Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 263 The melting pot shows its power

The killer had already been on high alert for Yinuo. As soon as he made a move, he immediately retreated and waved a dart, which collided with Yinuo's flying knife.

Then his left hand turned dark green, which was some kind of poisonous palm, and then he swung it out to meet Yinuo's attack.


The two palms met, and the killer's expression immediately changed wildly. His palm was actually pierced by Yinuo. The castration continued, and it penetrated the killer's chest and penetrated the opponent's heart.

The killer's eyes widened with anger and disbelief on his face, and he growled: "Asura Hand, you will die together with the remnants of the Asura Sect."

The killer swung his sword and was about to chop Yinuo's neck.

But Lu Yan arrived in time, slashed out with his knife, and the killer's head flew out.

But the moment Lu Yan cut off the opponent's head, the opponent's body exploded with a bang, turning into a mist of blood.

The strange thing is that the blood mist seemed to be alive and rushed towards the two people. Although the two people dodged in time, the distance was too close and it was impossible to completely avoid it.

Moreover, this kind of blood mist couldn't even completely block the body-protecting energy. A small part passed through the body-protecting energy, fell on the skin of the two people, and penetrated into their bodies through their pores.

Lu Yan's heart sank, and he used all his energy and blood to check, but there was nothing strange at all.

Yinuo also checked himself and found no abnormalities.

"Hurry up and leave Xuanhuo City first."

Lu Yan's face was solemn.

Because of such a delay, the commander of King Ming's army was knocked to the ground, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

The other party has the Yuan Shen realm, and if he doesn't leave, he may not be able to leave.

The two of them rushed out of the city wall, used their physical skills to the extreme, and rushed towards the forest in the distance.

Quack, quack, quack.

Before they had rushed more than ten miles, there was a cry above their heads. The two were startled, found a big rock to hide in, and looked up into the sky.

In the sky, more than a hundred flying alien beasts flew overhead, and there was a human figure standing on each flying alien beast.


Then, the ground roared.

Not far away, a dense army was rushing towards Xuanhuo City.

"The military forces of Sheng Xuan Zong, Sheng Xuan Zong, are really going to start a full-scale war with Prince Ming's Mansion."

Lu Yan's face was solemn.

The purpose of Shengxuanzong is very obvious. First, he will use assassins to sneak into Xuanhuo City and assassinate the masters of Prince Ming's Palace. Then he will attack with a large army, and he can easily capture Xuanhuo City.

"Yi Nuo, let's go to Shanyang City first, report this matter, and ask the Ming Palace to send troops as soon as possible."

Lu Yan whispered.

Shanyang City is a large city directly under the Ming Palace, backed by a third-level bloodline.

Shen Yinuo nodded.

In the dark night, the two figures were hidden among the mountains and forests.

Among the Shengxuanzong army, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face suddenly moved his nose and whispered: "The smell of blood, there is a fish that has slipped through the net, and it is nearby."

The gloomy middle-aged man immediately came to an important figure in the Shengxuan Sect and reported in a low voice: "Sir, I smell the smell of blood. Our people missed it. There is a fish that slipped through the net, and it is in the nearby mountains and forests."

"Before death, only the true body realm can produce killing blood. Killers in the true body realm can miss. This fish that slipped through the net is extremely powerful. Yin Yue, please go and get their heads." .”

The big shot of Shengxuanzong ordered.


The gloomy middle-aged man ducked away.

Lu Yan and Yinuo were like the wind, flying through the night at extremely fast speeds.

Soon after, he was hundreds of miles away from Xuanhuo City.

Not long after the two left, a figure emerged, it was the Yin Yue.

"It's so fast, but you are hit with blood, and you can't escape my grasp."

The gloomy middle-aged man said coldly, his nose twitched a few times, his figure flashed, and he chased in the direction where Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo left. His speed was faster than the two of them.

After running for a while, they were already thousands of miles away from Xuanhuo City.

After running for a long time, the consumption was huge. The two stopped and took out the martial arts pills to restore their physical strength and internal energy.

Suddenly, Lu Yan's heart beat violently, his eyes were like lightning, and he glanced around.

"No. Yinuo, be careful."

Lu Yan reminded.

"That's not right."

Yinuo also saw something unusual.

The night in the mountain forest was originally very lively, with the constant sound of insects chirping.

But just now, suddenly, the sound of insects all around disappeared without a trace.

Someone has arrived.

And it is very scary, frightening snakes and insects, so that they dare not make a sound.

But they didn't feel the murderous intent or crisis at all.

This person is obviously stronger and more intelligent than the previous true body level killer.

Lu Yan and Yinuo were back to back, staring around and alert.

At the same time, weapons are in hand.


The mountain breeze blows and what follows is the rich green mist.

poison gas.

The other party actually used the mountain wind to spread poisonous gas.

The poisonous gas rolled and surged toward the two of them.

The two could only retreat and give way.

But as soon as he retreated, his flaws were naturally revealed.


A black shadow jumped out from the side, and the human sword merged into one, stabbing Lu Yan at an astonishing speed.

The sword energy roared, extremely fierce.

Lu Yan was already prepared. His body was bulging and covered with scales. He held the knife in both hands and struck out with all his strength.


The swords collided, Lu Yan's sword trembled violently, and the terrifying sword energy followed the sword and impacted on his arm.


Sparks were flying all over his arms, and the red scales were cut open and bleeding.

Lu Yan's body retreated violently, and he used his inner energy crazily to stop the real energy rushing into his body.

Lu Yan was knocked away with one sword, and the long sword in the opponent's hand swept forward and struck Yinuo's neck.

Yinuo's whole body was filled with red inner energy, and his abdomen seemed to have a sun burning. He swung the black pot and collided with the sharp sword. With a clang, Yinuo floated back.

His face was slightly pale.

"It's amazing. A grandmaster at the fifth level and a grandmaster at the sixth level can actually block my attack head-on. The famous geniuses in Prince Ming's Palace, Shang Wushang and Mo Wenzhuo, are far worse than you."

Praise from the gloomy middle-aged.

When he spoke, his body shook, and dense poisonous needles flew out from all over his body, shooting towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

At the same time, the figure flashed and killed Lu Yan.

Among the two, he picked the weaker one and killed it first.

Lu Yan was obviously weaker than Shen Yinuo.

"Be careful, this person is at least the second refiner of the True Body."

Yinuo reminds.

Lu Yan was highly concentrated and used the Void Step to the extreme. His body was as light as nothing. He moved several hundred meters sideways and avoided the poisonous needles one by one. He was about to take out his bow and arrow to shoot, but the opponent's speed was not slow at all. At a point on the ground, he twisted his body and quickly approached Lu Yan.

If the distance is too close, the power of the bow and arrow cannot be exerted at all.

Lu Yan could only use his body skills to dodge again, but the opponent clung to him like a gangrene on his bones, and the distance got closer and closer.


Lu Yan suddenly stopped and slashed the opponent with his sword.

"You can't run away from me."

The gloomy middle-aged man sneered and stabbed with his sword.


Lu Yan retreated violently again.

The opponent is at least the second level of the real body. The gap is too big. In a head-to-head confrontation, he is simply invincible.

The opponent knocked back Lu Yan with a sword, and was about to take advantage of the situation to attack and kill Lu Yan in one fell swoop. Three flying knives shot quickly from behind him.

The flying knives roared and were so powerful that the gloomy middle-aged man did not dare to be careless. He turned around and stabbed three times with his sword, knocking away the three flying knives.

Yinuo jumped up, waved his hands, and threw nine flying knives in succession.

Then he drank lightly, his palms were like holding a big grinder, and he pushed forward.

Her abdomen exuded dazzling light, and a crimson furnace flew out, quickly grew in size, and suppressed the gloomy middle-aged man.

The bright light turned the night into day, and the scorching heat caused the plants in the surrounding area to burn.

The gloomy middle-aged man's face was solemn, his wrist shook, and the sword light shook, knocking all nine flying knives away. The last sword stabbed the furnace. The sword energy overflowed, and the gloomy middle-aged man and the furnace formed a stalemate.

After a moment of stalemate without knocking the furnace away, the gloomy middle-aged man showed his flaws.

Lu Yan, of course, couldn't miss such an opportunity.

He has put away his sword and replaced it with the Starfall Bow.

Buzz buzz.

The bowstring vibrated intensively, and in an instant, seven arrows were shot out. The seven arrows drew strange arcs and shot towards the dark middle-aged man from various directions, pointing directly at the dark middle-aged man's eyebrows, back of his head, throat, heart and other vital points.

Facing Lu Yan's archery attack, the gloomy middle-aged man couldn't ignore it. He could only use his true energy to push back the furnace a little bit, and then swung his sword quickly, striking out seven rays of sword light.

Dang Dang Dang.

There were seven consecutive clashes, sparks shot out, and all seven arrows were knocked away.

But the furnace took advantage of the situation and suppressed it. The gloomy middle-aged man roared angrily and stabbed upward with a sword, but the long sword seemed to have endured a huge force and was bent and deformed.

"Lu Yan"

Yi Nuo drinks lightly.

Lu Yan understood this in his heart and opened the bow with all his strength, pouring all his energy into the arrow crazily.

He is gathering strength.

Not only him, but Yinuo was also accumulating strength. As she activated the furnace, the palm of her right hand was already blood red, and it was getting richer.

It's just that the speed is much slower than usual.

The gloomy middle-aged man also felt the danger, and he let out a low roar. He held the sword in his right hand, and kept slapping the furnace with his left hand. His strong palm force bombarded the furnace, causing the furnace to continuously vibrate.

call out!

At this time, Lu Yan fired his bow.

In the void, there were nine sounds in a row.

The gloomy middle-aged man roared, and slapped his left hand with all his strength in the direction of the arrow.

The powerful palm force was like an overwhelming force trying to block the arrow.

But this is the nine-ring arrow, which is Lu Yan's strongest attack at present. It is not so easy to break, not to mention, it is a palm struck by a gloomy middle-aged man distractedly.

The arrow rode the wind and waves, tearing through the gloomy middle-aged man's palm. With a pop, it penetrated his palm and shot straight into the gloomy middle-aged man's heart.

At the critical moment, the gloomy middle-aged man twisted his body and avoided the vital point of his heart, but the arrow eventually hit his shoulder.

Shen Yinuo seized the opportunity, jumped out, and struck the gloomy middle-aged man with his blood-red right palm like a blade.


The gloomy middle-aged man received a solid slap, and his chest was sunken.

Unfortunately, Yinuo didn't have enough time to charge up this palm, and he had to be distracted to activate the furnace. As a result, the power did not reach its peak, and he was resisted by the gloomy middle-aged man.

"Shura Hand"

The gloomy middle-aged man roared like a wild beast, and his whole body suddenly exploded with real energy, like a volcano erupting. Blood beads oozed from the surface of his skin, which greatly improved his strength.

Boom boom!

Two consecutive palm strikes hit the furnace, sending it flying away. The gloomy middle-aged man took the opportunity to escape, rushing into the distance like a ghost.

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