Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1012 The woman hidden by Zong Yue?

Si Junjue is really crazy!

In the monitoring room on the 10th floor, Huo Linxi dialed the internal number of the central cockpit of the Poseidon.

"Hi, I'm the captain of the Poseidon..."

The other party picked up the phone, and before the self-introduction was finished, Huo Linxi said: "I want you to manually operate immediately to reverse the direction of the Sea God!"

He ordered in a cold voice, extremely majestic.

"Who are you?" the captain demanded on the phone.

Huo Linxi sneered, "You don't care who I am. If you want to survive, turn around immediately!

As the captain of the Poseidon, you don't know that although this ship belongs to Wuji Continent, it is not qualified to sail into the inland waters of Wuji Continent, right? ! "

The captain was silent on the other end of the phone.

Only a few core crew members on the Poseidon know that the Poseidon is sailing to the inland sea of ​​Wuji Continent.

Where did the man who was talking to him on the phone get the news from?

And this man doesn't look like an employee on the Poseidon.

"We haven't set foot on Wuji Continent for four years." The captain's voice dropped on the phone, "I want to go back and see my daughter."

"Can't you leave this ship and go back in other ways?" Huo Linxi asked him coldly.

The captain's voice sounded particularly desolate and heavy, "We, all the crew members of the Poseidon, lost the qualification to set foot on Wuji Continent four years ago!

It is also forbidden to meet with family members in other countries, and it is forbidden to communicate with family members and make phone calls!

Over the years, we have tried countless ways. Even if I entrust more than a dozen people to help pass it on layer by layer, I can't even see a single photo of my daughter!

It's been four years, and I don't even know what she looks like when she grows up now! "

Huo Linxi realized that these people on the Poseidon were exiled by Wuji Continent?

He remembered that the expulsion of the Poseidon was an order from the President of Wuji Continent, Si Wenyuan.

But he has no interest or leisure to find out what this group of people did to be expelled from Wuji Continent.

On the phone, the man snorted coldly:

"So you are going to rebel now? Risking your life to break into Wuji Continent?

If you want to go back to see your daughter, are you not afraid of dying on the way as soon as you enter the inner sea? "

There was a long silence on the phone, just when Huo Linxi thought that the captain on the other end of the phone would stop talking, the other party spoke, and his voice was absolutely incomparable!

"Wujizhou people, never allow myself to die outside, even if I die, I will die on the land of Wujizhou!"

What a spirit of seeing death as home!


Huo Linxi hung up the phone.

They want to die in the waters of Wuji Continent, but they want to drag him and Jiang Suisui to the back? !

Huo Linxi wanted to send this group of people directly to Huangquan Road!

During the conversation with the captain, Huo Linxi locked the specific location of the control room of the Poseidon through the communication line.

For a large cruise ship like this, in order to prevent hijacking incidents, the location of the driving control room will not be announced to the public.

And the control room where the captain is located is the place with the highest level of security.

At the same time, Huo Linxi also found the location of Si Junjue from nearly a hundred surveillance images. He also saw Jiang Suisui in the surveillance video.

However, the plan for now is to try our best to make the Poseidon turn around.

If he couldn't turn the Poseidon, he had to contact someone and take Jiang Suisui out of this ghostly place!

But the trouble is that the Poseidon is already sailing on the high seas near Wuji Continent, and it is too late to notify the people in Huaguo to send a plane over at this time.

By the time Huaguo's plane catches up with the Sea God, the ship has already sailed to the inland sea area of ​​Wuji Continent.

At that time, the naval ships of Wuji Continent and the planes of Huaguo will be shot down together!

Huo Linxi took out the spare mobile phone that Ding Dingmao gave him, and he dialed a series of mobile phone numbers.


Huaguo Capital, Consulate of Country F:

Zong Yue's cell phone rang, and Eliza, who was unlocking the combination lock on the desk drawer, was startled!

She bought a password unlocking machine, buckled the unlocker into the digital code lock, and matched the numbers. In less than ten minutes, she was able to unlock the four-digit code.

With a "click", Eliza heard that the combination lock on the desk drawer was opened. She was about to take off the password cracker and open the drawer when she heard the phone ring.

On the other side, the mobile phone in the unlocked drawer is Zong Yue's personal backup phone.

Zong Yue never let her touch this phone.

It is said that this mobile phone is mainly used to handle important affairs involving state secrets.

Elisa opened the drawer on the other side, and she saw that on the old-fashioned black and white screen phone, the caller displayed was "*".

This "*" number was set by Zong Yue. Whose phone is this, so that Zong Yue dare not even set his name?

Could it be some woman? !

Eliza picked up the mobile phone and pressed the connect button. She didn't speak, but heard a low, magnetic man's voice from the other end of the phone.

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