Si Junjue looked at Ye Sheng'er's face, which turned green.

He hissed disdainfully, and the tip of his tongue pressed against the inner wall of his mouth.

It's ugly for a woman to be jealous!

On the other side, a servant came over with a glass of water, wanting to give Lu Xiao some water to drink.

Ye Sheng'er immediately took the water glass from the servant's hand, "Brother Xiao, I'll feed you some water, and I'll go out after you drink the water."

Ye Sheng'er took a small spoon, scooped up water, and fed it to Lu Xiao's mouth. Lu Xiao didn't open his lips, and the water flowed down from his lips and along his chin.

"Brother Xiao, open your mouth and drink some water." Ye Sheng'er persuaded him softly, but Lu Xiao didn't move at all.

Si Junjue stretched out his finger, dipped the water on Ye Sheng'er's spoon, and brushed it along Lu Xiao's dry and peeling lips with his fingertip.

He traced the man's thin lips with his fingertips, and the man opened his mouth to swallow the drop of water into his mouth.

Si Junjue used the same method to feed Lu Xiao water. He raised his eyes and looked at Ye Sheng'er coldly.

He was provoking Ye Sheng'er!

Ye Sheng'er was standing by the bed holding the water glass, and instead became Si Junjue's servant.

But Ye Sheng'er, there's nothing he can do about it!

She was so angry that she overturned the whole bed!

But considering Lu Xiao's condition, Ye Sheng'er could only hold back her anger, kept quiet in the room, and waited on Si Junjue to let him put the water into Lu Xiao's mouth smoothly.

After feeding the water, the servant of the Lu family persuaded Ye Sheng'er:

"The Patriarch cannot live without this Miss Jiang, and only with Miss Jiang is the Patriarch willing to rest in bed to recuperate."

On Ye Sheng'er's face, the facial features with delicate makeup twisted.

With a sullen face, she put down the water glass in her hand and turned to leave.

When Lu Xiao recovered from his illness, she had to take Jiang Suisui to a place where no one was around, and cut him into pieces!

After Ye Sheng'er and the servants left, Si Junjue immediately wiped his fingers on Lu Xiao's clothes.

Alas! disgusting!

Si Junjue was about to get off Lu Xiao, but found that the man was holding him and refused to let go!

Si Junjue couldn't tear off Lu Xiao's hand, so his body slid down little by little, trying to break free from under the other's arm.

The quilts covering them were arched high.

Si Junjue slid halfway down, Ye Sheng'er didn't give up, and came in again.

She saw that "Jiang Suisui" disappeared from Lu Xiao's upper body, and the quilt on Lu Xiao's body was raised into a big hillock.

As Si Junjue slowly moved his body, the hillock raised by him swayed up and down, left and right.

Ye Sheng'er: "????"

"Jiang Suisui! What are you doing?! Brother Xiao's body is like this, why are you messing around?!"

Ye Sheng'er screamed, and was about to rush up and lift the quilt, but was stopped by the servants of the Lu family.

"Miss Ye, please don't bother the Patriarch and Miss Jiang, they are all adults and behave properly."

The servant still whispered in Ye Sheng'er's ear:

"Look at the Patriarch, he seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. It's the first time I saw that the Patriarch had a smile on his face!"

Ye Sheng'er: "!!!" She fainted on the spot and lost her heart!

As for Si Junjue, who was buried under the quilt, he didn't know what he had bumped into, but felt something hurt his face...


The sun was shining and the weather was fine.

The sky in Wuji Continent is cloudless, and the sky is like glass, flawless without any impurities.

The artillery fire, flames, and death last night did not bring much gloom to this country, not even a trace of sensation in the news and public opinion.

The sea water covered the traces of the war, and Pier 1 was surrounded by a cordon to prohibit the entry of idlers.

At this moment, Jiang Suisui was sitting in a black car.

Lan Qingfeng personally sent her to the Li Palace Presidential Palace.

Huo Linxi was also walking with her.

The two hid their faces and sat in the car, silently.

Jiang Suisui leaned on the back of the chair, tilted his head, and looked out the window.

On both sides of the street, high-rise buildings towered like rows of forests made of reinforced concrete.

The founding time of Wuji Continent is very short, less than two hundred years old. Although they originated from China, there is no trace of time on this land.

Skyscrapers grow wantonly here, and traffic tracks are criss-crossed.

Jiang Suisui's gaze fell on a towering skyscraper.

That tall building is like a samurai sword, piercing straight into the land of Wuji Continent from the sky!

This skyscraper is more conspicuous and majestic than other buildings.

The snow-white clouds submerge the top of the tall building, which makes people feel that there are immortals living above the clouds.

"Building X."

Jiang Suisui murmured softly.

She used a female voice of another voice, she sounded about 20 years old, and her original voice was completely different in tone.

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