Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 231 Twenty-One Internal Energy

After the lecture, Wei Yunfeng hurriedly found Lu Yan and said, "Lu Yan, will you sell me the next opportunity to pursue martial arts?"

He benefited a lot from the martial arts competition and felt that five martial arts pills were worth it.

"Teacher Xiao Ye didn't blame you?"

Lu Yan asked.

"No, I just asked a few questions."

Wei Yunfeng said, and then said: "How about selling it to me next month?"

Lu Yan looked embarrassed and said, "You also know that this kind of opportunity is rare, and I also need it very much."

"I'll add one martial pill, six martial pills."

Wei Yunfeng gritted his teeth.

"Ten martial pills." Lu Yan stretched out a finger.

Wei Yunfeng took a breath and said: "Ten is too high. Even if I often do missions, I don't have that many merit points. Besides, I still need martial pills to practice."

"Seven martial pills, no more."


Lu Yan said.

After some haggling, the two finally reached an agreement, seven martial pills, and Wei Yunfeng paid thirty thousand taels of silver to Lu Yan.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the sixth month of preaching and teaching.

Xiao Ye took a look and saw that it was still Wei Yunfeng who came this time, and his displeasure became even stronger.

"Wei Yunfeng, did Lu Yan sell an opportunity to you again?"

Xiao Ye asked, his displeasure became even stronger.

"Yes, this is Lu Yan's written evidence. Senior, please take a look at it."

Wei Yunfeng took out the written evidence.


Xiao Ye waved his hand and snorted coldly.

Others were also discussing in low voices.

"It seems that Lu Yan thought the Nine Rings of Thunder was too difficult and gave up practicing."

"That must be the case, otherwise how could you sell the opportunity to seek martial arts."

"What's the use of just improving your cultivation without practicing martial arts? It's like a crayon and a silver gun, it looks good but is useless."


Xiao Ye shouted coldly, and the scene became quiet.

“If you have any questions, ask them quickly”

Xiao Ye said.

In the seventh month, Lu Yan still sold Wei Yunfeng the opportunity to seek martial arts for seven martial pills and thirty thousand taels of silver.

When Xiao Ye saw that it was still Wei Yunfeng, his expression became even more gloomy.

After the lecture, Xiao Ye said coldly: "Wei Yunfeng, do you know where Lu Yan lives? Take me to find him."

"Yes Yes."

Wei Yunfeng stood up, secretly worried. Was his mentor going to get angry and blame Lu Yan?

But he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only lead the way.

"Go and have a look."

Others were curious and followed quietly.

"Lu Yan, are you there? Instructor Xiao Ye is looking for you."

In the practice room, Lu Yan was practicing when he heard shouts from outside.

"Teacher Xiao Ye?"

Lu Yan felt something bad in his heart, so he quickly stopped practicing and walked out.

"Hahaha, Teacher Xiao Ye, what kind of wind has brought you here today? You are really shining brightly. Come on, come on in and have a drink."

Lu Yan came out with a smile on his face, as if he was seeing an elder he hadn't seen for many years.

As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiling person.

Seeing Lu Yan greeting him with a smile, Xiao Ye didn't want to get angry. He just said with a cold face: "Lu Yan, I'm preaching and teaching, why don't you go? And you sell the opportunity to others? What, have you given up on practicing the Nine Rings of Thunder?" ?”

"The instructor misunderstood. Lu Yan didn't give up. He just thought that he could cultivate on his own, so he didn't want to waste the opportunity. It just happened that Brother Wei needed it, so he gave it to him. It gave him the best of both worlds."

Lu Yan answered honestly.

"Can you practice by yourself? You mean, I can't teach you anymore?"

Xiao Ye said coldly.

"I'll tell you this, mentor. Lu Yan has been smart since he was a child, and his understanding is outstanding. In any martial arts, as long as you get a little guidance at the beginning, after you get the hang of it, you will be able to integrate it and make rapid progress. You don't need guidance from a mentor."

Lu Yan replied.

This was his carefully considered choice of words.

Xiang Chongyang asked him not to keep a low profile and to show his talent as much as possible in order to obtain more resources.

And after he entered Qianlong Camp, he did find that there were so many geniuses, and his achievements seemed to be nothing.

Therefore, he decided to properly show his super understanding side.

Otherwise, his internal strength will increase in quantity in the future, which cannot be explained.

"It's shameless to talk big."

At this time, a young man couldn't bear it anymore.

What Lu Yan said was so irritating.

What does it mean to give a little guidance at the beginning, but no guidance is needed later, and you can integrate it by yourself and make great progress with each passing day.

So what do they mean by these people who are struggling for martial arts?

"Wang Tianyu, who is said to have the best understanding in the Ming Dynasty for three hundred years, dare not be so arrogant and say that he does not need guidance from his mentor. Every time he seeks martial arts, he will humbly ask his mentor for advice. Why, is your understanding higher than Wang Tianyu? "

The young man said loudly.

Beside, other people nodded, thinking that Lu Yan was too arrogant.

Lu Yan looked helpless and said, "But what I said is true."

This expression made many people angry.

Even Wei Yunfeng wanted to punch Lu Yan in the face.

"Lu Yan, since you are so confident, you must have a lot of enthusiasm for Thunder Nine Rings. Why don't you give me some advice?"

The young man from before said.


Lu Yan waved his hand.

Just what he wanted, just enough to show it off to avoid trouble.

Armed with horn bows and arrows, the group came to the martial arts field.

On one side of the martial arts arena, there is a row of bronze figures, which are made by special means and are extremely hard. They are usually used by the master to practice martial arts.

The young man didn't talk nonsense, he bent his bow and arrow, and shot out.


The arrow made a thunderous sound in mid-air, and the arrow speed suddenly increased, hitting a bronze figure, and the arrow did not penetrate an inch of the bronze figure.

"I have been practicing the Nine Rings of Thunder for nearly three years, and now I have reached the stage of minor success. Unfortunately, I am not very qualified and can only do one ring. Lu Yan, is it your turn?"

The young man looked at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was too lazy to say anything. He stepped forward and shot out an arrow with smooth movements.

The arrow flew out like lightning.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The arrow rang three times in mid-air, its speed increased sharply, and it shot into the bronze man's body with a pop, not even half of the arrow entering it.

Xiao Ye's eyes widened.

Others, such as Wei Yunfeng and the young man, were speechless.

"Three arrows are fired. This is a sign of proficiency. You have only practiced Nine Thunders for more than half a year, and have you actually reached this level? A martial arts wizard, a martial arts wizard, with this kind of understanding, even Wang Tianyu is nothing more than this." ah."

Xiao Ye murmured to himself.

If he didn't know clearly that Lu Yan learned the Nine Thunder Rings when he first joined the Qianlong Camp, he would have suspected that Lu Yan had already practiced it.

"Um, mentor, am I practicing okay?"

Lu Yan asked.

"It's not bad, not bad."

Xiao Ye muttered to himself, turned around and left.

"Teacher Xiao Ye, can I give up my place to someone else?"

Lu Yan called out.

"You have great talent, it's up to you."

Xiao Ye left a word and disappeared in an instant like the wind.

"Brother Lu, please forgive me for offending you so much just now. Brother Lu's talents are truly rare in the world. In my opinion, only Wang Tianyu can compare."

The young man from before came over, cupped his fists and apologized, which was a lot of respect.

Lu Yan has such an amazing understanding. His future achievements are limitless and he must not be offended.

He wanted to slap himself, why did he do so many things before, and then jumped out to question Lu Yan.

This matter had nothing to do with him.

"It's okay. Those who don't know are not guilty."

Lu Yan smiled.

It was just a trivial matter, but he wasn't so petty and kept it in mind.

After returning, Lu Yan returned the secret book and divine intention of Thunder Nine Rings.

The news that Lu Yan had a terrifying understanding comparable to that of Wang Tianyu spread throughout Qianlong Camp like a hurricane.

And it also spread towards the high-level guards of Prince Ming and the Royal Guards.

"Lu Yan, how can he be so enlightened? Then did the Cold God Palm he showed that day hide his clumsiness?"

Xiang Mansion and Xiang Chongyang showed a smile after hearing the news.

"Lu Yan? Shen Zhou has found a good idea."

After hearing this, Chu Long smiled slightly, showing a look of expectation.

Not everyone believes that Lu Yan has such a talent.

Some people think that Lu Yan may be very compatible with Thunder Nine Rings, which is why he has made rapid progress. If he were to switch to other martial arts, this may not be the case.

As for Wang Tianyu, he truly has superior understanding. He can quickly master any kind of martial arts and practice to a high level.

"Sixteen internal energies are finally on par."

Seven months after joining Qianlong Camp, Lu Yan finally improved the five newly developed internal powers to the level of the previous eleven.

The sixteen internal energies are all thick, concise and powerful.

It’s time to elevate the Nine Rings of Thunder to the integration of man and force.

He took out the immortal bone worth thirty merit points, called out the Taoist book, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The progress of Thunder Nine Rings has increased rapidly.

Immortal bones worth thirty merit points contain very rich energy.

However, the improvement of extreme martial arts requires too much energy, especially after reaching the pinnacle.

The reason why Cold God Palm can improve so quickly is because of the fairy egg shell.

Therefore, after the energy of this immortal bone is exhausted, the Nine Rings of Thunder are still a little short of the unification of human and martial arts.

Lu Yan simply went to the Hall of Merit and spent 20 merit points to exchange for a piece of immortal bone, and let the Taoist swallow it to continue to improve the Nine Rings of Thunder.

This time, the Nine Rings of Thunder were upgraded to the unity of man and weapon in one breath, and there was still energy left.

The remaining energy will naturally not be wasted.

Because Lu Yan still has eight first-class speed martial arts that have not been improved.

Now, Lu Yan uses almost all of Wumaru's energy in martial arts to improve his cultivation, not martial arts.


The familiar feeling, the gift from heaven and earth comes.

Lu Yan's physical body was tempered again and lifted up again.

Half a day later, the gift from heaven and earth ended.

"Inner strength actually increased by five."

Lu Yan smiled.

Although the five internal energies have been increased like last time, the extent of improvement has obviously been reduced.

Because last time, five more paths were added to the eleven.

But this time, on the basis of the sixteen internal energies, five more channels were added.

Lu Yan speculated that the increase this time would be about 30%.

There are a total of twenty-one internal energies in the body.

It can be divided or combined, and it can be varied.

"Twenty-one levels of internal energy, this already has the potential to become a king-level true body."

Lu Yan's eyes were bright.

This is not his limit.

According to the previous rules, the second ultimate martial arts has increased by more than 30%.

Then, the third, fourth, and even fifth gate should still be effective and can be improved.

"The physical body has also improved a bit, and most importantly, the cultivation level has also improved a bit, and is not far from the second level of the Grandmaster."

Lu Yan felt the changes in himself.

As long as the new five internal energies are improved and practiced some more, one can reach the third level of the Grandmaster.

At this time, the energy of the immortal bone has been exhausted.

Among the speed martial arts, two have achieved the integration of human and martial arts.

Among the nine first-class speed martial arts, three have already reached the level of integrating human and martial arts, with six more to go.

Continue to practice.

After the last incident, every time Lu Yan had the opportunity to seek martial arts, he successfully sold it to Wei Yunfeng.

Of course, Wei Yunfeng could not afford seven level three martial pills every month, plus thirty thousand taels of silver.

Wei Yunfeng couldn't afford it, so it was easy to handle. There were many people who wanted this opportunity, so Lu Yan changed hands and sold it to others.

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