Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1089 A needle is stuck in Huo Linxi's trousers

Lu Xiao turned the direction of the wheelchair, and his voice was tinged with anger, "[Zeus] has something wrong with him! How can Unbounded Genius Doctor cure him? I'm going to X Building to find him!"

Si Wenyuan was sitting in the car. After thinking about it, he turned his head and saw Lu Xiao and his party walking towards the gate of the prison.

The old housekeeper, Qin Zhen, was sitting in the co-pilot. He turned his head and asked, "President, do we want to go to Building X?"

Si Wenyuan leaned on the back of the sofa chair, his voice was indifferent: "I'm tired, you go there, let [Zeus] send people to the presidential palace within today."

Si Wenyuan still admires [Zeus] very much, he doesn't want to conflict with [Zeus], ​​but Si Wenyuan is going to decide on the unbounded genius doctor!

The old housekeeper immediately said: "Yes!"


Wujizhou Commercial Center, X Building:

When Jiang Suisui woke up, he found himself lying on a big bed.

She wanted to get up, but found that she had no strength at all. She tried to support her body with her hands, but realized that she felt as if her bones had been taken out.

This is a side effect of being injected with a mental breakdown potion.

But fortunately, after being injected with 0.04 mg of mental breakdown medicine, she still gritted her teeth and held on. The people in the prison tried to pry her mouth open, and the action to make her confess honestly failed.

Afterwards, someone entered the room where she was being held. Jiang Suisui was confused and gradually could not hear what they were saying.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would really fall into a coma and completely lose consciousness.

Jiang Suisui opened her eyes wide and looked around. The room was pitch black. She found that no matter how wide she opened her eyes, she couldn't see her surroundings clearly.

what happened?

Why did her night vision disappear?

Jiang Suisui was suspicious, when he heard footsteps.

She calmed down, but found that she couldn't hear the other person's heartbeat or breathing!

Is it her hearing loss? Or did the other party hide his heartbeat and breathing?


Jiang Suisui made a sound.

"Where is this place?"

"who are you?"

Her voice was a little hoarse. Under the quilt, Jiang Suisui had already squeezed a pill of drug powder in her hands.

With her eyesight and hearing degraded, she is full of vigilance to everything around her!

The man stopped a meter away from her, and didn't take half a step closer.

"Unbounded Miracle Doctor, I brought you out of the prison for repeat offenders, how can you thank me?"

A deep and deep, unfamiliar male voice sounded.

Jiang Suisui lay on the bed and only asked him, "How do you want me to thank you?"

The man's voice came from the darkness: "I brought you out of prison to show you my old problems."

Jiang Suisui said: "It is my duty to practice medicine and save lives, but diagnosis is all about seeing, hearing, and asking. Please turn on the light. I have to see your face clearly and take your pulse before I can know what you have. bug."

But the man said: "If I turn on the light, are you willing to heal me?

Miracle doctor, I will tell you the truth, it's not my fault, it's my brother's fault, but I'm ashamed to show it to you like this.

I think the treatment can only be carried out in the dark, you can feel it for me, in this invisible situation, "looking" can be avoided, it should be done. "

Jiang Suisui understood what this man wanted to do!

She replaced the drug hidden in her hand with a silver needle.

"That's fine, anyway, this black light is blind, I can't see anything, and you are shy, take off your pants."

She readily agreed, and now, if the other party didn't speak...

Jiang Suisui asked, "What's the matter? Come here, I'll touch it for you."

That person: "..."

Jiang Suisui noticed that the other party was approaching.

"Have you taken off your pants yet?"

Jiang Suisui seems to be more eager than this man.

The man's voice sank, "Take it off, genius doctor, touch it."

Jiang Suisui stretched out his hand from under the quilt, and the silver needle in his hand pierced the man's body! !

A gleam of fluorescent light flashed in the darkness, and when the other party burst out with a "Fuck!", his voice had already changed its tone!

Jiang Suisui was taken aback for a moment, why does this voice sound familiar to her?

She raised her head reluctantly, at this moment, the lights in the room turned on, and she saw Huo Linxi appearing in front of her.

A silver needle was tied into the zipper of Huo Linxi's trousers...


【How many millimeters is this needle from Linlin's body? It won't be revealed at noon tomorrow~】

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