Hunting High School

Chapter 154: Li Meng's Outsourcing Task

Li Meng has never been a talkative master.

Zheng Qing has been deeply aware of this since the first day he met her on the admission plane.

Therefore, when the little witch gave up on taking a few deep breaths and giving up on the young public fee student for what he just said rudely, Zheng Qing suddenly felt an invisible pressure rushing towards him.

Similarly, Dr. Xiao is not an idiot.

"I'm still in charge of some decoration and follow-up work of the d&k store, and it will open on Saturday, and I must go through the process on Friday night, just in case... I guess I will start to be busy after the practical get out of class is over "Xiao Xiao pressed his hands on the own notebook, carefully looked at the little witch, and his voice became softer and softer.

"Well, it's good if you have time!" Li Meng didn't seem to notice that Xiao Xiao was talking at all, and deliberately ignored the stiff smile on his face, but looked at the other wizards with a smile: "I have something to trouble you Let me just say it first, according to the rules, you have to sign a simple silent contract before doing things, no problem!"

Although she used an inquiring tone, seeing how she skillfully took out the contract she had prepared and the quill pen for signing from her pocket, she knew that the wizards did not have the right to choose whether to sign or not.

The emerald green quill pen and the parchment contract were circulated in the hands of Xin Fatty and Zhang Jixin, and within ten seconds, they fell into the hands of the young public finance student.

Zheng Qing had a sullen face, and glanced at the terms of the contract.

The clause is very simple, only three lines, to the effect that without the consent of Party A (employer), Party B (employee) shall not discuss any employment-related information outside of work, and the silence period is one month; Institutions or individuals who disclose the content of their own work are subject to a one-month silence period; they are not allowed to disclose the identity of the employer through any means, and the silence period is three years.

Overall, the conditions of this contract, except for the third article, are not too exaggerated. Even the third article, the three-year silence period, strictly followed the relevant provisions of the "Wizard Code", and selected the maximum restriction period for low-density clauses.

Perhaps noticing that Zheng Qing's eyes stayed on the third item for a long time, Li Meng stomped her feet and couldn't help nagging again.

"We're all friends, will I cheat on you?" She looked at Zheng Qing with displeasure, and emphasized: "It means that the relationship is good, so I will think of you when good things happen. I will never waste you It took a lot of time... After I talk about the specific work, you must thank me to the death!"

"The contract is absolutely fine, I've checked it." Zhang Jixin spoke beside him and said something. As a young man from a wizard family, he still has this insight.

Xiao Xiao stretched out his arm, took the piece of parchment from Zheng Qing's hand, glanced at the clauses on it, and twitched his mouth: "This is a simple silent contract copied from the contract entry in the "Wizard Code". , it’s strange if there is a problem... Even the format has not changed. For example, the space on the third line, the space on the "Code" is because of line skipping, you don’t need to skip lines here, and that space is left... "

These comments seem to have hit the little witch's sore spot.

"I like to sign or not! Why are there so many nonsense?!" She screamed, grabbing the top curtain of the parchment, trying to snatch it back from Dr. Xiao Da's hands.

It's just that Xiao Xiao shrank his hand, which made the little witch finally catch an empty hand.

"Sign, why not sign." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, twirled the emerald green quill a few times on his fingertips, and smiled a little more in his words: "One month's silence period, and you What I can come into contact with is nothing more than a few things in related to festival celebrations such as Christmas and New Year's Day, or tasks related to winter hunting."

"This kind of thing is very common. Students will often hand over some tasks that cannot be completed on time to some capable students 'outside the system'. On the one hand, it reduces costs, and on the other hand, it is also convenient to dump the pot. Commonly known as outsourcing."

While talking, Dr. Xiao Da has already left a string of clear red signatures on the contract.

Then he handed the parchment to Zheng Qing.

"Is it possible that the matter within a month is the final exam?" Seeing that several partners had signed, Zheng Qing finally did not continue to ink, grabbed the quill, muttered, and signed.

Li Meng took the parchment, looked at the four bright red signatures on it, took a breath, and narrowed her smiling eyes.

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"The school won't outsource the exam-related matters to the students, let alone the final exam once a semester." Xiao Xiao sighed and explained from the side: "Letting students touch the exam papers is too risky to control... If there is no one, the school will go to the researchers of the research institute."

Zheng Qing nodded her head humbly, and didn't care about Xiao Xiao's explanation.

His gaze was following Li Meng's small movements.

After putting away the contract, Li Meng took out a few enchantment symbols from his pocket, and hung them on the edge of the desks around them very seriously. This surprised the young public finance student. In his impression, the little witch has always been off-line, and has never been a reliable guy.

But now, she could think of setting up a barrier before officially handing over the task.

This means that what she intends to arrange is very important.

The light yellow talisman paper was hung on the edge of the desk, a wisp of green smoke slowly emitted, and in an instant, a simple sound-proof barrier was opened to isolate the young wizards from the curious eyes outside.

"This matter needs to be kept strictly confidential!" Li Meng repeated this sentence once again, and at the same time stared at the wizards with burning eyes, emphasizing: "Even my cousin, I didn't tell her!"

Zheng Qing turned his head to look at the front row of the classroom.

Sure enough, Jiang Yu was just standing far away beside the lecture table, holding a pile of heavy materials in her arms. Although she seemed a little impatient waiting, she had no intention of approaching at all. If in normal times, Li Meng ran out of her sight For such a long time, Jiang Yu must have chased after opening the sound barrier while chatting.

From the looks of it, she seemed to know what the little witch was doing.

According to Jiang Yu's temperament, Li Meng should not be allowed to do too much.

Zheng Qing turned around and sighed half-resignedly: "Tell me, what's the matter!"

The little witch clenched her fists and stuffed her mouth. She pretended to cough a few times, and the smile on her face became brighter and brighter:

"It's about the Qingqiu mansion!"

"Su Ya told me yesterday that their mansion is going to make some pumpkin carts for the school, but the manpower is a bit tight. You also know that their mansion is a bit special after all, and they don't like to come and go... Besides, there are winter hunting and hunting in the school recently. It's the final exam, and everyone is busy, so let me find a few reliable classmates to help!"

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