Hunting High School

Chapter 180 The Shrinking Lord May (Happy New Year!)

An old dog with wrinkled skin and no collar around its neck walked slowly on the pedestrian street in Beta Town.

Behind it was an old wizard in a gray robe and a heavy wooden staff.

The old wizard had a gray beard and gray hair, but he was tall, and he walked vigorously. The long wooden stick in his hand knocked on the bluestone road, making a loud thud, which made everyone's heart tremble.

If Zheng Qing was here, he would definitely recognize this old wizard at a glance. He is the old school worker who was in charge of the night patrol management of Linzhong Lake, old man Verne. And that old dog is naturally Lord May.

For the slightly older shops on the pedestrian street, old man Verne and Mr. May are not unfamiliar faces. Although the old man spends most of his time on the campus of First University, he also strolls around the street from time to time to do some shopping. After a long time, they are also acquaintances.

"Uncle came here a little early today," Master Tang of Shuang Tang Ji poked his head out of the window, and greeted with a smile: "Would you like a copy of 'Dragon Knight vs. Lich King'? It’s a new product in January, and it’s not on the market yet... I’ve been thinking about it for two months before I came up with the idea of ​​using sesame candy sticks to create the dragon’s body. The white sesame is used as the belly scales, and the black sesame is used as the back scales. !"

The old man Verne stopped, looked past the round head outside the window, and shouted in a rough voice: "Old Tang? Old Tang! Your son is ruining your sugar again!"

Master Tang's face turned ashen when he heard this, his head slid in, and his figure disappeared behind the window in the blink of an eye.

Not long after, another round head emerged from the window. This head was quite similar to the previous one, except that the new head had a lot more gray hair.

Old Master Tang looked at Old Man Verne, smiled and said, "You came out so early... That kid likes to mess around, so let him go, anyway, this shop will be handed over to him in the end. Just let him go to the new world by himself... Would you like something today?"

Elder Verne stared at Old Master Tang for a long while, before sighing slightly: "You are also big-hearted... Is the New World a good place to wander? It would be nice to let that brat open his shop in peace and stability!... Let's not do it today , I just ate the front of that candy house I bought last time... have to admit, those weeds in the front garden taste great, what did you use?"

"Exclusive formula!" After hearing the old man Verne's compliment, Old Master Tang was overjoyed and said with joy, "I can only tell you that I burned three whole standard symbols when planting grass!"

"Hey! No wonder you dare to sell three jade coins!"

"The new store next to me sells it cheaply... Her donuts are sweet, you must like them." Old Master Tang tilted his head, and pointed to the Miaomiao dessert shop next to him with his chin. The old man Na said: "Even if you don't like it, Lord Wuyue will definitely like it... right, Lord Wuyue!"

As he spoke, he smiled at the old dog at the feet of old man Verne.

The old school worker shook his head: "Well, I don't have time today, and I have other things to do... I'll see you another day."

Listening to the conversation between the two old men, the old dog just flicked its big fluffy tail without making a sound, and even didn't open its eyes covered in wrinkled skin.

"Master Wuyue is still so calm." Master Tang smacked his lips and asked, "What can happen in the morning? I remember you are the supervisor of the night patrol."

"I've been transferred." The old school worker said lightly, and then changed the topic back: "It's a student I met before, who opened a new shop in the pedestrian street, and it seems to sell rats and insects... Send me a message An invitation. It just so happens that the old man in May wants to eat braised rat heads in the past few days, so I'll go see if the new store has any goods."

"New store?" Old Master Tang was stunned for a few seconds, then he suddenly realized, and said, "Oh, yes, it's the new store opened by Lin Guo and the others. It seems to be called a ding ding dong catching shop? Young man, start it The names are quirky. They sent me invitations too, but the store was too busy to leave."

"It just so happens that you are always troubled. Help us send this 'kof2008 boutique competition' to them as an opening gift... That kid Linguo is working hard, so he must be encouraged."

While speaking, Master Tang was already holding a small gift box about a foot high, and ran out in a hurry, and handed it to the old school worker.

Through the transparent cover of the gift box, old man Verne could clearly see a group of pea-sized figures wrestling with each other inside the box.

Noticing the gaze of the old school worker, Master Tang immediately explained: "The 'Shape-changing Talisman' is pasted on the outside of this box, and the size has been adjusted slightly. When eating, remove the talisman paper first, and it will not affect the taste at all. "

"This is what the stinky boy came up with recently. The store hasn't officially opened it yet... It's not serious or heavy, and I don't have a little concentration." Old Master Tang was half-hanging by the window, although he was reprimanded, but His voice was full of pride.

Naturally, the old man Verne could not fail to understand the meaning behind what he said.

He took the gift box, hung it on the wooden stick, nodded to the two masters Tang, and finally said: "Then I won't's getting late, I'll go to their shop first, and talk about candy later." about the house."

"Go slowly!" Little Master Tang bowed respectfully.

The old school worker waved his hand, then leaned on his stick and continued to stride forward.

Turning the corner of the street, and within a few steps, the old hound Wuyue who was following at his feet suddenly whined twice and refused to go any further.

"Is there a problem?" The old school worker immediately looked around vigilantly, and the tip of the wooden staff in his hand faintly flickered with a dim green rhyme.

Lord Wuyue flicked his tail, and whimpered a few times in his throat.

Although he didn't growl or speak, the old school worker still easily understood what the old man meant.

"You mean, you don't want to go there just because it smells bad?" The old school worker raised his eyebrows, glanced at the old hunting dog at his feet, and then looked up at the newly opened shop not far away.

The flower baskets of various colors neatly arranged in front of the store, the bustling crowd, and the unscattered fireworks above their heads clearly explained to the old school worker what could explain the problem better. It was the bustling crowd who seemed to be under some kind of attack It seemed that they were running away in panic.

The old man put his hand into his bosom, groped for a while, and finally found a red and black card. Looking at the big gold-plated characters on it, he read word by word: "Ding Ding Financial and Pesticide Company...abbreviated as 'd&k' '!"

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Then the old man raised his head and squinted at the shop.

That's right, although there are still a few colorful silks hanging on the shop signboard, the old man can still clearly recognize the name of the signboard through those interferences. It was indeed the new store he was looking for.

"Aren't they selling mice and bugs? How could there be a strange smell??" The old school worker said to himself, and the wooden stick in his hand paused lightly on the ground: "Since you don't want to go there, then here Lie on your stomach and find a place with a leeward... I'll go see if there are any good mouse heads in their store, and help Master Tang deliver a gift by the way."

The old hunting dog, Lord Wuyue, whimpered and nodded. He took two steps back in a calm manner, chose a place with the wind and sunshine, and lay down peacefully.

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