Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1040 All ghosts and snakes have come out

The capital of Huaguo, the embassy of country F:

Zong Yue sat on a chair and looked down at his note phone.

He didn't allow anyone to touch this spare phone.

Someone actually touched his cell phone and answered the call from Huo Linxi.

Zong Yue got up and walked out. He found the person in charge of the monitoring room and asked to check the monitoring.

But soon, Zong Yue discovered that the monitoring records five hours ago had been erased.

The person in charge of the monitoring room was also very confused, and then realized: "The monitoring of our embassy has been hacked?!"

This is a major matter related to national security. The surveillance that was washed out, if it involves any confidential documents being stolen, this matter will spread to country F, and these people in the embassy will be sent to the prison of country F of!

The person in charge of the monitoring room was trembling with fright.

Zong Yue picked up his mobile phone.

If Huo Linxi is in the capital at this time, he can directly ask Huo Linxi to help him recover the surveillance that was washed away in the embassy.

But Huo Linxi was in Wuji Continent, and Zong Yue didn't want to bother him after traveling thousands of miles away.

He placed an order for the Unbounded Alliance.

In less than half a minute, Shen Jiashu received a message from the Wolf King in a mansion somewhere in the capital.

"Cangming, someone placed an order of 10 million and asked you to help restore the monitoring of the embassy of country F five hours ago. The other party said that this price is not worth it, and they are willing to add five times the price."

Shen Jiashu crossed out the message sent to him by the Wolf King. He logged on to the hacker forum and saw that in the encrypted discussion board, someone was showing off that he had hacked a section of surveillance at the embassy of country F.

"The embassy's firewall is rubbish! I cracked it in 3 seconds!"

"Heihu, you are amazing, you can crack the embassy's firewall so quickly, you have the demeanor of Disha back then!"

This black fox who is active in the hacker forum is a popular figure in the hacker world recently.

Heihu's technical level is average, but he likes to brag on the forum. There are always newcomers in the forum who think he is good, and love to pursue him, wanting Heihu to make himself famous.

Being so sought after by the black fox, the more he wants to do news hacking incidents, today he hacked the embassy of country F, and tomorrow he wants to challenge the firewall of Huo's financial center.

"The employer who asked me to hack the embassy of country F gave me 5 million! This employer is very happy to give money."


"Heihu, have you taken out any information from the embassy? Sell it to us!"

"Big black fox, take us with you next time you make money!"

Shen Jiashu looked at the smoky atmosphere in the anonymous board, he let out a soft snort.

Since Di Sha was attacked by the hacker alliance in Huo's Financial Center, he reappeared in the arena, and the originally quiet Huaguo hacker forum became lively again.

As a result, all kinds of monsters and monsters came out.

Shen Jiashu boarded the order-receiving webpage of the Unbounded Alliance, and increased the price of the order for him to repair the monitoring of the embassy of country F to 50 million.

When Zong Yue saw Cang Ming asking for a price, he paid immediately!

The news and price of Cangming's order appeared on the hacker forum.

When the hackers on the forum were discussing in full swing, Cang Ming restored the embassy’s deleted monitoring.

He hacked Heihu's mobile phone casually, packaged his transaction and chat records with his employer, and his employer's IP address, and sent them to Zong Yue.

Zong Yue clicked on the surveillance recovery video in his phone, and he saw Eliza's sneaky figure on the screen.

Zong Yue's eyes were quickly covered with a thin layer of ice.

He didn't need to check the IP of Black Fox's employer to know who placed the order for Black Fox to hack the monitoring records in the embassy.

How could Eliza be so foolish?

As the prime minister's daughter, she actually asked hackers to hack her own embassy? !

Fortunately, the hackers only deleted the monitoring of Eliza's entry into Zongyue's room, and did not invade the embassy's computer database.

If hackers take the opportunity to steal the information and files in the embassy. Neither Zong Yue nor the Prime Minister can save Eliza!

Zong Yue strode towards Eliza's room. It was four o'clock in the morning in Huaguo, and he knocked vigorously on Eliza's door.

"Bang bang!" The loud sound echoed in the corridor.

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