Hunting High School

Chapter 96 Digestion

"This kebab is very tender."

"Yeah, and the idea of ​​serving greens on skewers is great!"

"Here, try this potato chip."

"Crisp and refreshing, but the taste is a bit pungent."

"Have some green mead wine to soothe your throat?"

"Fighting poison with poison? Try it!"

"I don't need it, I'll have a small bowl of Yangchun noodles slowly..."

"The lips and teeth are fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless."

"There are snacks over there... mustard cake, do you dare to move it?"

"Moving, so touching!"


Curls of green smoke, accompanied by the brisk chatter of male and female wizards, slowly drifted away. The alley was not long, and the two of them walked for more than an hour before walking back and forth once.

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when Zheng Qing crossed the small archway at the entrance of the alley and walked into the ice and snow. Although the wind and snow stopped, the clouds did not disperse, and the sun did not show up from morning to night. In a trance, the sky was much darker. Most of the shops facing the street were lit up with neon lights. The colorful rainbow lights and pleasant music broke the coldness in the air. The chill in the air made this world a little more vibrant.

Not far from the food street is the 'Yota' restaurant where Zheng Qing had previously reserved a seat.

Looking at the waiter standing at the entrance of the restaurant, the young public servant couldn't help but rubbed his swollen belly, and looked at the witch with a sad face.

Elena was tilting her head back, pouring the last bit of green bee from the cup into her mouth, while letting out a contented sigh.

"Shall we go in and have a rest before eating?" Zheng Qing took the cup in her hand, helped throw it into the trash can next to her, and asked in a low voice, "I heard that 'Yota''s dim sum is very good, can I have some..."

Elena tilted her head, her eyes rolled, and she glanced at the pink plaque in the distance.

"I'm full already." The witch frowned, leaned close to his ear, and muttered softly, the warm and moist exhalation caused a ring of fine hairs to explode on the wizard's neck, and he felt his entire back stiffened.

"We can have a rest inside before eating." He murmured, speaking softly, lest if the voice was a little louder, something would be broken.

"But it's too stuffy inside!" The witch raised her arms, stood on the spot and twirled lightly, with the corners of her skirt flying, and the boy vaguely saw her fair calves.

He swallowed silently.

"Then let's go for a stroll by the lake to refresh ourselves?" Zheng Qing suggested hoarsely.

"Good idea!" Elena immediately agreed with a smile on her face.

Hearing her brisk voice, the young public fee student finally summoned up his courage, raised his head, and looked into those charming big eyes. A bright smile could not help but bloom on his face.

I'm really happy.

After walking a few steps, the gypsy witch suddenly stopped.

"You made a reservation at the 'Jota' restaurant, did you pay a deposit?" She looked at the wizard hesitantly, and then looked back at the pink plaque: "If we miss the appointment, will your deposit be paid?" Taken away?"

As a famous restaurant on the pedestrian street, 'Yota' is popular among young wizards and wizards because of its homonym to 'Yota'. Every weekend, seats are always in short supply.

However, because of the public-funded students, Zheng Qing did not queue up like ordinary students, but got the number of the restaurant's "inside supply"-this is a customary practice among all the shops in Beta Town. Because the entire town was built on the basis of the affiliated colleges of the First University, the 'high-achieving students' of the school always received all kinds of hidden preferential treatment.

Even so, he paid a golden bean as a deposit.

Of course, there is no need to explain everything to the witch in detail.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." The wizard smiled heartily and waved his hand indifferently: "The position of 'Jota' is valid for three days. Even if we don't have time to go, we can transfer the position... You forgot Am I a gold card member of the vagabond bar? Jota’s boss has a good relationship with vagabond wizards, I will put that number on the vagabonds later, maybe I can make a small profit!"

"That's good!" The witch breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that.


Compared with the pedestrian street, the snow on the campus shows no signs of being cleared.

Because of the resurgence of Silence, the school is currently very short-staffed. Many staff members of the school working committee have been dispatched to the depths of the Silent Forest for business. The old people who stay in the school have nothing to do except to maintain the normal operation of the school working committee. I have no energy and no interest in cleaning up the snow.

"I thought they would use magic to clean up all the snow." Zheng Qing stepped on the ankle-deep snow, looked around at the whiteness, and couldn't help shaking his head: "The pedestrian street is so clean, the school is not as good Outside."

"The snow scene is also very good." The witch jumped up and down in the snow like a deer, circling around Zheng Qing, and especially picked the snow that had not been stepped on: "It snows in your house in winter. Naturally, it is not unusual, but the school has a lot of students brought by the heat, but this kind of weather is rare."

"Be careful, don't fall." Zheng Qing looked at the witch's figure worriedly and reminded.

"I've recited the anti-skid spell, so I'm not afraid." The gypsy witch made a face at him, with a triumphant expression on her face.

Zheng Qing touched the cold tip of his nose and couldn't help laughing.

Only then did he realize that besides the school being a wizard school, he was also a wizard—this was probably the legend that the lights were dark—thinking of this, several thoughts suddenly turned in his mind, such as whether to prepare A few warm talismans, do you want to prepare a few soups to dispel the cold or find some small magic spells to prevent wind and frost from the library, and then wrap a small gift for Elena in class tomorrow.

Thinking this way, before they knew it, the two had arrived at the shore of Linzhong Lake.

Although it snowed today, the lake is not frozen yet. In the gradually darkening sky, wisps of steaming mist can still be vaguely seen on the surface of the lake, like a dream.

Compared with usual days, Linzhong Lake is much quieter today. Whether it was the buffalo on the lake or the big red birds, they all disappeared. I don't know if they hid somewhere to avoid the cold. Looking around, the surroundings are white, the small island and the small tower in the middle of the lake are also a little white, but the lake is dark, falling in this white world, which is particularly eye-catching.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"I don't know if the murlocs in the lake will be frozen if they come out in this's hard, pia is on the shore." Zheng Qing thought of the murlocs he knew, and this idea popped up in his mind. idea.

"Hahaha, although the murlocs are born in water, they are not afraid of the cold." The witch couldn't help laughing after hearing that, "They are magical creatures after all. Their ancestors are a race that can live in the extremely cold deep sea."

Zheng Qing glanced over the witch's shoulders, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, this is the world of wizards, the world of magic...even snakes can walk around in heavy snow, what else is impossible?" ( To be continued)

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