Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 1106 This scene is rare in a hundred years!

The old lady Gu, the patron of the Gu family, exchanged glances with Ye Liting.

There is hesitation in their eyes.

They are the patriarchs of the four major families in Wuji Continent, and their status is distinguished. Even when they went outside and met the head of state, they never bowed their heads.

Now, is it reasonable for them to pay such a great courtesy to a doctor in Hua Kingdom under the watchful eyes of all the people? !

"Brother Xiao, what are you doing? Why don't you cherish your body?!"

Ye Sheng'er immediately walked up, she wanted to help Lu Xiao up, but Lu Xiao didn't look at her, and just scolded: "Don't touch me!"

Ye Sheng'er was shocked by Lu Xiao's tone, she withdrew her hand, her heart felt cold, why did Lu Xiao treat her like this? !

"Brother Xiao, I'm worried about your health." Ye Sheng'er frowned, persuading him earnestly.

Lu Xiao knelt on the ground, staring straight at the front door, as if he didn't pay attention to Ye Sheng'er at all.

And the black robot dog was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, still looking leisurely.

The cameramen standing outside all raised their cameras to take pictures of the rare scene outside the gate.

After looking at Lu Xiao for a long time, the old lady Gu of the Gu family let out a "ah" and slowly knelt down with the help of her assistant.

Their four major families have been fighting against Si Wenyuan for twenty years, and Mrs. Gu is also heartbroken. Now under the influence of public opinion, they once again bowed their heads to Si Wenyuan's authority.

Following Mrs. Gu's kneeling, among the four major families, Ye Liting was the only one who hadn't knelt down at the gate of X Building.

"I heard that the unbounded genius doctor was imprisoned by the head of the Ye family!"

"If it wasn't for the person from Building X who rescued Miracle Doctor Wujie from the prison for felons, disaster would happen to Miracle Doctor Wujie!"

"The recidivist prison has always been controlled by the Ye family, right?"

"Sure enough, the Patriarch of the Ye Family wants to oppose the President!"

At the gate of the X building, besides the members of the four major families, there were also many people watching.

They were whispering to each other. The voices of these people alone were not loud, but when all these voices gathered together, a lot of ugly words came to Ye Liting's ears.

Ye Liting's face was cold, and the nerves under the skin of his face were twitching.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he said to Ye Sheng'er:

"Sheng'er, kneel down for me."


Of course Ye Sheng'er didn't want to kneel down.

Ye Liting didn't speak, his expression was indifferent, he stared straight ahead, not giving his daughter any room to resist.

Seeing the gloomy emotion in Ye Liting's eyes, Ye Sheng'er remembered what Qin Zhen had said to them.

Ye Sheng'er had no choice but to kneel beside Ye Liting, facing the gate of X Building.

"Ye Sheng'er, the daughter of the Patriarch of the Ye Family, begs Unbounded Miracle Physician to come out of the mountain again to treat the president!"

Ye Sheng'er shouted towards the gate, "Miracle Doctor Unbounded, my father misunderstood you before! I also ask you to treat the president from the overall situation, regardless of the fault of the villain!

As long as you are willing to treat the President, our Ye family will compensate you for what we owe you no matter the cost! "

Ye Sheng'er shouted loudly towards the door. Of course, she didn't mean it out of her own sincerity. She was just trying to be humble in front of the public and the media.

The scene of people from the four major families kneeling together was captured by the camera on the robot dog.

At the same time, in a certain room on the top of X Building, Jiang Suisui was leaning against Huo Linxi's arms with a relaxed posture, as if using Huo Linxi as a sofa back.

Jiang Suisui looked at it, and the projector projected the picture on the white screen.

She raised the corners of her lips delicately, "This is the Wuji Continent, a rare scene in a hundred years~"

Huo Linxi said to her: "Even after a hundred years, there will never be such a spectacular scene again!"

Jiang Suisui got up from the man's arms, put her legs down on the bed, raised her hand, and tore off the human skin mask on her face.

When Huo Linxi saw her actions, he instantly guessed what Jiang Suisui wanted to do.

"Do you want to..."

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