Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 217 Immortal Disaster

Lu Yan rode Xue Tu and overlooked the earth.

Looking around, there is an endless stretch of dry yellow.

Flowers and grass wither, trees die.

This is true whether it is mountains, hills or plains.

The same is true even for the grass and trees beside the lake and river.

Xuetu was flying over a large mountain. Lu Yan saw some animal carcasses lying in the forest below. They were all beasts that had died of starvation. Most of them were rotten and emitted a stench.

Here, in a relatively remote area, in the mountains and forests relatively close to the village, the wild beasts have long been captured and eaten.

This situation and scene are very similar to the area around Woye City in Qingfeng County.

Afterwards, Xuetu flew near Changfeng City.

In the villages and towns near Changfeng City, all crops died.

Especially in mountain villages like Kaoshan Village, most of the villagers there have fled, and everyone is terrified.

They had experienced severe drought and knew how terrible it was. When they fled, countless people died on the way.

Do you want to go into exile again?

Lu Yan knew very well that if disaster relief was not provided in time, there was no telling how many people would die.

Although he is not a saint, he cannot help everyone.

However, as long as the people are within his jurisdiction, he will do his best to let them live a stable life.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he wanted to create a force.

To put an end to the troubled times and bring peace to the world, perhaps, he does not have such grand aspirations now.

But subconsciously, he always does something and takes action for it.

Then, Lu Yan inspected several blood veins outside Changfeng City, including the hidden second-level blood veins.

The earth-blood energy on the blood-earth veins was indeed dissipating, and it was much thinner than when he came last time.

If this continues, I am afraid that within a few years, these blood veins will be destroyed.

"What's going on? It's a normal drought, but it doesn't rain. There's no reason why the blood veins will be affected."

Lu Yan was puzzled.

After that, he temporarily lived in Changfeng City.

Food for disaster relief was quickly transferred from various places.

Now, Lu Yan is in charge of nearly two counties. The land is vast and rich in resources, and there are dozens of large and small cities. It is not difficult to arrange food for disaster relief.

With the relief food available, the people gradually settled down.

People in troubled times are very resilient. As long as they have something to eat, they can survive natural disasters and severe droughts.

In a flash, it had been half a month since Lu Yan arrived in Changfeng City.

Instead of easing, the severe drought is getting worse.

For half a month, I didn’t see a drop of rain.

Now it is not only a problem of food dying, but also a problem for people to drink water.

Lu Yan summoned military troops and went to various places to help the people dig wells. Each well was dug to a depth of tens of meters to solve the drinking water problem.

But this is not a long-term solution.

If the drought lasts for a year and a half, the wells will dry up.

Moreover, the scope of the severe drought is centered on Changfeng City and is expanding outwards, affecting the nearby Qingyang City.

Lu Yan personally went to the major master-level clans for advice, but these master-level clans couldn't explain why they came.

According to them, droughts of this severity have rarely occurred in the six counties of Lingdong before.

That time in Qingfeng County was the first time in a hundred years.

Lu Yan went to Guan Shan again for advice.

After hearing this, Guan Shan frowned and looked thoughtful, then shook his head and whispered, "It's impossible, I'm overthinking it."

"Senior, what's impossible?"

Lu Yan asked.

"Severe droughts are not necessarily caused entirely by natural disasters. Fairy disasters can also cause severe droughts in the world."

Guanshan Road.

"Immortal disaster? Is it related to immortals?"

Lu Yan asked.

Guan Shan nodded and said: "Not bad.

"Senior, what kind of existence is an immortal?"

Lu Yan continued to ask.

He swallowed several pieces of immortal bones. He was very curious about immortals.

Is it the same as the legend in previous lives, where humans or animals can become immortals through cultivation, rank in the immortal class, and become immortal?

"I don't know exactly what an immortal is. I only know that it is a special kind of creature. No matter strong or weak, no matter how big or small, they are called immortals. They have vast magical powers and special methods. They are the nemesis of demons."

"But for people, immortals are not a good existence, because they plunder the world, and once they appear, they will cause various disasters. They will have a greater impact on humans or other living beings than demons."

"In history, there have been several serious fairy disasters that turned several counties or even a state into purgatory, killing and injuring hundreds of millions of people."

"However, after the establishment of the Great Chu Dynasty, immortals were rarely seen. Most of them huddled in the immortal ruins. During the peak period of the Great Chu, immortal hunting conferences were often organized, and martial arts experts were summoned to hunt immortals in the immortal ruins. Such grand occasions, It’s hard to present.”

Guan Shan explained.

"Is this an immortal?"

Lu Yan frowned.

It was completely different from what he imagined.

"The severe drought in Changfeng City sounds somewhat similar to a fairy disaster, but we can't be sure. We need to observe more. Lu Yan, if you have any strange phenomena, please tell me immediately."

Guanshan Road.

Lu Yan nodded, left Kunwu Mountain and returned to Changfeng City.

But not long after returning to Changfeng City, I received news that there was an earthquake in the ruins of Changfeng City, the mountains collapsed, and cracks appeared on the ground.


Lu Yan's heart was shocked, and he immediately remembered that when he first joined the Red Guards, he heard that two years ago, an earthquake occurred in the ruins of Changfeng Mountain. The mountain collapsed, revealing the ruins inside, so the Liu family and the Wu family just The ruins will be sealed off and listed as forbidden areas.

More than ten years later, another earthquake occurred?

Is it a coincidence?

Then Lu Yan asked if there had been an earthquake in Changfeng City, and the answer he got was no.

"Something's wrong. Earthquakes are usually not limited to a certain range, but spread to the surrounding areas. Even if Changfeng City is not shaken to its core, it should be affected. How could it not be felt at all?"

Lu Yan pondered, feeling more and more something was wrong.

He immediately set off for the ruins of Changfeng City.

Sure enough, several more mountain peaks collapsed.

Especially close to the first-level hidden blood vein, it is even more powerful, and the cracks in the ground are even bigger.

Then, Lu Yan entered the second level of hidden blood veins.

A castle was originally built on the second-level hidden blood leyline, but half of it collapsed.

Fortunately, the people here have already moved outside, otherwise there would have been heavy casualties.

In the center of the blood veins, a huge crack appeared, several meters wide and bottomless.

"What exactly caused the earthquake? Is it related to the drought?"

Lu Yan thought, standing on the edge of the crack and looking down. Below, it was pitch black.

"What is there in the deep blood veins? Why does the energy of earth blood flow out all year round?"

Lu Yan then thought about this issue again.

He had been curious about this question a long time ago, but there was no record in the books. He also asked other masters, and the answer he got was that they didn't know either.

But there is a common understanding that the depths of the blood veins are extremely dangerous. The energy of the earth's blood is extremely strong, causing some kind of qualitative change, resulting in extremely strong blood poison. In history, there were people who wanted to dig through the blood veins and observe deeply, but Everyone who went in, without exception, died from blood poisoning.

Grandmaster Peak is no exception.

The air of earth blood that diffuses outside seems to have been filtered. Unless it is absorbed, precipitated and enriched for a long time like a strange beast, it will not be poisoned by blood.

As for whether the existence of the true body realm can penetrate deeply, it is not clear. After all, the six counties of Lingdong cannot come into contact with such people.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yan decided to go down and take a look.

Of course, it was impossible for his body to enter, but his clone.

With a thought, Yun Zhongbu's clone appeared, then jumped down and fell quickly. After dozens of meters, he stepped on a raised rock, slowing down the fall, and then continued to fall.

Just like that, Yun Zhongbu's clone fell hundreds of meters before falling to the ground.

Deep underground, the energy of earth blood is extremely rich, like thick blood.

This is definitely extremely poisonous. If the Grandmaster comes down, he will definitely be dead.

Fortunately, Yun Zhongbu's clone is just a clone, made of energy and some special things, so he is not afraid of blood poison.

Yun Zhongbu looked around and found that there was a huge underground space deep in the blood veins.

Lu Yan walked forward and found that this underground space was very large. It was more than ten miles wide, but it was difficult to determine how long it was.

Because he could keep moving forward, like a huge passage, Lu Yan walked forward for more than ten miles without seeing the end.

Because the clone and the main body can only be separated by ten miles, the main body can only move in the direction of the clone and always stay within ten miles.

"That is."

Suddenly, Lu Yan's eyes narrowed.

He saw a huge beast lying in front of him.

It was a huge lizard, somewhat similar to the blood-armored lizard, but even bigger, with two sharp horns on its head.

Lying there, the body is more than ten meters long, and the height is difficult to judge.

The body of the monitor lizard is like a whirlpool. The energy of earth blood between heaven and earth is constantly gathering towards the monitor lizard and is sucked into the body by the monitor lizard.

Not only the energy of earth blood.

Lu Yan vaguely felt that there were other energies in the world, which were also attracted by the giant lizard.

"Could it be that the earthquake is related to this giant lizard?"

Lu Yan's heart moved.

As if sensing Lu Yan, the giant lizard suddenly opened its eyes, and a terrifying aura rushed towards Lu Yan like a tide.

This aura had surpassed all the masters Lu Yan had ever seen before, even ten times or a hundred times stronger.

Lu Yan's body seemed to have been hit by a big mountain. He flew back hundreds of meters and rolled dozens of times on the ground. He was trying to stabilize his body, but his body was already in tatters.

Lu Yan was horrified, got up and ran away.

At the same time, above the crack, Lu Yan's body also turned around and ran towards the gap.


The monitor lizard stood up and roared, and its body began to swell rapidly.

The body that was originally more than ten meters long suddenly expanded to an exaggerated length of one hundred meters.

One step forward and the earth shook.


There was another roar, and the sound waves rushed towards Yunzhongbu's clone like countless sharp knives.

With a crash, Yun Zhongbu's clone exploded and turned into powder.


The giant lizard kept roaring and ran quickly. Its dozens of meters long tail was thrown on the wall, causing the entire land to tremble and huge boulders to fall.

Above the Earth's Bloodline, Lu Yan was horrified. He increased his speed to the extreme and quickly arrived at the exit. He rushed out of the exit and let out a long roar, attracting the blood butcher. After jumping on the blood butcher's back, he flew up to a thousand meters in the air. , Lu Yan took a long breath and found that his whole body was already wet with cold sweat.

Fortunately, the giant lizard did not chase him out.

"What on earth is that? A strange beast? Or is it the immortal that Senior Guan Shan said? It's too terrifying, and its strength is unfathomable and impossible to fathom."

Lu Yan thought to himself, feeling horrified in his heart.

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