vaguely see the shadow of the large black coffin inside, wondering if Mr. Vampire Werewolf was still taking a nap.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zheng Qing, he is just a wizard who just woke up and wanted to take a pee.

The sound of curtains being ripped woke up the other tenants in the dormitory—the fat cat nestled on Fatty's pillows, rolled its round body into a ball, and buried its head in the crook of its forearm. He shook his ears and didn't even bother to open his eyelids. And the group of little elves raised by the public servant cheered up, left the warm belly of the fat cat, flapped their wings, and flew away.

In just a blink of an eye, they were carrying toothpaste, water cups, cold water bottles, hot water bottles, hot towels, and freshly cleaned robes and cloaks. In front of Zheng Qing, wait for him to get up.

"Go on and sleep, I can do this kind of thing myself." The young public fee student muttered vaguely, but his tone was somewhat helpless. Since he helped the elves out of some bondage, they switched to him, and as time went on, they became more and more spiritual.

In the past, no one told them, these little guys would just hang on Zheng Qing's tent blankly, never refusing to leave the dormitory, even if they were frightened, they would only cover their heads with their wings, shivering in private.

But now, they would sneak out of the balcony in their free time, go to the flower garden to pick a few fresh small flowers, put them in the high-waisted vase in the 40 dormitory, and then throw the withered bouquet outside; They will find a comfortable place to sleep with their heads covered, such as the paper house given to them by the witches of class Tianwen 08-1, the fat cat’s belly, and Zheng Qing’s quilt—comparatively speaking, the fat cat is soft and warm The fat belly is their favorite bed.

In addition, the elves' service ability has also been greatly improved. At the beginning, they only helped Zheng Qing to carry clothes, look for shoes and socks, make the bed and desk. Now, they can take the initiative to boil hot water, make tea, grind ink, spread paper, and even clean up and tidy their clothes in an orderly manner.

He didn't need any instructions from Zheng Qing at all, and was more considerate and meticulous than those professional servants of the wizard family.

If one day, these little guys hold quills and help Zheng Qing meticulously complete the extracurricular homework and even the experimental reports assigned by the professors for the young wizard, I am afraid he will not be surprised in the slightest—there may even be some look forward to

This change not only comforted Zheng Qing, but also made him a little uneasy.

It is gratifying that these elves seem to have got rid of the shadow of the previous owner, Death, and started their Life again; what is disturbing is that he feels that it would be inappropriate for him to let the elves serve him like this.

What exactly is wrong, he can't say.

Maybe it's because he feels that he's just a student with no foundation and shouldn't enjoy such service; maybe it's because he always thinks that elves are the same intelligent beings, and there's no reason to do these trivial chores; maybe it's just because he doesn't These elves were paid wages.

In short, he felt that he could not accept such meticulous care from the elves with peace of mind.

Regarding this matter, when visiting Dr. Duzem at the Institute of Abnormal Life, the young public-funded student had an in-depth discussion with the doctor.

The doctor is very disapproving of his cautiousness and foresight:

"Life in the world must have its own meaning. They think it's good to do so, so just do it. If you interfere with their choices at will, what's the difference from what you oppose?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"As for the salary you mentioned, I think it's more valuable for you to help them survive than some copper and jade coins."

"After all, in this world, time is a stronger currency than money and credits."

"You paid for every minute, every second of their existence... and you just borrowed part of their time. Very fair, very reasonable."

"You know, life is precious, it's not just a second that can be added or subtracted casually."

The words were well-founded, and Zheng Qing was speechless, and finally he began to slowly accept the changes of the elves. Compared with him, the other wizards in the 40 dormitory obviously accepted it faster—whether it was the hot water prepared anytime and anywhere, the desks that were often tidy and clean, or the fresh clothes that were cleaned up for them, or the The flower arrangement, which seemed to be fresh forever, made the other young wizards in the dormitory extremely satisfied and full of praise.

Thoughts flashed through his mind.

Zheng Qing took the water glass, rinsed his mouth with warm water, and then took the toothbrush. While brushing his teeth, he wore cotton slippers, squinted his hazy eyes, and staggered to the balcony.

There are many small and dense runes engraved on the door frames of the balcony and the dormitory room, which have many effects such as heat preservation, sound insulation, and wind protection.

Passing over the door frame, a gust of cold air rushed towards my face, making me sober up a lot. The young public finance student shuddered involuntarily, and couldn't help biting the toothbrush that was working hard in his mouth.

"Open your mouth, you idiot!" The little figure in relief on the handle of the toothbrush put his hands on his hips, stared angrily at the young wizard, and shouted loudly: "I've never seen you so difficult to bite the brush, how can I do that?" Work!"

Zheng Qing sniffled and immediately opened his mouth again.

"It's so cold!" He sighed, "It actually snowed today!"

Today is the heavy snow solar term, of course he knows about it. Yesterday he also discussed with several hunters of the forgiveness hunting team how crazy the school's weather management agency is doing things. He even knew that a certain blue-green-eyed broker was selling betting coupons around a few days ago, the content was whether it would snow today, and if it snowed, how much snow would it fall, and so on.

"Shut up! Don't talk! Your tongue licked the toothpaste off the brush!" (To be continued)

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