Ding Dingmao said to them: "Master Qiantose told us before that no matter what happens, we should not act rashly."

The wolf king was puzzled: "What do you mean? Lord Qiantose is in prison, why don't you move?"

Nine-tailed Fox was also in the chat room and sent a message, "We are worried that if we act rashly, it will disrupt Lord Chitose's plan."

The wolf king asked: "Then have you contacted Killing God?"

Ding Ding Mao typed a few words on the keyboard, "We sent him a message, but Killing God didn't respond."

Normally, when they want to contact Killing God, they often can't find anyone. Only when Jiang Suisui speaks out, Killing God will appear.

Ding Ding Mao turned her head, and she said to Nine-Tailed Fox, "How about we go directly to Lu's house to find him?"

Anyway, both of them already knew that Killing God was the head of the Lu family.

Couldn't this just be the opportunity to use the identity of the head of the Lu family to rescue Jiang Suisui from prison.

Nine-Tailed Fox thought about it, then nodded, "We're going to find Killing God right now!"

Lu Xiao cared about Jiang Suisui the most, they thought, Lu Xiao would never sit idly by and ignore Jiang Suisui's arrest!


And the Lu family at this moment:

At the presidential palace, many people came to ask Lu Xiao for Jiang Suisui.

When Lu Xiao heard this, he naturally refused. Originally, the people from the presidential palace wanted to break into the VIP of the Lu family, but later they received the news that Si Wenyuan had vomited blood and passed out.

The leader of the security team who came to the dignitaries, out of professional considerations prior to protecting the president's safety, did not conflict with the Lu family when Si Wenyuan was in a state of health. The leader of the security team of the presidential palace chose to temporarily Evacuate from the Lu family and rush back to Si Wenyuan's side.

When Si Wenyuan was out of danger, he brought the order from the Presidential Palace to ask for someone from the Lu family.

After all, the Lu family is one of the four major families. When Si Wenyuan was in crisis, he had a conflict with the Lu family. The leader of the security team believed that this would not be good for the future of the presidential palace.

After Lu Xiao rested in bed for three days, his health improved a lot. The cell regeneration medicine injected into his body had an effect that even the medical experts in Wujizhou were amazed at.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago after being shot twice in the heart, but Lu Xiao was able to save his life.

Moreover, when an ordinary person is seriously injured, he will be in a coma for at least three to five days, and then stay in bed for a week.

However, Lu Xiao woke up the day he was shot.

Although he had a high fever every day, and the high fever made him unconscious, but three days later, Lu Xiao's high fever lasted for a short time, and he had the strength to sit up from the bed.

At this time, Lu Xiao was holding the iPad, dealing with the official business that was delayed due to his high fever and coma in the past few days.

He was wearing a pure black silk nightgown with a loose neckline, and under the collar, a white bandage could be seen wrapping around his left chest.

After repeated high fevers, Lu Xiao has lost a lot in the past few days. His face has become more three-dimensional and thinner, the line of his jaw has become sharper, and even the two straight collarbones are particularly distinct.

When he was dealing with documents, he would always raise his head from time to time and look not far away.

"Jiang Suisui" is wearing a long-sleeved dress with cotton and linen texture and a dark red lily pattern.

She is sitting on the armchair.

In front of her, there was a tea set, and the teacup was filled with freshly poured rose tea. The fragrance of flowers and tea was overflowing, and white smoke rose from the bone china teacup.

"Jiang Suisui" was looking at her mobile phone. This mobile phone was given to her by Lu Xiao because she told Lu Xiao that she didn't have a mobile phone.

In this mobile phone, there is a calling card of Wujizhou, and only Lu Xiao's phone number is stored in the calling card.

She also found that her and Lu Xiao's phone numbers were only one digit apart, and the servant who served her said that it was called a couple's phone number.

Now you can't use "she" but "he" to describe it.

As soon as Si Junjue thought that he and Lu Xiao had a couple's phone number, he rolled his eyes in his heart! !

Si Jun decided to use this phone to browse information on the Internet.

Yesterday morning, when the head of the security team of the presidential palace came to ask for someone, Si Junjue thought that he would be taken to the palace.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiao, who couldn't get out of bed, struggled, got up from the bed, braced his body, and directly confronted the people from the presidential palace.

When the two sides were about to draw their guns, news came from the presidential palace that Si Wenyuan was unconscious.

The people in the presidential palace can only evacuate temporarily.

However, Lu Xiao's blood was out of control because he went down to the ground, his whole body was like a piece of broken white paper, and he fell into a coma again, and he didn't wake up until the afternoon.

This man was still holding Si Junjue's hand, and swore to Si Junjue that he would absolutely protect his safety and not let Si Junjue leave his side for half a step.

Si Junjue smiled at Lu Xiao, and only scolded him in his heart: "Big fool!"

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