Hunting High School

Chapter 20: The Fate Of The Elf And The Plan Of The Great

The fat cat with yellow and white stripes howled, waving its chubby paws, and smacked Xin Fatty's face heavily.

Not to be outdone, the blue titan stretched out a pair of fat hands and waved them, making a threatening sound from his throat.

There was a slight bump in the cardboard box on the desk.

The noise alarmed the residents inside the carton.

"Easy!" Zheng Qing stretched out his hand, stopping the noisy Tuantuan and Xin.

A faint humming sound came from the box, and soon dissipated in the quiet air of the dormitory.

Several heads moved carefully to the mouth of the box.

"Are they awake?" Sim Fatty asked in a low voice.

"Maybe." Zheng Qing looked anxiously at the sleeping elf in the box, and pushed Xiao Xiao beside him with his arm. He also doesn't know the current situation of these little guys.

"It should be just sleep talk." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, stretched his neck, and almost buried his head in the box: "Professor Li mentioned this situation before."

The flower cat pushed Xiao Xiao's head aside with its paws, put away its beard and ears, and put its head back into the box.

It makes a purring sound from its throat to soothe the sleeping elves.

It has been nearly a week since the plane accident.

The elves were still asleep.

Their originally translucent wings have become somewhat withered, and their hair-thin antennae have long been unable to droop on both sides of their foreheads.

Zheng Qing couldn't help sighing.

Those moving green halos around the elves haven't been lit up for a long time.

If it weren't for the slightly heaving chest, Zheng Qing would have suspected that these little guys had completely fallen into the arms of death.

It has been nearly a week since the official class started, and Zheng Qing has met every teacher.

After each class, he privately consulted these experienced tutors, asking if there was any way to save the elves.

But the teachers said they were helpless.

"This is a self-protection mechanism of elves." Alchemy professor Truss explained to Zheng Qing after the class: "When the owner accidentally dies, the elves who have a special contract with them will automatically sense this. 'Disaster'. Losing the potion prepared by their owners means their lives are coming to an end."

"At this time, in order to delay the coming of Death and reduce the consumption of the body, the elves will automatically enter a dormant state until Death. Most of the elves will die in their sleep."

"This is also the wizard's kindness and mercy to the elf."

Zheng Qing is noncommittal to this statement.

Those great wizards only gave the elves the way to choose Death, but did not give them the right to choose life and death.

No one likes this kind of cheap kindness.

Among all the instructors, only Li Qihuang, a professor of pharmacy, mentioned a possibility:

"There is a magical insect called 'Sand Hour' that can secrete a liquid that prolongs the lifespan of magical creatures. It may be able to maintain the vitality of these elves."

Seeing the hope in the boy's eyes, Professor Li frowned and added:

"It's just possible, you still don't have too much hope."

"This magical insect can only be seen in the depths of the silent forest. You are just freshmen, and I don't want you to take unnecessary risks."

"In addition, there are still great differences in the definition of elves in the wizarding world. Wizards are still unable to judge whether these elves are living things or pure alchemy products. Therefore, the effect of the 'sand hour' secretion is uncertain."

"Does the school laboratory have samples of this secretion?" Zheng Qing automatically ignored the many conditions mentioned in the conversation, and looked at Professor Li eagerly.

"The sand time secretion is very short-lived, and the laboratory will entrust the hunting team to enter the Silent Forest Time Limit to collect it when needed." Professor Li Qihuang seemed to regret telling Zheng Qing this information, and he added dryly: "Only senior hunters The team has the ability to enter the depths of the Silent Forest, and the completion rate of this task has been very low."

The fluorescent lights above the head flickered, waking up the silent 403 dormitory.

"So, are you the descendant of Kunlun?" Xin Fatty changed back to the original topic with a lump on his head. He reconciled with Tuantuan.

The fat cat squinted, and flicked its fluffy tail behind Xin Fatty's head, looking very comfortable.

Zheng Qing rubbed his temples feebly.

He tried his best to let his friends know that he was not a descendant of Kunlun; these rumors had nothing to do with him.

But no one cared about his explanation.

In the corner of the room, the curtain of Dylan's six-poster bed was suddenly raised.

The vampire werewolf revealed a pair of bright eyes.

He is very interested in the question now being discussed.

"I've also heard from a few friends about the successor of Kunlun." Dylan hid his whole body in the big coffin on the bed, with only one head exposed: "It is said that these news were spread by Arthur Ness and his gang. "

Sim Fatty craned her neck and poked her head out to see if there was anything interesting on Dylan's bed.

The vampire werewolf glanced at him, closing the gap in the drapery to block Fatty's view.

Tuantuan licked her pink nose, blinked her sky-blue eyes, and let out a purring laugh.

"Arthur Ness?" Zheng Qing had no impression of this at all.

"An old Alfa student drinking on the pedestrian street." Xiao Xiao pointed aside.

Zheng Qing thought of the guy who crushed the red wine glass. He clearly remembered that he had taken more than forty pictures of suppression symbols on that guy - a full month's worth of production.

"Why is that guy talking nonsense!" Zheng Qing was a little angry, and also began to feel sorry for the own suppressor.

"Because we can't win by force." Xiao Xiao curled his lips: "If we use a spell to make Mr. Arthur lie in the dust, maybe they will shut up now."

Zheng Qing felt that the sophomore in Alpha was a bit funny.


"Being defeated by a freshman who doesn't even know how to spell will make everyone doubt whether he can become a real wizard."

"A wizard who can only use spells is not a good wizard." Zheng Qing searched his brains and remembered this sentence he had vaguely seen recently.

"The meaning of this sentence is that wizards should be good at various skills such as medicine, rune, alchemy, divination, etc. It does not mean that wizards are encouraged to use their fists to solve problems." Xiao Xiao reminded with a blank expression beside him.

"Which side are you on!" Zheng Qing was furious, glaring at Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao held his own black-shell notebook, writing and drawing as if nothing had happened.

"As you said." The vampire werewolf on the six-post bed spoke again: "Mr. Arthur Ness obviously doesn't want others to know that he was suppressed by an ordinary freshman with a talisman."

There was a sneer at the corner of Dylan's mouth, and his dark red eyes flickered on the bed, looking extraordinarily pervasive: "Besides, he borrowed Friedman's name in that conflict... maybe Sir Friedman wasn't I'm glad my own name has been sullied."

"Who is Friedman?" Zheng Qing couldn't help asking: "That Arthur kept calling that name that day."

"Sir Friedman Bo Laike Karen, the outstanding heir of the Laike family and the Karen family, the future member of the parliament under the month. Although he has just come of age, there are already enough voices to express his own opinions in the parliament under the month. Matthew Karen in our class is related to him by blood." Xiao Xiao said seriously: "I have to say, this Mr. Ness is a bit troublesome."

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"In this case, let's make this matter more interesting." Dylan's dark red pupils sparkled, as if this matter had aroused his great interest.

"It really suits my liking." Xin Fatty stood by the desk, with four cat paws clasping his hair tightly on the top of his head, like a fluffy hat, which looked very funny:

"We can definitely add fuel to the flames. I thought it would be very rude if you didn't return a gift when someone sent you an invitation letter. Besides, you have to stay in university for four years. It would be a good idea to get to know some important people in advance. It won't hurt you in your future college career. You can ask your friends to help you if you have trouble in the future."

"So you need to make some small changes. For example, your frivolous behavior does not conform to all the behaviors of the descendants of the real ancient inheritance. Don't jump around when you walk, and don't look around." Dylan gave own advice : "There is no need to supplement the costumes. Anyway, this is the same set of robes in college, but I suggest you put a mysterious logo on your school robes. How about an Eight Trigrams cufflinks?"

"It's really good to have a small Eight Trigrams cuff on the ring logo! You are worthy of being a night noble, but you are educated." Xin Fatty nodded, showing seriousness.

"Finally, you should be more generous." Xiao Xiao closed his own black-shell notebook heavily, with an admiration on his face: "Don't be too petty, after class every day, you might as well take a walk in places with a lot of traffic every day, so that everyone can get familiar with it. As for the duel What, which big man has such idle time?"

Several people decided Zheng Qing's actions in the next few days in a few words.

Zheng Qing was dumbfounded.

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