Hunting High School

Chapter 245: Catch A Turtle In An Urn


Under the flying of the fox tail, several tall pines and cypresses collapsed with a dull sound. A few black shadows jumped out from under the slanted tree trunk, without saying a word, they ran to the distance without even turning their heads.

They didn't make a sound, and didn't look back, because they were worried about being caught by the member of the next month's parliament who was chasing them behind him. After all, sometimes, as long as the face is not completely torn, everyone can still make a tacit compromise on many things.

The first university sent Su Shijun to hunt down these troublemakers this time, and there were more or less considerations in this regard.

However, no one expected that under the blessing of formation, the guardian of the First University, Su Shijun's combat power soared several times, and he directly beat the four malicious 'poachers' to the ground, gasping for breath.


A soft chirp resounded through the forest clearing, and amidst the snowflakes that had just been thrown up by the tree trunks, several thick vines spread out from the void, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of offspring vines differentiated into hundreds of offspring vines, weaving a glowing Green light, huge 'cage'.

The figures of the four 'poachers' were trapped in this cage before they could run far.

"Break through!"

The nameless poacher wrapped in a black robe and wearing sunglasses shouted in a low voice, a blood-red flame burst out from his body, and then he slammed into the green cage made of vines.


The heavy impact seemed to shake the entire space. Not only did the poacher who tried to break through the barrier fail to break through the cage made of vines, but was stuck to it by the green light on the cage. To put it in a vivid way, it's like a red-headed fly hit a sticky flyboard.

The other three 'poachers' who followed immediately stopped and stopped a few feet away from the green light curtain.


The Mouse Immortal's avatar gestured a middle finger at the green light curtain, then turned to look at Milton, with a somewhat irritable tone: "What's going on... Isn't she a member of your next month's council? Why did she get the first place?" The blessing of the university’s guardian formation! Next month’s council really intends to follow behind the first university and be a younger brother for a lifetime?”

"This matter has nothing to do with the Parliament." The Duke of Milton replied bluntly: "Whether she or I, it is my own choice... Our choice has nothing to do with the family, and it has nothing to do with the Parliament!"

"Ha! How interesting! It seems that someone will believe what you said." The mouse wizard's tail suddenly slipped out of his robe, and he flicked it vigorously in the snow, pulling out a deep moat and rolling up a swirl of snowflakes.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"Well, calm down, calm down... Instead of analyzing those inconclusive matters, it is better to focus on more practical issues. For example, how do we get that little girl from the Su family to let go." The wandering wizard stopped the quarrel between the two companions , and then looked at Duke Milton, with a very kind tone: "Karen's boy, I heard that you have a good relationship with that little girl from the Su family? Why don't you try chatting with her?"

Milton's face darkened when he heard this, and he ignored the wandering wizard. Instead, he took out a horn knife from his pocket, and slashed straight at the green screen. In his opinion, it was possible to use violence to break through the barrier to solve the problem. Sex seems to be a little higher.

"Quack quack!" The mouse wizard let out a strange laugh: "You let this little vampire chat with that little fox? I'm afraid you haven't read the newspaper for half a year! Even if you usually live underground, I know... ..."

The mouse wizard's words came to an abrupt end here.

It's not that it has finished speaking, but above it, a tall witch in a red cloak is holding her arms, staring at it coldly.

Noticing that the mouse wizard had shut his mouth, a sneer appeared on the corner of Su Shijun's mouth.

"Know what? Go ahead?" The witch's voice was very calm, but her gaze towards the 'poachers' was very dangerous. Her gaze especially stayed on Milton for a few more seconds, and finally she pointed the finger again. The mouse wizard said lightly: "It makes sense, I will let you die a little easier."

It needs to be added here that the four 'poachers', including the Duke of Milton, all wore black Magical Robes that could change their physical characteristics and conceal their true identities. This is not only to cover up their true identities and prevent disasters from being brought to the family or organization, but also to shield the first university from the detection and attack of the guardian circle.

Overall, the effect of this set of Magical Robe is quite brilliant.

Whether it was the group of four's silent construction of the 'sandbox world' in the hunting area on the edge of the silent forest, or the successive escapes from the attacks of the formation guarded by the First University, it all illustrates this point.

But that's all.

Being escaped by prey again and again, First University also has no face. Although as a school, it does not have a real face, but as a well-known place with the concept of 'life', First University does not lack the 'flexibility'. concept.

On weekdays, this 'modification' might just be to quietly change a few forest paths or the names of the plaques of a few gazebos, just to make some harmless jokes with the students. Today, in the face of foreign invasion, First University will take this initiative to the extreme.

For example, choose a suitable 'leader'.

Under the auspices of the student union and the school work committee, the guardian formation of the first university is running in an orderly manner, and there will be no major mistakes. But many times, being 'organized' means being slow and reserved. This slowness and conservatism is a very fatal problem in battle.

Therefore, after receiving the authorization of a certain yellow civet cat, the First University immediately chose Su Shijun as the main defender of the magic circle, and she led the second half of the hunt for the 'poachers'.

This selection was very successful.

In less than half an hour, the four uninvited guests who were frantically fleeing in the silent forest were trapped by Su Shijun's 'Super Binding Curse'.

"I know that you are the most beautiful, kind, and intelligent witch in the entire wizarding world, no, the entire universe, no, the entire multiverse..." The mouse wizard is worthy of his natural 'rat nature'. Wizards are willing to bow down. In the blink of an eye, it began to compliment Su Shijun with disgusting words. There is no arrogance and self-esteem that a big man should have.

It's just that Su Damei, who is used to compliments, doesn't feel the praise of Mouse Wizard.

After all, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, being praised by it doesn't give a sense of accomplishment.

"If it's only to this extent, then you can recite the reincarnation mantra to yourself." The cloak behind Su Shijun floated high, and three huge foxtail phantoms swayed slowly in mid-air, and magical energy visible to the naked eye was coming. With the swaying crazy compression, gathering.

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