Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1072 A steel pipe hit her head

Si Qiyou followed Qin Zhen and walked out. When he walked past Ye Liting, he kicked Ye Liting's wheelchair hard!

Ye Liting's wheelchair didn't pull down the fixed gate, and was kicked by Si Qiyou, and it slid out!

Ye Liting let out a low cry, and quickly stabilized the wheelchair, but the wheelchair turned 90 degrees on the slippery ground, almost throwing Ye Liting out of the wheelchair!

When Ye Liting suddenly sat firmly in the wheelchair, his wound was crushed. In an instant, Ye Liting's face was pale, and sweat the size of soybeans appeared on his forehead.

After he managed to slow down, the perpetrator of the prank had already followed Qin Zhen out.

Ye Liting turned his head and gave Si Qiyou's back a fierce look.

Si Qiyou seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He suddenly turned his head and made a face at Ye Liting.

Ye Liting suppressed the anger in his heart, adults don't remember villains, not to mention, this is still a young baby, when he really wants to deal with Si Qiyou, this kid will be frightened out of his wits!

After Si Qiyou and Qin Zhen left, Ye Liting turned his head and looked at Lan Xuanfeng.

Lan Xuanfeng's face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

Ye Liting chuckled lightly: "Your brother recommended that quack doctor for fame to the Presidential Palace, and Second Master Lan is also inseparable from this matter!

The Security Department of the Presidential Palace has sent people to the Conservatory of Music to arrest Lan Qingfeng! "

Lan Xuanfeng took a deep breath.

Ye Liting turned the wheelchair and came in front of Lan Xuanfeng. Like a fox who had figured out everything, he said with a sinister smile:

"Lan Qingfeng's crimes can be big or small, if anything happens to the President, Lan Qingfeng will be in prison for the rest of his life!

If the president wakes up and asks the Lan family to be held accountable, you should be very clear about the president's thunderous tactics, right? Xuanfeng, no matter how hard you try, you can't save your brother's life!

In this case, you should take Lan Jia to make the third choice. "

Lan Xuanfeng's pupils released a cold emotion.

"Patriarch Ye, what do you mean?!"

Ye Liting chuckled, he didn't explain, just said:

"Xuanfeng, you are so smart, you must know what I mean!

If you want to save Lan Qingfeng's life, there is only one way to go!

Our four major families are scattered like sparks and gathered like flames. This Wuji Continent can only prosper under our control! "

Lan Xuanfeng's heart was shaking, and the nerves under the skin of his face were twitching slightly.

He knew that Si Wenyuan suddenly vomited blood and passed out this time, which would trigger a chain reaction!


Wujizhou, Detention Center for Repeat Offenders:

Jiang Suisui was sent to prison after two hours of interrogation.

The prison guard gave her a set of clothes to change into.

She was handcuffed but wore a black surveillance ring on one foot.

The gray cotton T-shirt set off her petite and exquisite figure.

Since she is a felon, she has her own private room, but during the day, she spends time with other female felons.

Prisoners held here, in addition to routine interrogation, the prison will also provide them with activity time.

Jiang Suisui walked into the playground, and the female prisoners were all playing ball.

The snow-white sunlight shines on Jiang Suisui's fair face from the transparent ceiling.

The female prisoner, who was wearing a gray T-shirt like her, didn't seem to notice her appearance.

They were concentrating on playing, when suddenly, a basketball flew towards Jiang Suisui's face!

She raised her hand and caught the basketball firmly.

When she put down the basketball, a steel pipe hit her head!

Jiang Suisui bent down suddenly, her long black hair drew a graceful arc from the air, and the steel pipe flew over her head.

She smashed the basketball in her hand at the opponent's waist, and the person holding the steel pipe was knocked flying!

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen female prisoners surrounded her.

Jiang Suisui knew that this was a common occurrence in prisons. The old prisoners were greeting the new ones.

Moreover, these female prisoners have received in advance, and the prison guards ordered that this woman from Huaguo should be given special care!

In the next second, countless steel pipes hit Jiang Suisui's head and body!

Jiang Suisui took away the steel pipe from one of the prisoners, and before everyone could react, the steel pipe in her hand hit the shoulder of one of the female prisoners!

The sound of bone cracking resounded crisply in the air!


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