Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 273 The Guardian of the Seventh Cave

Lu Yan weighed it in his mind and thought it was feasible.

They sneaked in, observed the situation first, and if nothing could be done, they retreated secretly.

In a word, take action if you are sure, and retreat if you are not sure.

The two discussed it for a while, and then used the disguise technique to change their appearance.

Lu Yan transformed into a dark-skinned man, and Shen Yinuo transformed into an ordinary-looking woman in her thirties.

The two of them used their skills and headed towards the treasure of the ancient dynasty.

A few days later, the two returned to the area and found that people appeared and appeared around the lake from time to time.

Most of the sensed breaths are from the True Body Realm.

After asking around, I found that there were many powerful men in the Yuan Shen Realm deep in the cave. Someone broke in but was killed.

"In the treasury, most of the masters of the Yuan Shen Realm are breaking the wish marks. We can just wait outside. If nothing can be done, we will leave."

Lu Yan said to Shen Yinuo.

"The power of the guardians in the seven caves is gradually increasing. The guardian power of the last cave must be amazing. It is not that easy for those strong men in the Yuan Shen realm to get the treasures inside. A war will probably break out. We may not have the chance to get some. benefit."

Shen Yinuo said.

Lu Yan nodded.

The two men determined the location of the treasure house based on the direction of the underground river, and then arrived more than ten miles away.

This is a large mountain with steep mountains and towering peaks.

"According to the layout of the Seven Stars Cave, the location of the seventh cave should be under that mountain. We will wait nearby."

Lu Yan said.

The two came to a mountain peak a few miles away to hide.

They were not the only ones who came here.

Many people have entered the cave, but they just didn't dare to enter the deepest part. However, they have entered several caves outside, seen the layout of the Seven Stars Cave, and based on the terrain, they also came to the vicinity.

They probably had the same plan as Lu Yan and the others, to see if they could get something cheap.

Lu Yan and the others waited with peace of mind.

This wait lasted for more than a month.

More and more experts are coming to the vicinity.

There are masters from the Shengxuan Sect, as well as from the Tianque Sect, and more of them are unknown and have come from distant states.

However, Lu Yan didn't see any of the experts from Prince Ming's Palace.

I don’t know if he was disguised or if he didn’t come at all.

Outside the seventh cave.

All the masters worked together to erase the wish marks in the cave. It took more than a month to gradually erase the wish marks in the passage.

"Break it for me."

The Lord of the Blood Temple struck out with a palm, and the power of the palm surged wildly, hitting the bronze door at the end of the passage, smashing the bronze door into pieces.

"This guy"

Huang Xuan, Zuo Daoxuan, Granny Wandu, Beast Demon and others cursed in their hearts.

They had wiped out the wish marks, which was a lot of consumption. They originally planned to take the martial pills to recover before breaking through.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Blood Temple directly penetrated the bronze door.

They knew the thoughts of the Lord of the Blood Temple. The martial spirit's resilience and vitality were astonishing. The consumption just now was nothing to the martial spirit. It had probably been restored.

Now rushing into the seventh cave to fight for the treasure, the Lord of the Blood Temple has the advantage.

But the bronze door is broken and they can only enter.

As soon as everyone entered, they saw a very large cave. There were hundreds of boxes of various sizes placed around the cave. The number was far greater than the previous caves.

Most of the treasures in the entire treasure house are placed in the seventh cave.

Entering this cave, there was no fairy beast puppet attacking them, but there was a figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cave.

It can be seen that this is an old man, with a shriveled body and a wrinkled face, wearing a fiery red armor.

The armor flows with light, like new.

But the old man didn't have any fluctuations in his life.

In the old man's hand, there is also a fiery red sword, two meters long.

"A top-notch spiritual treasure."

Zuo Daoxuan's eyes were fiery and he was the first to pounce. He grabbed it in the air and grabbed the fiery red sword.


At this moment, the face of the Lord of the Blood Temple changed and he warned.

He is extremely sensitive to blood. Just now, he felt an extremely weak sound of blood flowing in the old man's heart.

Blood will not flow to a dead person.

The old man is not dead yet.

The moment the Lord of the Blood Temple finished speaking, the old man's heart began to beat rapidly. Deep in his heart, the locked blood surged out like a great river and poured into his body.

The dry skin all over his body suddenly became plump.


The old man suddenly opened his eyes, and the fiery red sword fell into his hand, slashing out towards the nearest Zuo Daoxuan.

It was almost only an instant from the time when the Lord of the Blood Temple warned him, to when the old man took action.

Zuo Daoxuan was shocked and jumped back quickly. At the same time, he deployed three layers of defense in front of him, but it was still too late.

The sword light swept past, and the defense he had put up was penetrated by a single blow. The sword light passed over his chest and opened a wound several inches deep, which went straight to the heart and almost split his body in two.

Zuo Daoxuan retreated back into the crowd dangerously, with a look of fear on his face.

The old man glanced at everyone, and said in a cold voice: "People who are not from my royal family, but want to plot my royal family's treasures, deserve death and should be punished."


The old man's aura surged like a volcano, and the terrifying pressure caused the cave and even the entire land to tremble.

"This person is a member of the ancient royal family. It is reasonable to say that he was a person from two thousand years ago. How could he be alive today? Is he a Hedao-level person?"

Granny Wandu exclaimed, her face ugly.

Beast Demon, Zuo Daoxuan, Huang Xuan and others all changed their colors.

In the realm of Yuanshen, below Hedao, one only has a lifespan of one thousand years.

But after entering the path of harmony, it is possible to live for two thousand years, or even longer.

If it is really the existence of Hedao realm, they will all die.

"Impossible. Since ancient times, there have been only a handful of people who can follow the Tao. Each one of them is famous all over the world and has been passed down from ancient times to the present."

"This person cannot be a Taoist. He just used a special method, such as the method of refining corpses, to lock his own vitality and delay the depletion of life span."

"Thousands of years of longevity only erupted in an instant. He won't live long."

The Lord of the Blood Temple said loudly.


The old man roared, and the sword light broke through the air, filled with scorching light, and slashed towards everyone.

The masters at the scene all felt a fatal crisis, as if they were being targeted by a murderer from hell. They did not dare to be careless and used their unique skills to resist.


The attacks from both sides collided together, forming a terrifying beam of light that rushed upwards and directly penetrated the rocks above.

Outside the cave.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo were hiding on a mountain peak, but they suddenly felt the earth shake. The mountain peak above the seventh cave trembled violently, and wisps of sword light penetrated the rocks and rose into the sky.

"No, retreat."

The expressions of the two people changed and they quickly retreated.


After retreating for less than a few miles, the mountain peak exploded, and a beam of light shot into the sky, thousands of meters high, and scattered the clouds.

Centered on that mountain peak, a terrifying shock wave blasted out, and the entire land was blown away. Boulders weighing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of kilograms were flying in all directions.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo relied on their super strong body skills to avoid boulders and retreated several miles in a blink of an eye.

Some people who failed to retreat were directly hit by hundreds of thousands of kilograms of boulders.

Those with strong cultivation were injured and retreated, while those with weak cultivation were directly smashed into meat pies.

"The chest in the treasure house."

Suddenly, Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

Among the flying boulders, he saw boxes one after another, which were also thrown around in all directions by the impact.

Fortunately, these boxes were covered with protective wish patterns, which protected the boxes and did not explode.

Apparently, an astonishing battle broke out deep underground, and the powerful shock wave rushed out the boxes in the treasure house.

Not only Lu Yan saw it, but many experts around him also saw those boxes filled with wish patterns. Their eyes were burning and they rushed towards those boxes.


There happened to be a box flying towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo. Lu Yan reached out and grabbed the box and put it into the mustard bag.

"Good opportunity, pick up a few boxes and leave."

Lu Yan whispered.

Shen Yinuo nodded, and the two of them used their physical skills to the extreme and rushed out.

They didn't grab the big boxes.

Because there are many experts who are eyeing big boxes.

And according to their experience, those big boxes often don't contain any particularly precious treasures, but only some martial arts pills and the like.

And small boxes will contain some precious treasures.

Such as Ningzhen pills, soul crystals, superb martial arts, innate purple energy and other treasures from heaven and earth.

The two of them shuttled through the rocks like a gust of wind, and soon, each of them got a small box.

At this time

Boom boom boom.

Underground, figures rushed out one after another, and the terrifying pressure spread overwhelmingly, like mountains, pressing down on everyone's heads.

"What a terrible smell."

Lu Yan's face turned ugly.

He had only seen this kind of aura in his life.

"Yi Nuo, go quickly." Lu Yan shouted, joined Shen Yi Nuo and rushed towards the distance.

High in the sky, the old man from the Great Ancient Dynasty stood in the air, holding a head in his left hand. It was Huang Ming, the deputy leader of the Shengxuan Sect.


With the force of his palm, Huang Ming's head exploded, and his soul was annihilated as well.

Huang Xuan's eyes turned red.

Before and after, two Yuan Shen died, especially Huang Ming, the existence of the third transformation of Yuan Shen, the master second only to him, the loss was huge.


The old man roared again, murderous intent rising into the sky, his brows glowed, and a primordial spirit appeared, wearing battle armor and holding a sword, like a battle-hardened general.

The Primordial Spirit Dharma Phase stepped forward and killed the beast demon.

At the same time, four more swords flew out from the old man's eyebrows.

Four swords in four different colors.

They are: gold, yellow, green and blue, corresponding to gold, earth, wood and water in the five elements.

The four swords grew long in the wind and grew in size rapidly, becoming a hundred meters in size.

Among them, the golden sword struck at Huang Xuan.

The yellow sword was used to kill Zuo Daoxuan.

The green swords killed Granny Wandu together.

The old man himself, holding a fiery red sword and controlling a blue sword, killed the Lord of the Blood Temple.

In the last years of the Dagu Dynasty, the Spiritual Cult brought chaos to the world, which was also the indirect cause of the downfall of the Dagu Dynasty.

Therefore, the old man hated Wu Ling so much that he personally targeted the Lord of the Blood Temple and launched a fierce attack.

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