Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1033 This Man Is...the President? !

Jiang Suisui and Huo Linxi found the motor warehouse and oil depot of the Poseidon.

They're near the oil depot, glued to the capsule bomb.

Just a little spark, and the whole oil depot will be turned into a sea of ​​flames!

After getting ready, they appeared on the spacious deck of the Poseidon where sports cars can be driven.

In the pitch-black sky, dark clouds hung low, and there were several helicopters circling in the sky. From time to time, the light of searchlights swept across the cruise ship.

Near the Poseidon, there are also ships following.

The snow-white searchlight light shone on the huge hull of the Poseidon.

Layers of waves slapped on the reef, and the waves were smashed by the reef. Snow-white foam flew in the air and fell back into the sea.

The sea breeze messed up Jiang Suisui's long hair, tearing her long hair apart in the air, and her black long hair floated in the sea breeze like seaweed.

Jiang Suisui is wearing a human skin mask. Her face doesn't look as stunning as her original appearance, but the eyes peeking out from under the human skin mask are bright and clear.

She squinted her eyes, watching the distant lights.

They can already see the land. Although it is night now, Jiang Suisui's night vision ability is very strong. She can see farther than others.

The port of Wuji Continent is getting closer and closer to them.

Not far from the port, there are high-rise buildings lined up like tropical jungles.

In the sea breeze, Jiang Suisui smelled a breath that particularly attracted her, as if the land on the other side was calling her.

It seems that she was born to be the queen of the land in front of her!

Suddenly, she raised the corners of her lips and started counting down.

She, Ding Ding Mao, and Si Qiyou all recited the countdown.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Wujizhou, here she comes!



Countless rumbles sounded under their feet, one after another, the deck under their feet trembled!

Gunpowder smoke was everywhere on the Poseidon, and billows of smoke and dust poured out from the middle floor of the Poseidon.

In the howling sea wind, the thick smoke was blown to the shore along with the sea wind.

The sparks burst out from the ship, and the flames were like a dragon raising its head, swallowing more than a dozen rooms in one gulp!

The loud bang shook people's eardrums, and Jiang Suisui and the others put on earplugs in advance.

Huo Linxi hugged the woman into his arms. Jiang Suisui's hearing was very strong. Even with earplugs, she could hear louder noises than ordinary people.

The man tightly covered Jiang Suisui's ears with his own hands.

Jiang Suisui hid in Huo Linxi's arms, and the sea breeze blew the hem of the man's clothes, making a rustling sound.

The guests on the Poseidon panicked when they saw the explosion and fire.

In the panic and screams, one after another escape boats carried the guests into the water.

The Poseidon was already very close to the port, even if the escape boat had no engine and was only rowed by oars, it could reach the shore.

On the helicopter monitoring the Poseidon, someone shouted through the radio:

"Everyone stay on the boat, don't move!"

However, how can the guests on the cruise ship listen to the shouting on the helicopter.

The Poseidon exploded suddenly, now it's important to escape!

Countless escape boats were floating on the sea. People from Wujizhou Maritime Safety Bureau and those who discovered the Poseidon left one after another in lifeboats. The searchlights of the naval ships hit these boats.

"Don't move! Who gave you permission to leave the Sea God!"

The coast guard on the ship is also shouting with loudspeakers.

Sitting on the lifeboat, the escaped people scolded them.

The staff of the Maritime Safety Administration quickly reported the matter to their superiors.

"Director, the situation has changed! The Poseidon suddenly exploded, and everyone on board left in escape boats!"


The people from the Maritime Safety Administration didn't expect, well, why did the Poseidon suddenly explode? ?


But at this moment in the Li Palace, the white-haired old butler walked into the dining room in a hurry.

Si Wenyuan and Jiang Xixi were having dinner when the old butler came in, bowed to Si Wenyuan and said:

"President, the Poseidon exploded before it docked, and everyone on board left the Poseidon in escape boats!"

"Kang Dang..." With a sound, the fork in Jiang Xixi's hand fell on the plate.

Her response was great.

What did she hear just now? !

This old housekeeper called the man sitting in front of her... the president? ! !

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