Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 300 Killing the Soul

Shen Yinuo, who entered the seventh level of the true body, had an exaggerated increase in combat power. In a head-on confrontation, he was no longer afraid of the middle-aged woman. In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged more than a dozen moves without a winner.

By refining the Nine Sun Divine Stone, Shen Yinuo not only transformed her true body, but her Great Sun Furnace and even the Great Sun Divine Fist were enhanced.

A layer of purple flame emerged above the Great Sun Divine Fist, causing the temperature to rise sharply. The middle-aged woman had to expend a lot of strength to offset it in every confrontation.

Boo hoo hoo.

At this time, Lu Yan fired his bow continuously, and arrows with nine rings were shot at the middle-aged woman in succession.

The middle-aged woman found it difficult to deal with Shen Yinuo, and was attacked by Lu Yan. She was immediately in a panic, unable to fight back, and could only defend passively.

She mobilized the power of heaven and earth to form a thick layer of defense all over her body. At the same time, she quickly swung her long stick and spread dense stick shadows all over her body.

Dang Dang Dang.

The arrows fired by Lu Yan were blocked one by one by the middle-aged woman.

Some were blocked by long sticks, and some were blocked by the power of heaven and earth densely covering the body, but the power of heaven and earth that protected the body also trembled violently, was quickly weakened, and became dim.

Shen Yinuo seized the opportunity.

The Great Sun Furnace vibrated, the furnace lid opened, and fell downwards. A purple flame as thick as magma flowed out of the Great Sun Furnace.

Purple flames sprinkled on the middle-aged woman.

Her already dim body-protecting power made a hissing sound, and then was burned through, and the middle-aged woman was enveloped in purple flames.

This kind of flame was extremely terrifying. The middle-aged woman suddenly screamed and rushed towards the distance crazily.

How could the two of them let her escape? They chased her quickly, and Lu Yan fired his bow again and again.

Arrows shot out like meteors.

The middle-aged woman resisted with all her strength, but most of her strength had to be used to fight against the purple flames. She was distracted from resisting the arrows, and was suddenly invaded by the flames. She let out a shrill scream, and the scent of meat floated in the air.

Being so distracted, he couldn't pay attention to both ends.


An arrow hit the middle-aged woman's chest. Even though she relied on her powerful body and defense to stabilize her body from exploding, a big hole was still blasted out of her chest, with the front and back translucent.

The purple flame took the opportunity to penetrate and burn her internal organs.

"Die together."

The middle-aged woman roared, as if she was crazy, and rushed towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo, astonishing fluctuations filled her body.

"No, she's going to blow herself up, retreat."

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo quickly retreated.


The next moment, the middle-aged woman's body exploded, destructive energy swept in all directions, and the magma lake seemed to have blown up huge waves, tens of meters high.

Before her body self-destructed, a figure rushed out from between the middle-aged woman's eyebrows, wrapped herself in a long golden stick, and rushed into the distance.

This is her soul.

It can be said that the middle-aged woman was very decisive. Knowing that it would be difficult to escape today, she decisively exploded her body to create opportunities for her soul to escape.

Even though the soul is in its first turn, the soul is still very weak and will dissipate quickly without the protection of the body.

But there is still some hope of survival. As long as he escapes back to the Immortal Ruins and asks the Immortal Lord to take action, he may not be unable to survive.

At this moment, a huge thing rushed out of the magma, opened its mouth, swallowed the middle-aged woman's soul and the golden stick, and then disappeared into the magma with a plop.

It was the fire dragon.

"If you dare to seize food from a tiger's mouth, let's see how I teach you a lesson."

Shen Yinuo used the Great Sun Furnace to protect his body and also rushed into the magma.

The next moment, huge waves rolled in the magma lake, and the faint sound of dragon roars could be heard.

After a moment, the fire dragon rushed out of the magma, and Shen Yinuo stood on top of the fire dragon's head, with the Great Sun Furnace suspended above his head, holding a long golden stick, and his long hair fluttering.

The fire dragon, on the other hand, was dejected.

"Yinuo, it seems that you have defeated this fire dragon."

Lu Yan walked over and smiled.

"He is no match for me in the field he is best at, so he is naturally convinced."

Shen Yinuo smiled.


The fire dragon howled at Lu Yan several times and looked at Lu Yan with contempt, as if to say, kid, what are you looking at? The general was defeated.

Lu Yan punched the fire dragon directly on the head, making the fire dragon feel dizzy. It took a while for the fire dragon to react, roared angrily, and pounced on Lu Yan, baring its teeth and claws, looking like it wanted to tear Lu Yan apart. .

"Yi Nuo, this big insect seems unconvinced. Let me spar with him again and practice the Nine Strikes of the True Dragon."

Lu Yan smiled.

Shen Yinuo glanced at the fire dragon sympathetically and stepped away.


The fire dragon immediately pounced on Lu Yan. Lu Yan activated his eight top body-refining martial arts and performed the Nine Strikes of the True Dragon to fight the fire dragon.

Soon after.

The fire dragon entered the time of the sage, like a limp reptile after finishing its work, lying on the magma with a bulging head.

The look in Lu Yan's eyes also turned into one of fear.

He didn't expect that Lu Yan, who was his defeated opponent not long ago, could improve so quickly and could now completely overpower him.

"These two perverts."

Huo Jiao lamented in his heart that the cultivation of these two people was obviously weaker than his, but their strength was superior to his.

It has the body of a dragon.

"If we take this fire dragon out, what will happen to it?"

Lu Yan began to fantasize about riding a fire dragon and flying through the sky.

But in the end he shook his head.

Going out with the fire dragon is too high-profile and not his style.

Let’s wait until we break through to the soul.

"Yinuo, let's go."

Lu Yan said to Shen Yinuo.

Shen Yinuo nodded.

Soon, the two returned to the ground, and then flew towards the Bloodline where Prince Ming's Mansion was located.

After the middle-aged woman and the beautiful woman were killed, an angry roar came from somewhere tens of thousands of miles away from the volcanoes, somewhere in a mountain shrouded in fog.

In the thick fog, two scarlet balls lit up, extremely huge, like two blood moons.

Then, a huge figure gradually emerged from the thick fog.

This is a giant snake.

The previous two blood moons were its eyes.

"Who is it? You are so brave to kill my immortal servant."

"Let me see who it is."

The big snake spoke human words, and then the shadows of a middle-aged woman and a beautiful woman appeared in its huge pupils.

Finally, the picture is fixed on the snake-shaped bracelet of the beautiful woman.

Through the snake-shaped bracelet, two figures slowly emerged.

It was Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

"These two little brats are very good and have good talents. Let's capture them and become the new immortal servants."

The deep voice of the big snake sounded.

Silk silk.

Next to it, crawled another big snake, which could be a hundred meters long and covered in snow-white body, but it was much smaller than the previous one.

"This clone has been sacrificed and refined for thousands of years, and it will come in handy."

The big snake continued, and his pupils shot out a red light, which disappeared into the white snake's body. The white snake's pupils flashed with scarlet light, twisted into the air, flew towards the outside, and soon left the thick fog area.

Looking in the direction of Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo, he was about to take off.


Suddenly, a giant palm fell from the sky and pressed on the white snake.

The hundred-meter-long white snake wailed and hit the ground, crushing a small mountain peak.

"who is it?"

The white snake spoke human words and roared angrily.

call out!

A spear fell and pinned White Snake to the ground.

Then, a figure appeared in the sky.

It was actually Chu Long.

"My father's guess is correct, there is indeed a big problem in the Immortal Ruins."

Chu Long said coldly, his eyes like lightning, staring at the white snake, and then looking in the direction of the thick fog, his face serious.

After receiving the news from Lu Yan, King Ming guessed that there was something wrong with the Immortal Ruins and immediately sent Chu Long to check.

This was the scene just now.

The huge body of the white snake struggled wildly, and the snake's tail was like a silver lightning, lashing towards Chu Long.

Chu Long blocked the snake's tail with a palm, then swooped down and held the spear. His power exploded, the spear shook violently, and the white snake's body exploded into several sections.

Chu Long's spear thrust out in the air, and dozens of spear rays pierced the White Snake's exploded body like raindrops.

"How dare you, a human martial artist?"

In the thick fog, there was a shocking roar. A huge snake head poked out from the mountain. A scarlet snake spit out and rolled towards Chu Long at an alarming speed.


Chu Long whispered, not daring to be careless, and sacrificed his Yuan Shen Dharma, and struck a blow with Snake Xin.

The primordial spirit's Dharma form shook violently and retreated violently.

"The fifth turn of the soul is a great tonic. I'll swallow you first."

The big snake made a sharp sound and stretched its head forward again.

But at this time, there was a great light between heaven and earth.

Countless chains of light emerged from the big snake.

One end is connected to the big snake, and the other end penetrates into the void.

The big snake struggled wildly, but to no avail.

"Damn, damn."

The big snake roared, and finally retreated into the thick fog unwillingly, and those light chains dissipated.

"When I get out, I will swallow you all up, as well as Prince Ming's Mansion, Jie Jie"

In the thick fog, an unpleasant and strange laughter came out.

"This guy can actually make the immortal servant collect the power of wish, and can also make the white snake come out. This is something that has never happened before. It is getting more and more abnormal. Could it be that the biggest chaos in the past five thousand years is about to occur. "

"This matter must be reported to my father as soon as possible so that he can prepare early."

Chu Long's brows were furrowed, and his face was as solemn as ever.

At the end of the ancient times, the world was in chaos, heroes were vying for hegemony, spiritual religions were wreaking havoc on the world, and evil spirits were rampant, but in that era, there were no 'immortals'.

Now, the Immortal Ruins are also ready to move.

Chu Long had a feeling that there would be even more chaos next, and it might enter the most chaotic years in the past five thousand years.

If you are not careful, you will be completely destroyed.

Chu Long turned into a rainbow light and disappeared here.

After Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo returned to the Bloodline, they found that there were many more masters on the Bloodline.

He knew that reinforcements from Prince Ming's Mansion had arrived.

"Commander Chu Long."

Later, Lu Yan was shocked when he saw Chu Long.

Chu Long is the top master of the Ming Palace, and his combat power is strong enough to rank among the top five. He actually came in person, which shows that the importance of the affairs in southern Xinjiang is higher than what he predicted.


Chu Long looked at Lu Yan carefully and said, "Lu Yan, has your cultivation level reached a breakthrough?"

"The commander's gaze is as bright as a torch."

Lu Yan clasped his fists.

He has reached the sixth level of true body training and can appropriately expose part of his cultivation.

Therefore, he had used some of the Shen Shen Jue to make his true body appear stronger. As expected, Chu Long saw it at a glance.

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