Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1087 King of the Gods—【Zeus】

Si Wenyuan remembered another thing, so he asked, "Did you bring that Jiang Suisui who was hiding in Lu's house?"

This is what he ordered his subordinates to do before he fell into a coma.

The old housekeeper bent over, lowered his head and said, "Sorry, President, the Lu family refuses to hand over people."

Si Wenyuan sneered, "They won't hand over people, so you won't go snatch them?"

His voice gradually became dangerous.

The old butler replied tremblingly: "At that time, the President suddenly fell into a coma, and for safety reasons, they did not clash with the Lu family.

Now that the Patriarch of the Lu family is going to the prison for recidivism, I immediately send someone to break into the Lu family and bring Jiang Suisui here! "

Si Wenyuan didn't speak. The old butler knew that he acquiesced to this idea.

The old butler immediately notified the captain of the bodyguard team of the Presidential Palace, and then went to Lu's house to rob people!

Then, the old butler received the latest news from his subordinates. Hearing this news, his expression suddenly became ugly.

He hesitated in his heart, but he still risked his life and said to Si Wenyuan:

"President, the recidivist prison has already used the mental breakdown potion on Unbounded Miracle Doctor. They injected 0.04mg of mental breakdown potion into Unbounded Miracle Doctor's body!"

Si Wenyuan: "..."

The cold air exuded from his body made the doctors around the bed shiver.

At this time, another subordinate's voice sounded in the old butler's bluetooth headset.

Hearing this amazing news, the old butler was stunned!

He hurriedly said to Si Wenyuan: "The man from Building X, he is also on his way to the prison for repeat offenders!"

Si Wenyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared in his voice.

"Him? Who's he interested in in the felon prison?"

The old butler didn't speak, and he didn't know who that extremely mysterious man was interested in in the prison for repeat offenders.

At this time, Si Wenyuan got off the bed, and while unbuttoning his belt, he said:

"The prison for repeat offenders is so lively, I'll go there too~"

Upon hearing this, the old butler immediately ordered the people below to prepare vehicles for travel!


Wujizhou, the gate of the prison for repeat offenders.

The vehicle with the flag of the Lu family's family crest stopped.

Lu Xiao looked out the car window, and saw that the parking space at the entrance of the prison for repeat offenders was full of vehicles.

He noticed that there seemed to be a lot more vehicles appearing here today than usual.

Lu Xiao got out of the car with doubts.

He was injured and walked slowly on the ground, so he could only move around in a wheelchair.

Nine-tailed Fox helped Lu Xiao push the wheelchair.

Lu Xiao showed his identity, and the guard at the gate allowed them to go together.

After they entered the prison, the director of the prison office came to greet them.

"Patriarch Lu, what wind brought you here?"

The director is extraordinarily considerate to Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao asked, "Why are there so many cars parked outside, who is here?"

The director quickly replied, "It's the one from Building X."

Lu Xiao paused, "You mean, Zeus?"

The name he uttered was no stranger to the people of Wuji Continent.

[Zeus] is just a code name, taken from the name of the king of the gods in Greek mythology.

Many years ago, Wuji Continent had constant disputes with Huaguo and other countries.

After discussions among various countries, they proposed a solution. A federation of top elites from all walks of life was formed. This organization was called the "Garden of the Gods".

In the Court of the Gods, the seven members are codenamed after the main god in Greek mythology. This codename can be passed down from generation to generation.

In the beginning, there were only two or three people from Wujizhou in the Court of the Gods. In the current generation, there are five people from Wujizhou in the Court of the Gods, and only two people are from China.

The god of heaven [Zeus] is from China, but he controls the most advanced emerging technology in Wuji Continent. In addition, he has a lot of wealth for scientific and technological research. This man has gradually occupied a place in Wuji Continent.

People from Wujizhou discriminate against Chinese people very seriously, but only [Zeus] who built the X Building in Wujizhou, the attitude of people from Wujizhou to him is mostly admiration and admiration.

[Zeus] Except for conducting research on emerging technologies in Wuji Continent, he has never participated in the politics of Wuji Continent, and neither the four major families nor the presidential palace can win him over.

This man is like an expert who is independent from Wuji Continent, but the company under his name has cultivated many top talents for Wuji Continent.


[It's not a new character, but a new vest~]

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