Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1038 If you break it, I will make you paralyzed!

Huo Linxi sat on the other end, leaning on the camel leather cushion, his muscles with perfect lines were as delicate and flawless as a sculpture.

Water vapor lingered on his three-dimensional face, which was as handsome as a god.

His dark pupils were staring at Jiang Suisui's beautiful and clean back for a moment.

Jiang Suisui rested her hands on the edge of the bathtub, like a leisurely mermaid, gently kicking the water in the water.

"You come to Wuji Continent to accompany me, over there in Huaguo..."

Huo Linxi knew her worry, so she said lightly: "The Huo family is so big, if it can't operate because of the lack of a screw, then the Huo family who dominates the entire Hua country is too fragile."

Jiang Suisui said: "You are not a small screw."

"hold head high?"

Huo Linxi raised her face arrogantly, responding to her words, "Is that big?"

Jiang Suisui: "..."

Jiang Suisui corrected the man's indecent words, "You are the helm of Huo's big ship!"

"Honey, times have changed, and large cruise ships can sail the seas without a helmsman.

The role of the helmsman is only to prevent such a large cruise ship from being destroyed by the hidden reefs under the sea and from driving into the gutter. "

Jiang Suisui's fidgeting little feet touched the man's tight thigh muscles.

Huo Linxi reached out and held her tender little feet.

Jiang Suisui instinctively wanted to break free, and kicked back with the other foot.

He heard the man hiss in a low voice.

Her cheeks became hot, and she turned her back to this man, biting her lower lip with her white teeth in shame and anger.

"Jiang Suisui, if you break it, I will make you paralyzed!"

Huo Linxi ground her back molars and warned her fiercely.

He pinched her five round toes a few times.

Jiang Suisui turned around, like a sea monster, and approached the man.

Her long black hair, like seaweed, draped over her shoulders, and water was dripping between the strands.

Jiang Suisui raised her bright red lips, stretched out her long and slender arms, and wrapped them around the man's neck.

Huo Linxi took her into his arms.

Ruanxiangyu was in his arms, and Huo Linxi's handsome face was filled with a bit of evil and strange emotions.

He pulled up the corners of his thin lips angrily, bent down, and lingered on the other's lips.

Jiang Suisui let him be plundered, the man's dark and deep pupils were focusing on the woman who was close at hand.

He locked Jiang Suisui's eyes and lured her into his own abyss.

Jiang Suisui took the initiative to respond to him, and a soft and fuzzy breath sprayed from her nasal cavity.

The man tossed and turned, holding the glistening drops of water on her swan neck.

The water mist lingering around them cast a thin veil on them.

Under the shroud of this veil, the atmosphere became more and more lingering.

At this time, Huo Linxi's cell phone vibrated.

He got this phone from Ding Ding Mao.

Because he boarded the Sea God without any electronic products on his body, Huo Linxi also took a thin and light airmac from Dingdingmao.

He modified both the mobile phone and the computer, and implanted the system he wrote.

In the new phone, Huo Linxi's accounts in several private apps are all logged in.

Someone sent an invitation for a voice call to his private account.

When Jiang Suisui heard the vibrating sound of her mobile phone, she murmured softly, and pushed the man's hard chest with her pink and slender fingers.

Huo Linxi didn't leave her lips, but reached out and touched the phone.

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