Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 220 The Fragments of Yama

Lu Yan's thoughts changed rapidly, weighing the pros and cons.

He couldn't understand the martial arts in that jade book at all, and it had no value at all if he kept it.

And looking at the opponent's posture, it is obvious that he will not give up until he achieves his goal, and he cannot be fooled.

There is no need to offend the noble family Yan clan for the sake of martial arts that cannot be practiced in a single volume.

"I remembered that after the martial spirit was injured by me, he did leave a package with an iron box inside. See if it's this one."

Lu Yan untied the cloth bag, took out the iron box, waved his hand, and the iron box flew towards the other party.

The middle-aged man caught the iron box, opened it, and smiled.


The middle-aged man smiled, but a cold murderous intent flashed deep in his eyes, and he grabbed the handle of the knife beside him with his right hand.

call out!

An arrow, like a shooting star, shot towards the purple-winged blood roc.


The middle-aged man and young man were furious. They did not expect that Lu Yan would suddenly take action against them.

The middle-aged man reacted very quickly and drew his sword out of its sheath. As his inner energy surged, the sword's glow surged and knocked away the incoming arrow.

But then, several more arrows came.

Every arrow targeted the purple-winged blood roc.

On Xue Tu's back, Lu Yan's expression was indifferent.

He originally didn't want to take action.

But he is highly alert and has been observing each other's every move, including expressions and eyes.

When he handed the iron box back to the other party, the young man's murderous intention towards him did not weaken at all, but became stronger.

As for the middle-aged man, although he was smiling, his muscles had bulged slightly, and his inner energy was surging. He was holding the handle of the knife, which was obviously a sign that he was about to take action.

Lu Yan immediately judged that the other party had no intention of letting him go.

Even if the jade book is returned to the other party, it will be the same.

Maybe he thought he had read the jade book and wanted to kill someone and silence him.

That being the case, Lu Yan had nothing to worry about and it was better to strike first.

The bowstring vibrated, and nine arrows were shot out in an instant.

Although the middle-aged man's reaction was fast enough and his sword was like the wind, it only knocked away eight arrows.

The ninth one shot the purple-winged blood roc in the head.

The purple-winged blood roc has the second-level cultivation of a grandmaster, which is far behind Lu Yan.

One arrow to the head.

The huge body fell rapidly downwards, and young and middle-aged men could not stabilize their bodies and fell downwards.

"Uncle Wu, save me." The young man panicked.

"Hold the Xue Peng corpse."

The middle-aged man reached out to grab the young man and pulled him over. The young man hugged the body of the purple-winged Xue Peng tightly.

The middle-aged man quickly took off his robe, grabbed it with both hands, and summoned his inner strength to lift the robe up like a parachute, greatly slowing down its fall.


The body of the purple-winged Xue Peng hit the ground hard, making a big hole in the ground. The young man lay on top of the Xue Peng, vomiting blood and looking pale.

Falling from a height of 1,000 meters, the force was unimaginable. Even with the corpse of the blood roc as a buffer, the young man was still seriously injured.

Middle age slowly declines.

He looked up at the sky, looking at Xue Tu and Lu Yan who had gone away, revealing a murderous intention as cold as a knife.

call out!

He took out a loud arrow and lit it, and the fireworks shot up into the sky and exploded in mid-air.

"Uncle Wuwu must kill that boy."

The young man said with a pale face and full of hatred.

He almost fell to death just now, all thanks to that kid.

"Don't worry, after seeing the remaining scrolls of Yama and killing my Yan family's flying beast, I will never allow him to live in the world."

"You recover here, and I will kill him with my own hands."

The middle-aged man said coldly. After speaking, he left the place with a sway and chased in the direction of Xue Tu's flight.

Xuetu used all his strength to flap his wings and fly, reaching the highest speed in history.

But not long after, a shadow appeared in front of him, rushing towards him quickly.

It was also a bird and strange beast, shaped like a crane, but with blood-red feathers. It could be called a blood crane.

On Xue He's back, there were also two figures standing, an old man and a burly man.

The two of them were holding war bows and aiming at Xue Tu.

Xue Tu immediately changed direction, and Xue He chased after him. Although his speed was not as fast as the previous purple-winged blood roc, it was no less fast than Xue Tu.

Before he could fly far, another bird and beast appeared in front of him and chased after him.

Xuetu could only continue to change direction.

But not long after, a third bird and beast appeared in front.

Attacked from three sides, there is no way to escape.

Lu Yan opened his bow and shot arrows at the birds and beasts in front of him continuously, hoping to kill the other birds and beasts.

But the two old men on the birds and beasts were very powerful. They were both masters and high-level masters. They also fired back with their bows and knocked away Lu Yan's arrows.

At the same time, two birds and beasts from the rear left and right were approaching quickly.

The people above all drew their bows and aimed at the bloody massacre.

Lu Yan shot a few more arrows, but they were all blocked by the opponent's arrows.

Once you reach the master level, first-class bow and arrow martial arts gradually lose their advantage.

It is not difficult for an old master, especially a master of the second or third level or above, to practice first-class archery and spend more time to practice to the peak or perfection.

For those with better talents, it would not be a problem to spend decades cultivating to the point where human and martial arts become one.


From behind, arrows were also shot, directly taking out Xue Tu's head and wings.

Lu Yan fired back with arrows.

But there were three flying beasts on the opponent's side, and there were six people shooting at them at the same time. Lu Yan couldn't stop them all. From behind, he could only draw his sword and slash the arrows away.

"Blood Tu, go forward and charge with all your strength."

Lu Yan ordered the blood massacre.

Xuetu screamed a few times to express his objection.

If you charge forward, isn't that looking for death?

"Being surrounded is a dead end. Charge forward. I have a way to save you. Hurry."

Lu Yan drank coldly.

Xuetu had no choice but to flap his wings and rush forward.

In front, above the flying beasts, two masters of the Yan clan were shooting arrows continuously.

Lu Yan activated his inner energy, slashed out the sword light, and knocked away the arrow.

Both sides are approaching quickly.

When the two were a hundred meters apart, Lu Yan jumped up and rushed towards the other party.

The man and the sword merge into one, cutting through the air.

The sword light went straight to take the heads of the birds and beasts on the opposite side.

The faces of Yan's two masters changed drastically.

At such a close distance, it was too late to snipe with a bow and arrow.

"I'll stop him."

One of the burly old men, holding a long sword, also jumped out and slashed at Lu Yan with his sword.


The swords collided, and the burly old man's face changed drastically. His body was thrown hundreds of meters like a cannonball and fell towards the ground.

Lu Yan's castration was slightly blocked, but he still continued to pounce on the opposite side.


The sword flashed, and the head of the bird and beast was chopped off.

Then, Lu Yan reached out and grabbed the feathers of the birds and animals. With a strong pull, he jumped onto the back of the birds.

Just as he came up, a sword light struck Lu Yan's neck like lightning.

The sword energy roared and was extremely hot.

He is another master of the Yan clan. This person has the third level of cultivation. He is one of the best masters in the six counties of Lingdong.

But in front of Lu Yan now, it was completely inadequate.

Lu Yan's left palm was covered with dark golden scales. He grabbed forward and grabbed the opponent's sword, and swung the sword out with his right hand.


A head flew dozens of meters away.

A martial arts master with the third level of Grandmaster was instantly killed by Lu Yan with one move.

This is the difference between martial arts cultivator and martial arts spirit.

If it were a martial spirit at the third level of Grandmaster, Lu Yan would have to put in a lot of effort, and it would never be so easy.

After kicking the opponent's body away, Lu Yan followed the bird's body and fell quickly.

Xuetu spread his wings and wanted to rescue Lu Yan.

"You run away quickly. It's me they want to kill, and they won't chase you."

Lu Yan said to Xue Tu.

Xuetu screamed twice and flew forward quickly.

Lu Yan followed the bird carcass falling. When he was a hundred meters away from the ground, he stepped heavily on the bird carcass, used the force to jump up, which greatly cushioned the fall, and then fell to the ground.

The two flying beasts behind them indeed gave up their blood and rushed towards Lu Yan. Several arrows pierced the night sky and hit Lu Yan's vitals.

Lu Yan swung his sword and placed a heavy screen of swords around his body, knocking all the arrows away.


Lu Yan fell to the ground and his feet sank into the rocks.

With a jolt of internal energy and gravel flying, Lu Yan quickly rushed towards the forest ahead.

Two birds and beasts chased each other in the air, and arrows rained down continuously.

"This can't continue like this. No matter how fast I am, I can't be faster than the flying beasts. I have to throw away a few flying beasts."

Lu Yan's mind raced, thinking about countermeasures.

Soon, Lu Yan had a countermeasure.

He ran quickly and then rushed into a pile of rocks.

With the help of rocks, he can hide his figure very well.

In the sky above, two birds and beasts were circling, and they fired loud arrows at the same time.

"He hid in the rocks. Do you want to go down and surround him?"

One person said.

"This man is extremely powerful. He is at least a fourth-level master. If we join forces, we may not be his match. We should wait for others to come and join forces to kill him."

"Yes, this person is cunning, so be careful."

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the pile of rocks and quickly rushed into the distance.


The two birds followed closely.

Not long after the two birds left, another figure emerged from the pile of rocks.

It was Lu Yan.

The one just now was just a clone of Lu Yan.

Lu Yan gathered his breath and headed in another direction. Soon, he felt that the distance between the clone and him was close to ten miles.

Beyond ten miles, the clone would be out of control and would stand in place like a puppet. Therefore, Lu Yan did not hesitate to let the clone explode.

Lu Yan shuttled through the mountains and forests, covering more than thirty miles in a moment.

At this time, Lu Yan suddenly stopped.

Because a burly figure appeared in front of him, blocking the way.

This is a young man who looks to be in his thirties, more than two meters tall, wearing a fiery red robe, with long fiery red hair, draped casually on his shoulders, like a burning flame.

"You are very cunning. You have actually deceived so many people from my Yan family, but you can't escape my grasp after all."

The young man spoke coldly and strode towards Lu Yan. As his inner energy surged, his whole body was filled with heat waves, and there seemed to be a layer of flame jumping on the surface of his skin.

Steps passed by, leaving dark footprints on the ground immediately.

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