Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 284 The two girls met for the first time

Fang Xuansha roared, grabbed the arrow with both palms.

But the powerful force on the arrow pushed him backwards.


The place where the arrows were held with both hands made a hissing sound. The arrows made of red flame iron emitted bursts of black smoke. They were corroded by the poison in both hands and finally broke into several pieces with a snap. .

Before Fang Xuansha could take a breath, Shen Yinuo's attack arrived again.

The Great Sun Furnace suppressed it from high altitude, and Shen Yinuo activated the Great Sun Divine Fist to bombard Fang Xuansha's head.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, took another red-flame iron arrow and began to accumulate power.

Fang Xuansha kept waving his palms, filling the air with thick black and white mist.

But as soon as the poisonous gas rushed out, it was burned by the Great Sun Furnace and the Great Sun Divine Fist. This made Fang Xuansha extremely frustrated and felt that his power was useless.


After he knocked away the Great Sun Furnace with one palm, he stopped attacking and quickly retreated, while his eyes were fixed on Lu Yan.

The biggest threat to him was Lu Yan's nine-ring arrow.

If you are not careful, you will be shot in the head.

call out!

Lu Yan shot out an arrow. The arrow rushed out at an astonishing speed and seemed to disappear in the air. When it reappeared, it was already close to Fang Xuansha.

At this time, the sound of nine rings echoed through the mountains and forests.

However, this time, Fang Xuansha was well prepared. The moment Lu Yan shot the arrow, he jumped up in the air, hit the Sun Furnace with one palm, and used the force to retreat violently backwards.


Nine-ring arrows flew past Fang Xuansha's feet.

But after Lu Yan shot the nine-ring arrow, he opened his bow again and fired eight eight-ring arrows in a row, hitting Fang Xuansha in the air.

Fang Xuansha was in the air, unable to dodge, so he could only wave his palms to resist.

Bang bang bang.

But all the arrows that were shot at his head were knocked away by him, but there were two arrows that were shot at his body, but he ignored them.

Two explosions were heard, and the arrows aimed at his body were blocked by the body-protecting spirit treasure and exploded into pieces.

But the body-protecting spirit treasure is not omnipotent.

Although it could block the sharpness of the arrow, the terrifying power contained in the arrow could not be completely removed. Through the inner armor, the shock stung Fang Xuansha's sternum, and his bones almost cracked.

If he hadn't been a king's real body and had a strong body, he wouldn't have been able to withstand it.


Shen Yinuo approached and hit Fang Xuansha in the chest with a punch. Fang Xuansha retreated a hundred meters, his face turned pale, then he turned around and ran away with lightning speed.

He knew very well that when Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo joined forces and cooperated with each other, it was not as simple as one plus one equals two. They could maximize their respective advantages and he was by no means an opponent.

It is too dangerous to continue fighting, and there is no room for him to make the slightest mistake. If he is not careful, he will be killed on the spot.

"Want to leave."

Lu Yan's eyes were cold, and he chased Fang Xuansha. The arrow in his hand glowed, and he shot another arrow, hitting the back of Fang Xuansha's head.

Fang Xuansha was well prepared. He jumped up and let the arrow hit his back, but was blocked by the body-protecting spirit treasure.

With the power of this arrow, Fang Xuansha rushed forward several thousand meters, and then ran wildly, but blood was already flowing from the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that the arrow just now had injured him.

Where he escaped, a large number of poisonous insects flew out and rushed towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

On the one hand, it can interfere with Lu Yan's sight, and on the other hand, it can hinder the two people's pursuit.

Shen Yinuo opened the way with the Great Sun Furnace, and a large number of poisonous insects were burned to ashes. However, after being blocked like this, Fang Xuansha had already disappeared.


Lu Yan sighed.

People like Fang Xuansha are indeed difficult to kill and there are too many ways to save their lives.

Of course, the main reason is that their cultivation is a little weaker and they can only practice the fourth level of the true body. If they can reach the fifth level of the true body, it will not be difficult to leave Fang Xuansha behind.

"Want to leave."

At this time, there was another figure running desperately.

It was the person who fought against the old woman of Shengxuan Sect.

He was also in the seventh level of the real body. When he saw Fang Xuansha running away, he didn't dare to stop. He threw away the old woman and ran for his life.

But Lu Yan's arrow had already locked onto him.

Pointing his toes, he rushed towards the opponent like the wind, and then nine arrows flew out quickly.

That man was far worse than Fang Xuansha. How could he stop him? He was directly shot through the chest by an arrow and nailed to a big tree.

Later, he met up with Shen Yinuo and walked into Changze Village.

The villagers in Changze Village had long been frightened and hid in their houses, shivering.

There were only two figures at the entrance of the village.

One is the old woman from Shengxuan Sect, and the other is an ordinary-looking woman.

"Lu Yan, it's really you."

When the ordinary-looking woman saw Lu Yan, she smiled and ran over.

When he first took action, Lu Yan used the Transformation Technique to disguise himself, but then he used all his strength to make the move, unable to maintain the disguised state, and automatically restored his appearance.

When the woman came closer and saw Shen Yinuo, the smile on her face froze and she couldn't help but stop.


Lu Yan said.

"it's me."

The woman reached out and wiped the powder on her face, and immediately revealed a beautiful but slightly heroic face. If it wasn't Zhao Sirong, who could it be.

"You are Miss Sirong. You are indeed very beautiful. No wonder Lu Yan came all the way to find you."

Shen Yinuo smiled.

"Lu Yan, who is this?"

Zhao Sirong looked at Shen Yinuo.

To be honest, even she found Shen Yinuo's appearance and temperament stunning.

"My name is Shen Yinuo, and I am his good friend. Not long after Lu Yan first started martial arts, we met. Didn't he tell you?"

Shen Yinuo reached out to hold Lu Yan's arm and continued to smile.

I'm coming.

The scene that gave him the most headache was still here.

Lu Yan's expression was stiff. He didn't take his arm away, nor did he take it away. He was frozen there.

A trace of sadness flashed in Zhao Sirong's eyes, and she forced a smile and said: "Miss Yinuo is extraordinary and has a high level of cultivation. She and Lu Yan are truly talented and beautiful, they are a perfect match. Only a strange woman like you can be worthy of him."

"Who is a perfect match for him?"

Shen Yinuo was about to blurt out, but glanced at Zhao Sirong and suppressed the words with a smile, seeming to acquiesce.

Lu Yan has one head and two heads.

"Sirong, it's not a good time to stay here for a long time. If Fang Xuansha escapes, he might come back and bring more masters from the Fang family. It's better to leave first."

Lu Yan quickly changed the topic.

"Both of you, thank you for saving me just now. I'm just curious, how did you find this place?"

The old woman came to Zhao Sirong's side with a wary look in her eyes.

"I almost forgot, wait a minute."

Lu Yan ran towards the big tree where he was hiding, only to find that Yan Qi was crouching, weaving through the trees, trying to escape.

Lu Yan caught up with him, grabbed Yan Qi's neck, and lifted him up.

"I have led you to find Zhao Sirong. You promised to let me go. You can't break your promise."

Yan Qi struggled.

Lu Yan was unmoved.

"Please, please spare me, please."

Yan Qi begged again.

Lu Yan carried Yan Qi and came to a few people.

"Yan Qi?"

The old woman and Zhao Sirong were both quite surprised.

"Sirong, this guy poisoned you."

Lu Yan immediately explained briefly what happened.

"Junior sister Zhao, don't worry, that poison is harmless and will dissipate on its own after a few years. I have no intention of harming you, I really don't."

Yan Qi cried and begged.

"Bitch thief, deserve to die."

The old woman was furious and slapped Yan Qi on the head. Yan Qi's head exploded with a pop.

They were a little afraid. If Yan Qi had not brought Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo this time, but the Six Tianque Wolves, they would have been dead.

It is not a pity to die for such a person.

"Brother, I wanted to let you go, but I didn't expect this old woman to be so cruel."

Lu Yan muttered a few words.

Afterwards, they skillfully took away the things carried by Fang's people, and they quickly left here.

They ran thousands of miles in one breath before stopping.

"Lu Yan, I want to talk to you alone. Miss Yinuo, do you have any objection?"

Zhao Sirong said, then looked at Shen Yinuo.

"Of course I have no objection."

Shen Yinuo smiled and walked aside, but from time to time he glanced at Lu Yan and Zhao Sirong with his peripheral vision.

Lu Yan and Zhao Sirong walked side by side and came to a big banyan tree.

"Lu Yan, this time, are you here to get me on behalf of the Ming Palace?"

Zhao Sirong suddenly said.

"Si Rong, why did you say this? Why would I take you? Even if Prince Ming's Mansion gives you a huge reward, it is not as important as you in my heart."

Lu Yan said seriously.

Zhao Sirong's face softened slightly and she said, "Is this how you deceived Miss Yinuo?"

Lu Yan showed a hint of embarrassment and explained, "Sirong, Yinuo and I are just friends."

Zhao Sirong smiled slightly and didn't say much.

"Sirong, where are you going next? Why don't you follow me back to Prince Ming's Mansion and I will intercede for you?"

But before he finished speaking, Lu Yan stopped.

Zhao Sirong shook his head and said: "Yan Qi should have told you that I have the potential of a king-level true body and was accepted as a closed disciple by the leader of the Shengxuan Sect. For a person like me, will the Ming Palace keep me at ease? Aren't you afraid of my future revenge?"

Lu Yan was speechless.

He also knew in his heart that with Zhao Sirong's status, even if Prince Ming's Mansion did not kill her, he would probably put her under house arrest and control her cultivation resources, and she would not be free for the rest of her life.

"Besides, I am now burdened with the expectations of countless people of Shengxuan Sect. It is the hope of Shengxuan Sect. If I seek refuge in Prince Ming's Mansion, what will the people of Shengxuan Sect think of me? How can I be worthy of them?"

"Lu Yan, Shengxuanzong has treated me well over the years. It's really good. It's like my second home."

"I really didn't expect that Shengxuan Sect and Prince Ming's Mansion would reach this point."

Zhao Sirong sighed quietly.

Lu Yan was silent. He also knew that it was unrealistic for Zhao Sirong to stay.

"Then, where are you going? Now, many people are eyeing you and want to seize the treasures from you."

Lu Yan said.

"Go to Yanzhou first, there will be someone to support you there, and then transfer to Taizhou. They say there are three caves for cunning rabbits. Shengxuan Sect naturally has a back-up plan and has a secret base in Taizhou."

Zhao Sirong said.

"Then I will send you to Yanzhou first, and then I will go back when you are safe."

Lu Yan said.

This time, Zhao Sirong did not refuse.

"By the way, Lu Yan, you used to like to collect martial arts secrets. I have some martial arts here. They are the top martial arts of Shengxuan Sect. Some of them happen to have backups. I can give them to you."

After saying that, Zhao Sirong wiped the bag of mustard seeds, and a box appeared and handed it to Lu Yan.

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