Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1027 Strange CP Increase!

Ye Sheng'er didn't speak, but Lu Xiao didn't know that Huo Linxi appeared.

He didn't know that Huo Linxi was the star of disaster.

Now, Ye Sheng'er doesn't know if Huo Linxi and Jiang Suisui have dealt with [Poseidon].

Those two people are very skilled, they can break free from the heavy siege, but they are not, Ye Sheng'er can easily deal with them.

Ye Sheng'er planned to leave the matter of dealing with [Poseidon] to Jiang Suisui and Huo Linxi first.

When the Poseidon arrived at Pier 1, the four major families entered the cruise ship, and Jiang Suisui, Huo Linxi, and [Poseidon] were all arrested! !

But now, her first priority is to ensure Lu Xiao's safety.

"Brother Xiao, I'll take you back to bed and lie down. With your current physical condition, how far can you go?

You have to take good care of your body before you can see Jiang Suisui. "

Ye Sheng'er comforted him softly.

At this time, a stumbling figure entered Lu Xiao's sight.

Si Junjue leaned on the wall with one hand, gasping for breath, his long black hair fell on his fair face, making him look extremely weak and haggard.

He was going to see Si Wenyuan instead of Jiang Suisui, but not long after he left, Si Junjue felt a stabbing pain in his thigh!

He realized that he had been bitten by a bug.

But where did the bugs come from on the Poseidon?

After a while, Si Junjue developed symptoms of chaotic thinking, and then he concluded that it was the Gu worm raised by Jiang Suisui, who bit him!

In order to stop him, that woman pretended to be herself to see Si Wenyuan, and without anyone noticing, let a little Gu worm crawl on him.

Si Junjue bit the tip of his tongue hard, using the pain to stay awake.

The Poseidon is about to dock, and he doesn't want to lose the chain at this time!

He was going back to his room now to inject himself with a potion that would remove the effect of the drug.

He must be able to last until he returns to his room!

Si Junjue raised his head. In his loose and blurred vision, he saw someone in front of him, but he didn't care about that much. He stepped forward with his calf, which was as heavy as lead, and continued to walk forward.

"Ginger Suisui!"

Lu Xiao walked towards Si Junjue, and Si Junjue retreated instinctively.

He cursed in his heart.

This voice is Lu Xiao!

What the hell, how did he meet Lu Xiao? !

This guy shot him twice, although he was rescued by Jiang Suisui, but at this time, Lu Xiao should be lying on the bed! Why did you get off the ground? !

The two were still in the corridor and bumped into each other.

Si Junjue turned around, Lu Xiao rushed up, wrapped his arms around him, and tightly held Si Junjue in his arms.

Si Junjue: "???"

In the past, Si Junjue had thrown Lu Xiao directly over his shoulder, but now it is difficult for him to even stay awake, let alone use his strength.

Si Junjue's body swayed limply, he was dragged by Lu Xiao, and fell backwards.

The point is that Lu Xiao's own health is not good, he rushed to grab "Jiang Suisui" and exhausted his last strength.

Si Junjue turned around, raised his hand and gave Lu Xiao a hard push in the chest!

The opponent's arm wrapped around his waist the moment he turned around, and he and Lu Xiao fell down together!

Moreover, the posture of the two is still facing each other.

Si Junjue was suppressed by Lu Xiao.

While the two were dizzy, Lu Xiao's face bumped into his.

Si Junjue fell to the ground, completely stupefied!

When his consciousness gathered, he saw a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, those golden pupils were shining with fire!

Si Junjue: "?"

His reactions and thoughts became very slow.

His consciousness is still stuck on why these eyes are so familiar.

As for Lu Xiao, his whole body trembled, and a low murmur escaped from his throat.

Blood overflowed from the wrapped bandage on his chest, and wet the cloth on Si Junjue's chest.

Si Junjue was about to say something when Lu Xiao leaned down and pressed his lips to it!

Si Junjue: "?!!!"

Lu Xiao never expected that he would kiss "Jiang Suisui" on the lips.

But since this woman has provoked him, he will not let her go!


[Strange cp has increased! ! Lu Xiao: "Woman, you are making a fuss! (Smile crookedly)" Si Junjue: "I'm not, I don't! Don't mess around!!\

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