Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 233 Relationship with Chu Hongye

Lu Yan's curiosity also increased greatly, and he wanted to see the appearance of these four outstanding figures and see what their combat prowess was like.

"Speaking of which, that Chu Hongye has a close relationship with you. No, it can be said that we have a close relationship."

Feng Yuanyi suddenly said mysteriously.

"what relationship?"

Lu Yan was curious.

"Isn't your master Chu Chenzhou? And Chu Hongye is Chu Chenzhou's granddaughter."

Feng Yuan is together.

Lu Yan was speechless and surprised.

Chu Hongye, the sweet girl of heaven, is actually the granddaughter of Chu Chenzhou.

However, I heard from Xiang Chongyang that before Chu Chenzhou was demoted to Lingdong, he had a wife and children, so it was normal to have a granddaughter.

Martial arts practitioners have a long lifespan and a long peak period. They always marry and have children at a much older age than ordinary people.

Dang Dang Dang.

The gong sounded and the place fell silent.

A burly old man, about two and a half meters tall, stepped onto the fighting stage.

Feng Yuanyi introduced him as a deputy commander among Prince Ming’s personal guards, with unfathomable strength.

When the challenge begins, there must be a strong person standing on the battlefield to prevent anyone from being killed.

"The Qianlong Ranking Challenge has begun. Everyone in the Qianlong Camp is eligible for two challenges. Who will be the first to come up?"

The old man said loudly.

Lu Yan also understood the rules of the Qianlong List Challenge. Both those who were on the list and those who were not on the list were eligible to challenge twice.

Those who are not on the list can challenge those who are on the list.

Those on the list can challenge those ranked higher.

"I come."

Immediately, a middle-aged bald man who looked to be in his forties jumped onto the fighting stage.

"Yue Zhong, who do you want to challenge?"

the old man asked.

"I want to challenge Yang Kai, who is ranked 48th on the Qianlong List."

The bald man said.

"Yang Kai, the one with inner spirit."

Lu Yan's heart moved and he became interested.

In the past seven days, he had roughly gotten to know the masters on the Hidden Dragon List.

Yang Kai is a man with an inner spirit. It is said that his spleen and stomach are special and contain miracles.

It is said that he was born into an ordinary family. When he was a child, he showed characteristics that were different from ordinary people, that is, he had an astonishingly large appetite, more than ten times that of ordinary people. If he found out that he was really a spiritual person, he was taken to the Qianlong Camp for training.

Lu Yan was very familiar with the Inner God, but he had never seen the Inner God take action, so he was naturally curious.

If you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

This Hidden Dragon Ranking Challenge is a good opportunity to observe and learn more, so that if you encounter enemies who are also inner gods in the future, you will know how to deal with them.


A figure jumped onto the battle platform and the battle platform roared, like a giant beast landing.

In fact, Yang Kai's figure is really like a giant beast.

The bald man's body is already burly enough, but compared with Yang Kai, he is like a child.

Yang Kai's height reached an astonishing three meters. He was muscular and burly like a giant bear.

To be honest, this was the first time Lu Yan had seen such an amazing physique.

Generally speaking, after a martial artist enters the Wuhou realm, his height will not increase much. Only in the limit-breaking stage will he grow by leaps and bounds.

"Yue Zhong, you challenge me again? You are no match for me every time, why bother to humiliate yourself."

Yang Kai said in an angry voice.

"This year, I will definitely defeat you."

Yue Zhong shouted softly, holding the sword in his hand, his inner energy exploded, the sword was filled with brilliant sword light, like a tiger coming out of the mountain, it quickly rushed towards Yang Kai, and the sword slashed at Yang Kai's neck.

Yang Kai's body was filled with earthy yellow inner energy, covering his whole body.

A layer of earthy yellow crystals condensed on the surface of his body, like a battle armor, covering his body, limbs, fists and feet, including his head.


With his bare hands, he punched out and faced the blade.

With a bang, sparks shot out, Yue Zhong's attack was blocked, his body swayed slightly, and he took two steps back.

On the other hand, Yang Kai didn't even leave a mark on his fist.

"Is this the inner strength of the Inner God? It has the attribute of earth, is extremely powerful, and has powerful defensive capabilities."

Lu Yan's thoughts changed rapidly and he judged secretly.

The internal organs of the inner gods contain miracles, and the inner energy they cultivate is also extremely special, possessing all kinds of terrifying attributes, making the inner energy extremely condensed and powerful, infinitely powerful, and possessing all kinds of mysteries.

However, God is fair.

Those with inner gods generally cannot have innate martial bodies.

People with innate martial bodies usually have ordinary internal organs.

The two are incompatible.

Historically, there are very few and extremely rare examples of people who have both innate martial bodies and inner gods at the same time.

Not only that, it is very difficult for those with an inner spirit to develop even acquired martial arts.

To be precise, it is not difficult to practice.

After the inner spirit person has practiced a martial arts to the point where human and martial arts become one, he can also receive gifts from heaven and earth, and his body and energy and blood will also be enhanced, but the amount of inner energy or bone energy will be difficult to increase.

It is difficult to increase, but it is not impossible to increase, because first-rate, second-rate, and third-rate martial arts are ineffective against those with an inner spirit, but top-notch martial arts can.

However, there have been experiments in history by fierce people. If one can practice the three top martial arts to the point where human and martial arts are integrated into one, the inner strength or bone strength of the inner spirit person can still be increased by one.

But in the Grandmaster realm, there are few people in history who can practice the three top martial arts to the point where human and martial arts become one.

Therefore, the inner strength of the inner spirit person is almost only one.

On the battlefield, the battle continued.

After Yue Zhong retreated, he immediately turned around and struck again with his sword.

There is no weak person who can take the stage to challenge. They all have some confidence in their own strength. Yue Zhong is naturally not weak either. With the fifth level of Grandmaster's cultivation, it seems that he has about seven levels of inner strength.

The two exchanged dozens of moves in a row, and it was obvious that Yang Kai was the better one. With his strong and special internal energy, he knocked Yue Zhong off the platform with one punch in fifty or so moves.

"Go down and recover."

The old man said to Yang Kai.

Yang Kai cupped his fists, jumped off the fighting platform, took out the dried martial arts food and started chewing it.

He had just fought a battle and consumed a lot of energy. According to the rules, others could not challenge him again until he recovered.

"Who will challenge next?"

The old man asked again.

"I come."

Another person jumped onto the fighting stage to challenge the one ranked 49th.

Soon, a fierce battle broke out.

Both of them have innate martial bodies, and they have mastered the same amount of internal energy. The number of internal energies they have mastered has reached eight.

The amount of internal energy is difficult to see without fighting in person, just by looking at it.

However, these people's information has long been familiar to others. Once there was a fight, there would naturally be people discussing it, and Lu Yan could hear it clearly.

The strength of the two is equal, like two beasts colliding on the battlefield, overflowing with energy and roaring continuously.

The power of any one person far exceeds that of Lu Yan.

However, one of them was obviously more accomplished in martial arts and defeated his opponent after fighting with multiple moves.

Soon, the next challenge begins.

People who are not on the list and challenge those who are on the list usually challenge those at the bottom.

Thirteen consecutive challenges, battles between inner gods and innate martial arts, and various top martial arts frequently appeared, which opened Lu Yan's eyes.

The fourteenth challenge aroused everyone's interest.

Because this time the challenger is Chu Hongye.

A beautiful woman in a red dress jumped onto the battlefield and attracted everyone's attention.

Although Chu Hongye is in her thirties, she looks very young, only around 20 years old. Her skin is as smooth as mutton-fat jade, and her proud figure cannot be concealed under the red dress.

From a distance, it looks like a bright red rose.

"Last year, Chu Hongye almost broke into the Hidden Dragon Ranking as soon as he broke through the fourth level of Grandmaster. This year, he should be able to definitely enter the Hidden Dragon Ranking, right?"

"Definitely, her kidneys contain dragons and phoenixes, and her inner strength is from yin to cold. She is invincible. Her shortcomings are that she is young and has low martial arts attainments. But after a year of hard training, she must have improved. Plus My cultivation level has also improved, and it will not be difficult to enter the Hidden Dragon List."

"Only those with the potential of a king-level true body can be on the list as a fourth-level master."

Many people around were talking about it.

"I challenge Chu Lingxuan."

Chu Hongye pointed his sword.


A beautiful figure flashed, and another beauty appeared on the battlefield. Although not as good as Chu Hongye, she was still considered to be superior.

Chu Lingxuan is also a descendant of Queen Ming, ranking forty-five on the Hidden Dragon List.

There is nothing to say, the two are old acquaintances, one holds a sword, the other holds a gun, and they fight fiercely together.

With a bang, the energy overflowed, and most of the arena was covered in ice.

Within a few hundred meters, the temperature dropped sharply.

"What an astonishing chill. This kind of chill is much more exaggerated than the Cold God Palm. Is this Chu Hongye's special inner strength? It's really powerful."

Lu Yan was secretly shocked.

The inner energy of the inner spirit has special attributes, but it is generally among the five elements.

There are also a few that go beyond the Five Elements and have more special attributes, such as thunder, lightning, wind and ice, etc., which are often more powerful.

That's the case for Chu Hongye.

Facing Chu Hongye's ice inner energy, Chu Lingxuan was obviously very struggling. The combination of multiple inner energy was difficult to resist. Gradually, his body was covered with a layer of ice crystals, and his movements began to slow down.

Finally, two screams came from Chu Hongye's body, like a dragon and a phoenix singing together.

A surprising scene happened. On both sides of Chu Hongye's waist, faint figures of dragons and phoenixes appeared, flying into the air and submerging themselves into the long sword, which caused Chu Hongye's internal energy to surge in power.


The long sword hit Chu Lingxuan's spear, and an astonishing chill quickly crawled all over Chu Lingxuan's body along the spear. Chu Lingxuan immediately turned into an ice man, unable to move.

Next to him, the old man's expression changed, and he came to Chu Lingxuan in a flash, reaching out and putting his hand on her shoulder.

The ice on Chu Lingxuan's body quickly melted away, filling the air with bursts of mist.

"I lost."

Chu Lingxuan clasped his fists, turned a little pale, and turned around to get off the platform.

"The figure of dragon and phoenix, is that the miracle contained in Chu Hongye's kidneys?"

Lu Yan whispered.

"Lu Yan, do you think that Chu Hongye and I are very destined? Both kidneys contain miracles."

Feng Yuan is together.

"I did not think."

Lu Yan shook his head.

"Are you jealous that I have developed a pair of iron kidneys?"

Feng Yuan glanced at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan: "."

The challenge continues.

After Chu Hongye passed, masters on the Qianlong Ranking began to challenge those higher up.

Generally, those who dare to challenge are those who have improved in the past year, or have improved their cultivation, or have made breakthroughs in martial arts.

The battles became more and more intense and exciting.

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